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Alasdair groaned when he felt a weight on his bed, he figured out what the weight was when he heard the sound of Evander scolding Verity for jumping on the bed.

"But I wanna play." Even though Alasdair isn't looking at Verity he knows she's pouting at Evander.

"Uncle Alas is sleeping, he needs his beauty sleep." Evander lightly jokes Alasdair can feel the bed dip which means Verity is sitting on the edge of it.

"Too late, I'm already awake." Alasdair decides to make his awakeness known and sits up, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes he grabs on to Verity and hugs her.

"YAY! We can play now!" Verity starts jumping excitedly, Alasdair looks up and sees Evander shaking his head laughing.

"Calm down Cutie, we have to eat food first." Alasdair runs his hands through his hair and slides towards the edge of the bed.

"We already ate Uncle Alasdair, you were too slow to get up." Verity pouts but runs off, probably to go play with some friends.

"Sorry for the wake-up call, I tried to hold her off as long as I could but she slipped out from under me." Evander apologizes.

"It's fine, I need to get up anyway." Alasdair waves his brother's apology off.

It's only when Evander leaves that Alasdair finally leaves his bed, he stretches his arms above his head wincing when it hurts his shoulder, he walks over to where he has his clothes set out and begins to dress.

After he slips his leather shirt on he carefully puts the straps around himself, he buckles it in sighing in relief when it straightens his shoulder.

He slips his boot on, they gave him a foot part that was from a spare robot and attached it to his leg so he can control it like his other leg but it defiantly doesn't look like his other leg.

He opens his door and is greeted by a bare hallway, he steps out and closes the door behind him.

"Why Hello Alasdair," Loki said from behind him making Alasdair spin around.

"Hello, I'm on my way to have breakfast, would you like to join me?" Alasdair moves his arm so Loki can take it if they wish.

"I would like that, very much." Loki smiles pushing a piece of their black hair behind there ear.

"You look great today." Alasdair motions to the outfit Loki is wearing, which is not a dress this time, it's a green and black soft leather top along with soft leather pants.

"Thank you." Loki nods, Alasdair lets the rest of the walk be in silence, and Loki seems fine with that.

"Here we are." Alasdair bows dramatically making Loki roll their eyes.

"Is your brother and Niece going to be there?" Loki asks as they get food.

"They already ate this morning, I'm sure Verity is playing with her friends so Evander is either watching her or training." Alasdair sits down at a table that is away from everyone and Loki sits on the other side of him.

"If you don't mind me asking, how did you end up taking care of Verity?" Loki asks politely.

"Verity is our oldest brother's daughter, it was a long time ago but he died while fighting the frost giants." Alasdair watches as Loki pales.

"I'm sorry." Loki shortly says going back to eating.

"Was it something that I said?" Alasdair was confused, he didn't mean to hurt Loki in any way shape, or form.

"Not at all." Loki nods going back to eating, Alasdair lets it go, not sensing anything was wrong.


"Thank you for a good breakfast," Loki says once they're out of the food hall.

"Thank you for joining me." Alasdair smiles resisting the urge to kiss their cheek.

"What will you be doing now?" Loki asks grabbing Alasdair's arm and walking with him.

"I will be finding Verity and then hang out with them." Alasdair walking stops as Loki stops walking which means this was his stop.

"I'll see you around?" Loki lets the question hang out in the air.

"Of course." Alasdair nods.

"The play area first." Alasdair thinks, there are many places to where his brother is but he wants to find Verity first to make sure she's safe. 

Alasdair takes the time of him walking to think, the frost giant thing upset Loki, but Alasdair has no idea why. Alasdair knows that not all Frost Giants are bad but the ones who killed his brother, he can never forgive.

When he stops in front of the play area he smiles, he loves to see Verity play with kids her age, smiling, laughing, not a care in the world.

"UNCLE ALAS!" Verity shouts running towards Alasdair.

"Hi sweetheart, you having fun?" Alasdair asks, laughing when Verity nods her head enthusiastically.

"Come play with us!" Verity says grabbing Alasdair's good arm and pulling lightly.

"I need to find Uncle Evan first, do you know where he is?" Alasdair squats down and grabs her hands rubbing them softly.

"I think he went training." Verity huffs blowing some stray hairs that were in her face in the process.

"We'll come back soon I promise." Alasdair brushes the hair back and kisses her on the head leading her back into the room.

The training room wasn't far so Alasdair didn't have to make a big walk, he walked into the training room and instantly saw his brother, it was hard not too with long hair.

"Hey," Alasdair spoke so his brother knew he was there.

"Hey, where have you been all day?" Evander asks grabbing the dummy and slowing it to a stop so he can take a break.

"I had breakfast with Loki, had a good time." Alasdair smiles thinking about Loki.

"You like them," Evander smirks patting Alasdair's good shoulder.

"Okay! I like them, but I think I hurt them somehow." Alasdair frowns remembering the way Loki looked when he said his brother was killed by a Frost Giant.


"I told them our brother was killed by a Frost Giant and Loki looked really upset."

"Maybe they just are uncomfortable with fighting?" Evander shrugs and goes back to fighting.

Alasdair doesn't respond, he shrugs and picks at his nails, he's gonna have to talk to Loki about it and confront Alasdair's feelings for Loki.

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