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They split off into teams, Alasdair went with Loki and Thor while Evander and Verity went with Bruce and Valkyrie got the wonderful job of grabbing Korg who was apart of the revolution.

"Hey, Lokes," Alasdair spoke up suddenly beside Loki as they were walking.

"Yes?" Loki didn't look at him, Loki just kept on walking.

"I love you so much, you know that right?" Alasdair gulps. For the first time in a while, Alasdair was afraid and he didn't want to be.

Loki stops in their tracks, turning towards Alasdair with a smile on their face Loki grabs Alasdair's hands.

"I love you too, always." Loki pecks Alasdair on the lips before they're interrupted.

"You two coming?" Thor adjusts the grip on the two guns he's carrying, Alasdair hears Loki sighed and grabs the other guy so Thor doesn't have so much pressure.

"Sorry, just in case." Alasdair gives Thor a sad look, and by the look in Thor's eyes, he understands.

Once they reach the door Loki passes the gun off to Alasdair so he can put in the code, Thor leans on the opposite side of the door.

"Hey, so, listen. We should talk." Thor awkwardly says breaking up the silence, Alasdair leaned his head against the wall. He knows this isn't gonna go well, Loki hates talking about their feelings with Thor.

"I disagree. Open communication was never our family's forte." Loki doesn't take their eyes off the keypad once.

"You have no idea," Thor muttered as the door opened up.

Alasdair moved away from the wall and tossed Loki their gun.

"Been quite the revelation since we last spoke," Thor comments to Loki, Alasdair just rolls his eyes. They could do this later when they aren't fighting.

"Hello." Alasdair loudly says interrupting the siblings and the guards.

"Hi." Loki nods and they start shooting, the guard's fire back they had to duck in the hallway, Alasdair needing to go back to the other door Loki put the code into to get cover.

"Odin brought us together. It's almost poetic that his death should split us apart." Even though Alasdair was far away he could still hear what Loki was saying, and only Alasdair could hear the underlying hint of pain in Loki's voice.

Alasdair couldn't comment because the siblings moved so Alasdair followed, Thor watching Loki's back as they led the group to another hallway.

"We might as well be strangers now. "Two heirs of the crown" set adrift." Loki continued where they left off as they put another code.

"Duck!" Alasdair yells to Loki, who does just that so Alasdair can shoot the guard who was in the elevator.

"Thought you didn't want to talk about it," Thor yells behind him as he walks into the elevator.

Alasdair puts his arm around Loki's shoulder wanting to feel their warmth for comfort.

"I'm probably better off staying here on Sakaar," Loki said making Alasdair drop his arm quickly.

"No, you are not." Alasdair looks at Loki like Loki is out of their mind.

"That's exactly what I was thinking." Thor's reply makes Alasdair gasp and hit him on the shoulder harshly, enough to make the god of thunder wince.

"Thor!" Alasdair looked at the siblings like they lost their minds, kind of funny that the siblings finally agreed on something that Alasdair heavily apposed.

"Come on, this place is perfect for you too, Evander can stay here too." Thor missed the way Alasdair's jaw locked in anger.

"I will not leave Verity on this planet any longer, you will take me to a safe place, or I will kill you." Alasdair presses a knife to Thor's throat as he speaks to make sure Thor understands.

Alasdair was quickly calmed down by Loki kissing Alasdair on the cheek, but he kept sending Thor dirty looks. If one thing Alasdair was it was protective.

"I'm sorry truly, I wanted to abide by your wishes and you to be happy Loki." Thor nods with an apologetic look in his eyes.

"Yeah." Loki nods a sad nod, Alasdair heartbreaks he puts his head on Loki's shoulder letting Loki know he's there for them.

"There's good in you, I know it," Alasdair whispered lowly in Loki's ear making sure only Loki can hear him.

"You don't count because you're my partner and you see good everyone." Loki bumps his shoulder against Alasdair lightly but Alasdair can see the blush on Loki's cheeks.

"I do count, and not to mention Evander loves you and so does Verity," Alasdair smirks when he sees that Loki's fight left, Loki can't fight Verity's opinion.

"How are you going to get the ships?" Thor breaks up the conversation that Alasdair and Loki were having.

"No idea, hoping you had an idea." Loki doesn't look at Thor.

"We can do "Get Help" Thor nods quickly, Alasdair's eyebrows raised in curiosity.

"What?" Loki looked at Thor to make sure they heard right.

"Get Help." Thor reiterates with a nod.

"No." Loki dismisses quickly, now Alasdair is more curious.

"Come on, you love it." Alasdair knows by Loki's face, they do not love it but Alasdair is keen to find out how this plays out.

"I hate it." Loki dismisses Thor with a shake of their head.

"It's great, it works every time. Alasdair can help us." Thor nods at Alasdair dragging him into the conversation.

"It's humiliating though," Alasdair smirks because he could tell Loki was holding back a whine.

"Does anyone have a better plan?" Thor looks at Alasdair with a questioning look.

"Come on Alas, you're smart. Are you telling me you don't have a better plan that doesn't involve me humiliating myself?" Loki gives Alasdair the eyes, but it doesn't work.

"No." Alasdair mutters looking at Loki with a sorry look.

"We're doing it." Thor smiles and straightens up looking in front of him.

"We are not doing "Get Help" Alasdair pats Loki on the arm in a slightly condescending manner.

"Is someone gonna tell me how we do Get Help?" Alasdair asks looking at the siblings, mainly Thor who brightens up.

"Hears how it works, you and I are gonna-"

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