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Once Alasdair finally got calmed he took in his surroundings, he was still in the quinjet, but he still didn't know who the man standing next to Thor was.

"Who are you?" Alasdair asks again watching as the man walks with Thor and puts his hand on something.

"Banner." The man who Alasdair now knows is named Banner ignores him, watching as the Hulk is projected on a small screen.

"Thor, where are we?" Banner looks at Thor worriedly.

"Um, about that." Thor looks at Evander and Alasdair tentatively.

"Thor! Answer the question." Alasdair crosses his arms, looking at Thor with a look.

Thor was about to speak when they get interrupted by Grandmaster coming over the speakers throughout Sakaar.

"It's bad news, bad news today." Alasdair and Evander along with Banner look around the metal to see a projecting Grandmaster.

"Sakaar, hear ye. Attention please, I have some bad news, two of my champions have gone missing, Take to the streets!" Grandmaster says Banner looks at Thor.

"Who's that?" Banner asks.

"He kind of runs this place, you lived in his house for a while." When Thor says that Alasdair realizes who Banner is, Hulk.

"I did?: Banner, or should Alasdair call him Hulk he thinks as he's looking at Thor and Banner.

"Yeah, quite a lot's happened, you and I had a fight recently." Thor still is looking at Grandmaster.

"Did I win?" Banner asks curiously.

"No, I won, easily." Alasdair bursts out laughing, both Thor and Banner look at him weirdly, Thor starts shaking is head fast.

"That doesn't sound right," Banner says offhandedly.

"It's not, you won, trust me, I was there." Alasdair walks over closer to Thor and Banner.

"Well, it's true," Thor says defensively.

Alasdair shakes his head.

"It seems that the criminally seductive Lord of Thunder along with the less seductive Alasdair has stolen them away." Evander chuckles, Alasdair turns towards him and hits him on the shoulder. 

"We need to move," Evander answers once he's stopped laughing.

"Oh, no. This is bad, Thor, I think I'm freaking out." Banner starts pacing throughout the quinjet.

"No, don't freak out, you're okay, put these on." Thor tosses him some close, Banner looks at them with a strange look.

"These are Tony's clothes." Banner holds the shirt out.

"I know, come on." Thor with the help of Evander starts guiding Alasdair who still felt a little disoriented from passing out, while Thor helps Banner.

"Is he here?" Banner asks looking nervous.

"No, he's not here. Just stay calm, okay? The sun's going down, the sun's getting low." Thor repeats like a mantra.

Alasdair rolls his eyes which hurt his head, he can't figure out why Thor keeps saying that, when he looks over, he notices Banner put the shirt over his head.

"What does Oakley Technologies mean Banner?" Alasdair points to the logo on the shirt.

"Call me Bruce, and it's nothing." Bruce has a sad look on his eyes, so Alasdair decides he shouldn't bring it up anymore, it seems to cause Bruce a little pain.

They start walking and when Bruce starts staggering Thor guides him to a house and Thor gently helps him to sit down.

"The sun's going down, it's getting really low," Thor repeats, by Bruce's expression it's not helping.

"Would you stop saying that?!" Alasdair whisper yells, metal leg creaking when he squats in front of Bruce.

"I just needed him to stay calm," Thor says defensively.

"Calm? I'm on an alien planet, no offense." Bruce looks at Alasdair nervously but Alasdair waves him off.

"It's just a planet, you've been on a planet before." That's when It clicks for Alasdair, Bruce must be from Midgard, but he isn't sure how he got to be a green man.

"Yeah, one!" Bruce whisper yells looking at Thor.

"Now you've been on two, that's a good thing." Thor raises his voice to make it cheery, it doesn't work.

"My neurons, they're firing faster than my brain can handle the information." Bruce runs his hands through his hair, Alasdair notices he's shaking.

"Hey, You know I have a sister, she's back at the tower with Loki." Alasdair decides to try to distract him.

"Loki's here?" Bruce narrows his eyes at Thor.

"Yes, I have to figure out a way for us to get home." Thor looks at Alasdair who nods.

"Thank you." Bruce thinks they mean Midgard.

"Not your home though, Asgard." Alasdair gently says.

"What?" Bruce looks at Alasdair confused, Alasdair looks to Thor so he starts explaining.

"Listen, my people are in great danger. You and I along with Loki, Alasdair, and his brother Evander, we have to fight this really powerful being who also happens to be my sister." Alasdair wants to facepalm, Thor was being way to blunt.

"Okay, that is wrong on many- I don't want to fight your sister Thor, that's a family issue." Bruce dismisses Thor.

"It's not just a family issue Bruce, we're helping Thor so Loki and I can have a chance at a happy life on Asgard, not stuck in this place." Alasdair motions to the city around him.

"I'm sick of it." Bruce huffs putting his hands on his head and groaning.

"I am too, don't worry, but this is the right thing to do." Evander pipes up walking over to them and nodding at Bruce.

"Great, now the team is together." Thor cheers, but people around him turn to look at the noise but they seem to ignore him.

"Wait, so you're just using me to get to the Hulk." Bruce scoffs and shakes his head.

"What, no! I don't even like the Hulk, he's all like "smash, smash, smash" I prefer you honestly." Thor looks at Alasdair for help who raises his hand and shakes his head no, Thor is on his own.

"Thanks." Bruce mumbles.

"But if I'm being honest, when it comes to fighting evil beings, he is very powerful and useful." Bruce goes to speak but Alasdair interrupts.

"Boys! We're in danger here, we have to move!" Alasdair barks at them in the same voice he uses on Verity, it works like a charm.

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