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"We need disguises." Alasdair declares looking around carefully, Evander spots some thin cloths close.

"What are you doing with that?" Banner nods his head towards the cloths Evander was holding.

"We're fugitives, we need these." Evander throws one to Thor who wraps it around his head.

"I need a disguise." Banner mutters.

"You are the disguise," Alasdair says wrapping his cloth around his head clasping it together.

"I'll be Tony Stark." Banner digs into his pockets and pulls out a pair of glasses.

"Alasdair, your disguise isn't gonna work." Evander pulls Alasdair off to the side.

"I have an idea, gonna take a few minutes though." Alasdair gulps but leaves Evander alone with Thor and Banner.

Keeping his head down Alasdair grabs a shiny sharp object while no one is seeing, walking over he swipes some long pants as well.

Looking around him Alasdair goes into a not so crowded area, he takes a deep breath and lets the cloth fall on the ground, closing he eyes he grabs a chunk of his hair and snips, he snipped until his hair was shorter, he caught a glance at himself on a shiny piece of metal, Loki was going to kill him.

Slipping the pants on, Alasdair looks down to make sure it covers his leg, confident when it does he goes back into the crowd to find his brother along with Banner and Thor.

Alasdair pushed past the people in Hulk masks, he could hear Thor's voice calling for Banner so he followed that voice until he heard another one reply back to Thor, Banner's voice.

He was about to rush towards Banner because a creature growled at him when Thor stepped in front and then the creature was shocked, as he fell Valkyrie stood behind him.

Alasdair walked closer until he was standing behind Banner.

"Hi." Thor looked at Valkyrie awkwardly.

"Hi." Valkyrie huffs.

"I was gonna do that," Thor muttered like a puerile child.

"Yeah, well she did it first, can we get a move on?" Alasdair said, he got a knife pointed at his side by Evander who was standing beside Banner, Valkyrie had her hand on her gun.

"Who are you?" Evander grits his teeth and pushing the knife towards his side getting a wince, Alasdair moved the cloth down that was covering his face.

"Me you dipshit." Alasdair shakes his head and rubs his said lightly.

"You cut your hair." Valkyrie crosses her arms looking at Alasdair with an impressed look.

"Thank you, what are you doing here?" Alasdair looks at Valkyrie with a slightly worried look.

"What are you guys doing here? I thought you were all leaving." Valkyrie leans over or tries to look at Banner but Thor blocks her a little bit.

"We got sidetracked." Evander half lies.

"What's with the-?" Valkyrie points at Evander, Thor, and Alasdair's cloths covering their heads and faces.

"It's our disguises." Thor laughs lightly.

"But I can see your face." Valkyrie blinks slowly.

"Not when I do this, you can't." Alasdair rolls his eyes watching Thor cover his face sloppily.

"Hence why I cut my hair, my picture there has long hair, not anymore. Nice hair too by the way." Alasdair winks at Valkyrie who laughs and starts walking, she beckons them over with a nod of her head.

"You sure cutting your hair was the best idea?" Evander asks Alasdair while they follow Valkyrie.

"Yea, It was time for a change anyway," Alasdair assures Evander, that's when Banner starts walking next to him.

"What are those things on her eyes? Are those the people that she's killed?" Banner's question gets unanswered as she leads them into an apartment building.

"Who is this guy?" Valkyrie asks.

"He's a friend." Both Evander and Alasdair answer quickly.

"Who me? I'm Bruce." Banner wipes the green from the powder off his face, Thor doing the same.

"I feel like I know you," Valkyrie comments walking, Alasdair looks at Thor worriedly.

"I feel like I know you, too." Alasdair sighs as Valkyrie leads them down a hallway.

"Look, I've spent years in a haze, trying to forget my past." Valkyrie stops in front of a door and turns to the group, they all hum in response.

"Sakaar seemed like the best place to drink and forget, and to die one day, only serves me right." Valkyrie bites her lip letting honesty slip past her facade.

"I was thinking that you drink too much, and that probably was gonna kill you." Alasdair hits Thor on the shoulder because of his comment.

"I don't plan to stop drinking, but I don't wanna forget, I can't turn away anymore, especially because Eira needs my help so if I'm gonna die, It may as well be driving my sword through the heart of that murderous hag who took everything from me," Valkyrie smirks.

"So, are you saying you want to be on the team?" Alasdair smirks crossing his arms.

"Yes, has it got a name?" Evander looks at Thor for an answer to Valkyrie's question.

"Yea, it's called the Revengers, because I'm getting revenge, you're getting revenge, they're getting revenge." Thor points to every one of them save for Banner.

"Do you want revenge?" Valkyrie looks at Banner with raised eyebrows.

"I'm undecided." Banner stammers out.

"Here's the kid you ask me to babysit." Alasdair looks concerned, they didn't ask her to babysit a kid, there was a ding, Valkyrie pressed the buttons and the door slide up, Banner oohed and looked at it was fascination.

"Surprise." Loki fake cheered, it seemed Valkyrie had chained them up, and Loki was left sitting in the middle of the room, beside Alasdair, Evander had to hold a hand over his mouth to stop a chuckle from getting out.

As they all walked in the room Thor picked up a vase from the table and threw it at Loki, Alasdair was about to protest when Loki said something.

"Ow." Loki shook their head.

"Just had to be sure." Thor sidestepped to where Valkyrie was standing.

"Loki." Alasdair softly said their name, Loki's eyes snapped towards Alasdair.

"Who the hell is this?"


Alasdair has the same haircut as he did when Tom Ellis played Robin Hood in Once Upon a Time ;)

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