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Alasdair squinted when he opened his eyes, his head hurt a lot, and Alasdair couldn't see well over the white lights shining.

Shaking his head but wincing when it aggravated it, he brought his head up to his head wincing when it hurt, but when he looked at his head he found no blood, that didn't make sense Alasdair thought, going slow as to not make himself dizzy Alasdair gets up.

Alasdair looked around, this doesn't look anything like Valhalla he thinks, he takes a hesitant step forward, that's when Alasdair began running, it seemed like it was running for forever when Alasdair thought it would be the end of wherever he is, he sees more white, Alasdair huffs.

"WHERE AM I?!" Alasdair screamed, his voice echoing throughout the white abyss.

"You are in Folkvang." A voice from behind Alasdair said, his eyes go wide, and he turns around quickly, he can recognize that voice anywhere.

"Cicero?" Alasdair's voice cracked as he walks towards Cicero slowly, afraid Cicero will leave.

"Hello, brother." Cicero nods at Alasdair with a smile.

"Am I dead?" Alasdair asks warily, scared of the answer.

"No, you're in Folkvang like I said, Folkvang is the gateway to Valhalla and life, you get to chose, to go to Valhalla with me, or stay." Cicero steps closer to Alasdair.

"I- I don't know what to do." Alasdair doesn't notice a tear that slips down his face.

"What do you think I should do Cicero." Alasdair hugs himself tightly.

"I can't tell you that Alasdair, you have to figure out for yourself, but until then, I'll be here." Cicero reaches out and grabs Alasdair's hands, Alasdair gasps, letting out a whimper, he imagined that Cicero couldn't touch him.

"I can feel you?" When Cicero nods Alasdair hugs his brother tightly, sniffing loudly, he closes his eyes, Cicero still smells like he always did, smoke and fire.

"I missed you, Alas." Cicero kisses Alasdair on the head, Alasdair opens his eyes and pulls back.

"How are you here?"

"Everyone who passes through Folkvang gets a guide of some sort, to help them with their decision to either go back to the nine realms or going to Valhalla, the person who is with them is chosen by their subconscious, we get picked from Valhalla to see them. That is also why you can feel me." Cicero clasps his hands in front of him.

"Do you see what's going on?" Alasdair is suddenly afraid that Cicero will be upset at him for being with Loki.

"In the nine realms?  Yes, which means I see how amazingly you are taking care of Verity, that's all Her mother and I ever wanted in life. I also have seen you with Loki, and I like them, so don't be afraid that I'm mad at you for dating a frost giant, people in Valhalla can see the future, and the time you have together is amazing." Cicero grabs Alasdair's hands.

"I'm glad you think I'm doing a good job with helping Evander raise Verity, I was worried that we would disappoint you." Alasdair looks down ashamed.

"You can never disappoint me, I am very proud of you." Cicero suddenly lets go of his hands.

"What's going?" Alasdair's voice comes out distorted.

"You have made your choice Alasdair." Cicero gives Alasdair a soft smile and a slight nod.

"No! I don't want to go, I'm not ready!" Alasdair tries to grab Cicero but Cicero's hands go right through him.

"Alasdair, it's not your time, I'm sorry, you aren't supposed to be with me yet," Cicero says as he slowly starts fading away.

Alasdair screams, collapsing to the ground, he doesn't notice when his hands start to fade, only does he notice when he starts falling, screaming in fear he opens his eyes, he no longer can see the white walls of Folkvang, but he is looking at the ceiling of the quinjet.

Alasdair slowly turns to look at his surroundings, he notices Thor next to a strange man he's never seen before, then he sees Evander squatting near him, a worried look on his face, seeing Evander brings tears to Alasdair's eyes, looking at Evander reminds him of Cicero.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong?" Evander's eyes flashed with concern.

"I saw him." Alasdair whimpers, Evander rushes towards his brother, helping him sit up, but when Evander goes to pull back Alasdair clings to him.

"Who did you see?" Evander has little difficulty sitting down next to Alasdair, Alasdair never letting go in the process.

"Cicero, I was between the nine realms and Valhalla because I was dying, and I saw him, Cicero, I could feel him. He says he can see us in Valhalla." Alasdair sniffs using the back of his hand to rub his nose.

"You saw Cicero, does that mean he can see us taking care of Verity?" Evander's eyes suddenly become misty.

"Yes, he said we're doing a great job, I wanted to stay. I'm sorry but I wanted to stay with him." Alasdair sobbed into Evander's shirt.

"Shh, It's okay, I probably would have too." Evander calms Alasdair down.

"How are you here?" Alasdair croaks out. 

"When Scrapper- I'm sorry Valkyrie, still getting used to it- when Valkyrie told me what you were going to do, I wanted to come with you, I wanted to help you, you aren't supposed to do this alone, I'm older than you, I need to protect you." Evander smiled, he helped Alasdair stand up, still shaky the weight of Alasdair robot leg almost causes him to fall but Evander steadies him.

"Did I hear you say you saw Folkvang?" Thor speaks up, spooking Alasdair because he forgot he was in the room.

"Yes, I did, Thor where did Hulk go? I want to give him a piece of my mind for almost killing me." Alasdair puffs up his chest.

"No idea." Thor bluntly said, ignoring the look the strange man gave him.

"And who are you?" Alasdair crosses his arms.

The man looks at Thor nervously.

Alasdair shakes his head and huffs.

"Is someone watching Verity?" Alasdair suddenly turns towards Evander.

"Loki's got her, they said nothing will happen to Verity." Evander nods at Alasdair.

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