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Alasdair was walking with Evander to watch the newest fight that was going to be happening, Verity didn't come, she was playing with some kids that she was friends with, and Alasdair and Evander were okay this with this.

"Did you see something fall into the planet last night?" Evander asks brushing a piece of his hair behind his ear.

"I did, I thought about going to it but decided not too, because what if it's just some more scrap. If it's important Grandmaster would surely tell us." Alasdair nods to the Sakaaran Guard who was standing by the door.

"I'm going to go find a seat." Evander walks over to a couch that was by the window to look out and watch the fight.

When Alasdair goes to get them some drinks, his breath is taken away.

Someone was standing by the bar in a long green dress, it goes well with her green eyes.

"Well, Hello Cutie." Alasdair walks over to her not going to hold anything back.

"Hello." The person looked Alasdair up and down scoffing they went back to talking to the barkeep.

"You're new to Sakaar aren't you doll?" Alasdair tries again.

"My name is Loki, don't call me doll. If you gender me again I'll cut your balls off." Loki said flipping their hair and sitting on a couch on the other side of where Alasdair would be sitting.

Alasdair was impressed with Loki, at first, Alasdair just wanted to hook up but Alasdair is pretty sure befriending Loki would be cool too.

"Did you get your ass handed to you?' Evander asks when Alasdair walks up to him and sits next to him.

"No, they just aren't interested." Alasdair crosses his arms, to everyone it looks like Alasdair is pouting but he would deny it forever.

"What's there name?" Evander asks leaning closer to Alasdair's ear.

"It's Loki," Alasdair says back putting his attention back on the match that was starting.

Alasdair couldn't focus on the match though, thoughts drifting to Loki. Every now and then when Alasdair thought Loki wasn't looking he would sneak a glance, Loki had their legs crossed now sitting in a chair sipping on a drink.

"You're smitten aren't you?" Evander breaks Alasdair's thoughts.

"I think I am." Alasdair smiles at Evander and starts trying to focus on the match again, his thoughts kept drifting back to Loki but every time he caught himself he shook his head and tried to focus on the match again.

"I'm going to talk to them when the match is over," Alasdair says out loud, he didn't care if Evander heard him.

"Good for you." Evander chuckles.


The match was over, Grandmaster allowed everyone who was watching from his box to leave, Evander went to go find Verity which left Alasdair standing outside the door waiting on Loki to come out, Alasdair was about to give up when someone walked out of the room, Alasdair didn't recognize them, Alasdair looked into the box and saw Loki was nowhere to be seen, Alasdair furrowed his brow and decided to ask the person who just left the box.

"Excuse me, have you seen someone named Loki?" Alasdair asks the person who was wearing a blue and leather top.

"Why Alasdair, don't recognize me? I'm Loki." Loki smirks walking away leaving a stunned Alasdair behind.

"Holy shit." Alasdair murmured running to catch up with Loki.

"How did you do that?" Alasdair catches up to Loki and walks beside them in the hall.

"I'm Asgardian." Loki sweetly says.

"You must know Hogun then, he's a dear friend, well when I was on Vanaheim he was," Alasdair said but was met with a scoff.

"We aren't great friends," Loki replies shortly which tells Alasdair that something happened.

"How did you get to Sakaar?" Alasdair changes the subject.

"My adopted sister threw My adopted brother and I off the Bifrost bridge and now my brother's dead." Loki shrugs.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry about your brother." Alasdair puts his hand on Loki's arm for comfort.

"I didn't like him anyway," Loki says with a smile.

"Do you have a room here?" Alasdair asks wanting to move on from the conversation.

"I do, Grandmaster gave it to me last night." This tells Alasdair that Loki was the one who fell from the hole last night.

"That was you! I was wondering what that was, I was going to go and see what it was but I decided to sleep instead." Alasdair felt bad, he hopes that Loki wasn't out there on their own for too long.

"Someone named Scrapper 142 found me, she brought me to Grandmaster and I charmed him as they say." Loki gives an exaggerated bow which makes Alasdair laugh.

"Scrapped 142 is a great friend of mine, she's nice." Alasdair stops in from of what seems to be Loki's room.

"Well, this is my room, thank you for walking me back Alasdair." Loki opens his door slightly.

"Of course, anytime, I hope we get to hang out soon." Alasdair waves bye and turns around starting to walk back to his room, he can't stop smiling his cheeks hurt, Loki coming to Sakaar was one of the best things that could ever happen to Alasdair, he hasn't had such a good time like that since his older brother died, sure the situation of why Loki came to Sakaar is horrible but Alasdair can hope he makes it a good time for Loki.

"Did you have a good time?" Evander scares Alasdair, Alasdair jumps back huffing at Evander who was leaning against the wall next to his room door.

"Don't do that!" Alasdair scolded but Evander ignored him.

"Answer the question." Evander was impatient he just wanted to know how Alasdair liked spending time with Loki.

"I enjoyed spending time with Loki, and I hope they enjoyed it too." Alasdair felt his face heating up.

"Just don't mess it up with your flirting self."

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