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Alasdair stood in front of Loki with his mouth agape, his partner didn't recognize him.

Alasdair didn't get a chance to say anything because Bruce walked into the room.

"Hello, Bruce," Loki smirked at the man who walked in, Alasdair's stomach filled with jealousy.

"So, the last time I saw you, you were trying to kill everybody. Where are you these days?" Bruce steps in front of Loki hesitantly.

"It varies from moment to moment, but I assure you, if no one tells me where Alasdair is, I will kill someone." Loki snaps their head towards Evander who just stepped into the room.

"That's Alasdair." Evander points to his brother who was leaning against the window.

"Hi." Alasdair takes the place Bruce vacated as Thor, Valkyrie, Bruce, and Evander all gather together to talk.

"You cut your hair." Loki tries to reach up to touch but they remember they are chained.

"You like it?" Alasdair smirks sitting next to Loki.

"I love it." Loki turns their head and kisses Alasdair on the head.

"Hey, where is Verity?" Alasdair looks up and at Loki.

"She's hiding, Verity, you can come out now." Loki's soft voice echoed throughout the room, Verity came running out from the backroom straight towards Alasdair.

"There's my brave girl." Alasdair hugged her tightly, deciding to focus on the conversation at hand.

"Where is the wormhole again? I was distracted." Alasdair asks looking at the group.

"It's outside city limits," Evander answers Alasdair as Valkyrie looked annoyed Alasdair wasn't listening.

"Our plan is we refuel in Xandar and we can be back in Asgard in 18 months." Valkyrie shrugs like it's no big deal.

"Nope, we're going through that big one." Thor uses the dagger he was playing with to point to the giant hole in the sky.

"The devil's anus?" Evander looks at Alasdair confused.

"Anus? Wait whose Anus?" Bruce walks over to the window with a sandwich he just made.

"For the record, I didn't know it was called that when I picked it." Alasdair can tell there is a light pink blush brushing his cheeks.

"That looks like a collapsing neutron star inside of an Einstein-Rosen Bridge." Everyone looked at Bruce like he grew three heads.

"We need another ship, it would tear Valkyrie's ship to pieces, no offense." Alasdair stands up but still stands beside a chained up Loki.

"None taken," Valkyrie mutters taking a sip of her drink.

"He's right, we need one that can withstand the geodetic strain from the singularity." Even though Alasdair was confused it looked like a lightbulb went off it Bruce's head.

"And has an offline power steering system that could also function without the on-board computer." Bruce looks at Thor.

"And we need one with cup holders because we're gonna die, so drinks!" Valkyrie raises the drink she was drinking in a cheers motion.

"What do you say, doctor? Uncharted metagalactic travel through a volatile cosmic gateway, talk about an adventure." Thor holds his hand out which Bruce high fives.

"There are one or two ships, the absolute top of the line models-" Valkyrie is interrupted by Loki giving their two cents.

"I don't mean to impose, but the Grandmaster has a great many ships. I may even have stolen the access codes to his security system." Alasdair wraps his body around Loki just in time for Valkyrie to throw her bottle and Loki and it shatters on the wall behind them.

"And suddenly you're overcome with the urge to do the right thing?" Alasdair has the urge to step in front of Loki and protect them when Loki's head knocks against Alasdair on his side and Loki shakes their head to back off.

"Heavens, no, I've run out of favor with the Grandmaster. In exchange for codes and access to a ship I'm asking for safe passage through the anus." Loki explains to the eyes starring at.

"Well Loki was coming anyone because Loki is my partner, I'm not just leaving Loki behind if you say no." Alasdair crosses his arms making his shoulder wince, luckily only Loki and Evander saw it who both sent worried looks Alasdair's way.

"You're telling us, you can get us access into the garage without setting off any alarms?" Evander speaks carefully making sure he understood what Loki said.

"Yes Evander, I can." Loki nods their head carefully.

"Okay, can I just, quick FYI I was just talking to him just a couple of minutes ago and he was totally ready to kill any of us." Alasdair stepped towards them to defend Loki.

"Actually, that was only because you tied him up." Alasdair sent the group especially Valkyrie a sickenly sweet smile.

"He did try to kill me." Valkyrie ignores Alasdair's comment which Alasdair rolls his eyes and huffs.

"Yes, me too. On many occasions. There was one time when we were children, Loki transformed themself into a snake, and Loki knows I love snakes. So I went to pick up the snake to admire it and Loki transformed back into themself and they were all like, "Yeah, it's me!" and Loki stabbed me. We were eight at the time." After Thor gets done with his story Alasdair looks back at Loki who had a wide smile, and Alasdair couldn't help but smile.

"If we're boosting a ship, we're gonna need to draw some guards away from the palace," Alasdair says as he walks over to grab the key to unlock Loki.

"Why not set the beast loose?" Loki suggests watching as Alasdair unlocks the chains and it falls to Loki's feet.

"Shut up." Thor snapped quickly.

"You guys have a beast?" Evander asked crossing his arms impressed.

"No, there's no beast, Loki is just being stupid, we're going to start a revolution," Thor commands, Alasdair hikes Verity on his hip and Evander takes her from Alasdair.

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