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Alasdair was worried, it seems that Loki has been avoiding him lately and he has no idea why, he thought it might be because Alasdair said frost giants killed his brother but when he brought that up to Evander he laughed at him so Alasdair let it go, but now he was worried, he tried asking Scrapper 142 but she didn't have any idea where Loki was either.

"Are you okay Uncle Alas?" Verity asks swinging her legs back and forth, they're currently in Alasdair's room sitting on the bed.

"I will be alright," Alasdair says hoping Verity would drop it, but she didn't.

"What's wrong? Why are you sad?" Verity tries again, Verity was a determined child.

"It's because I think I made someone mad." Alasdair huffs a little but smiles.

"Is that someone Loki?" Verity curiously asks, at one point Evander and Alasdair thought Verity could read minds but they tried it and she couldn't, she's just very perspective and lots to eavesdrop on people most of the time.

"Yes, I told them something and now I feel like they're mad at me because of it." Alasdair stands up and looks out the window, oh how beautiful Sakaar was, as much as Alasdair hated the planet when he first came on it he likes it now.

"Why don't you talk to them about it?" Verity with a tone in her voice that said it was an obvious thing, which it was but Alasdair can't find Loki.

"I can't find them, I've asked around and they haven't seen Loki." Alasdair goes back to bed and falls on it groaning, laughing Verity jumps on Alasdair's back making him groan more because of the weight that appeared on his back.

"What are you doing? Get off me." Alasdair growls playfully and rolls over making Verity get off his back, not hurting her but making Verity laugh.

"Stop, I'm sorry," Verity says in between giggles as Alasdair keeps tickling her.

"Oh my gosh, it seems I have to take care of two children." Alasdair freezes tickling Verity when Evander walks into the room, Alasdair looks over and watches as Evander wipes his sweaty forehead off on a towel he has around his neck.

"Toss me a shirt, Alas." Instead of replying to Evander, he tosses him a shirt that he can wear until he takes a shower.

"How was your training?" Alasdair asks cuddling Verity who takes a seat in his lap and begins playing with Alasdair's fingers.

"Good, I'm sweaty obviously. What are you guys talking about in here?" Evander asks sitting down next to Alasdair.

"We're talking about Loki." Verity giggles.

"Oh, about how Alasdair likes them?" Evander questions with a smirk.

"I don't like them," Alasdair growls.

"You actually do, what about a few days ago when you wanted to  have s e x with Loki." Evander spells out sex so Verity doesn't have any idea what he's talking about.

"I know what sex is Uncle Evan, I'm 10 not stupid." Verity bluntly says going back to twiddling with Alasdair's fingers.

"We should ask you where you know that from but we aren't going to, yet at least." Evander gives her a scolding look.

"To answer your question, I don't know, I do like them I just want to go slow, I don't want to ruin anything." Alasdair huffs hugging Verity tighter kissing her on the head before gently pushing her off his lap.

"I just want you to be happy Alasdair when you talk about Loki you have this glisten in your eye that Mom got talking about Dad or vice a versa." Alasdair was shocked, they don't talk about their parents much but Evander having the most memories out of the two of them because Alasdair was just Verity's age when they died. Alasdair couldn't resist, he leaned over and hugged Evander, Alasdair felt tiny hands on his back which told him Verity joined the hug, laughing Alasdair pulled back and wiped his tears that fell when he didn't notice.

"If I can find Loki today, I think I'll tell them." Alasdair nodded in confirmation, he wasn't sure if it was to confirm it to himself or Evander.

"I wish you luck," Evander smirks shaking his head he walks towards the washroom to take a shower.


After Evander got into the shower Alasdair decided to go for a walk, deciding it would be a good idea because since Evander brought up his parents the few memories that he has left has been swirling around in his head, unlike the oldest brother, their parents didn't die from a heroic battle, they died because of a broken heart, at least that's how their mom died, which was a few days after their dad past, Alasdair remembers Evander having the talk with Alasdair that they lost dad, one of the only memories Alasdair has left of their mom is her taking her last breath.

"Are you okay?" A voice snaps Alasdair out of his thoughts, Alasdair looks up and sees Loki in a beautiful green dress, long black hair flowing behind them.

"Yes, I'm fine." Alasdair smiles back he can tell Loki thinks it's fake.

"Then why are you crying?" Loki smiles a little bit and reaches up with their delicate hand and wipes the tears that fell.

"I was just thinking about my parents." Alasdair gives Loki a small smile.

"I'm sorry I've been avoiding you, Scrapper 142 told me you were looking for me at least." Loki picks at a loose thread on their dress.

"I was looking for you, I just to say sorry for what I said the other day, it clearly hurt you inside, and I'm sorry about that." Alasdair leans against the wall.

"No, I should be saying I'm sorry, I shouldn't have reacted the way I did. I actually have something to tell you." Loki bites their lip.

"I actually have something to tell you too." Alasdair decides it would be a good time to tell Loki about Alasdair's feelings.

"I think I should go first actually." Alasdair doesn't respond but he nods figuring it's a good plan so Alasdair can figure out what to say to Loki.



Cliff hanger!!

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