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It was going to take a couple of days to reach Asgard, or at least that was what the person controlling the ship said. This did give Alasdair time to talk to Loki, alone as they can get.

A smile graced Alasdair's face when he saw Verity playing with Evander, Evander throwing Verity in the air her giggling when he caught her. Alasdair's shoulder was bumped against him, he turned to look at who bumped him. He gasped when he saw the person, even though Alasdair was with Loki, Loki could still take Alasdair's breath away.

Loki's long hair was pulled back away from their face, they tilted their head when Alasdair wasn't responding. "Are you okay?" Alasdair nodded putting his arm around Loki letting Loki wrap their arms around Alasdair's chest. "I'm fine, sorry I was just taken back by your beauty." A blush appeared on their face dusting their cheeks in pink.

Loki turned so their face was in Alasdair's chest. "That was mean of you." Alasdair laughs because he knows exactly what Loki is talking about. "What was mean of me?" Alasdair asks feigning innocence.

Alasdair pressed a kiss to Loki's head, Loki broke out of the embrace and grabbed Alasdair's hand leading him somewhere. "Where are we going?" Loki didn't say anything but Alasdair let himself be dragged by Loki.

Loki led Alasdair to a hallway and stopped in front of a door. "Welcome to our quarters." Loki opened the door to show a small room with a bed it was roomy enough for two people.

Alasdair hummed and sat on the bed letting Loki sit next to him. "I need to ask you a question."

Loki pulled Alasdair to lay down next to him on the bed. "Ask away." Alasdair scoots himself so he's propped up against the headboard with Loki laying on Alasdair's chest.

"Why are you going to Asgard even though Thor hurt you?"

Loki sighs, it seems that Loki was preparing for this conversation. "He's my brother, as much as he hurt me he's my family. I can't leave him alone to fight Hela, not when Asgard could be destroyed. It's where I grew up, I want to show you and Verity how I lived. It used to be the safest place but that's changed and it makes me want to fix it."

Alasdair is quiet for a moment thinking about how to respond, he thinks it's very noble of Loki to do that so he decided to voice that. "I think it's very noble of you, you are putting aside your feelings to help the place you grew up. Sure I'm worried about bringing Verity into the warzone but I'll make her promise to stay on the ship." Loki looks at Alasdair with a soft look. "You don't have to help you know, you can stay on the ship with Verity and Evander if you would like." Alasdair laughs at the prospect of Evander staying put on the ship.

"Evander will not stay on the ship I can tell you that, and I'd rather help save my partner then watching on the sidelines from a ship worried that my favorite person in the whole world is going to die. I want to be beside you Loki, nothing can change that."

Loki seemed to melt at Alasdair's words. "How did I get so lucky huh?" Loki turned so they were looking at Alasdair as Loki's chin was on Alasdair's chest.

Alasdair kisses Loki on the nose making them scrunch it tightly. "More like how did I get so lucky, you are one of a kind I hope you know that." Loki looked confused so Alasdair added on to his statement. "That's a good thing I promise, I truly don't think I can be with anyone else. You're it for me." Loki's eyes flooded with tears.

"You're very sappy today."

Alasdair chuckles lightly and holds Loki tighter to his body like Alasdair was afraid that Loki would disappear. "Just telling you how much I love you, you deserve to be treasured."

Getting emotional Alasdair decided to change the subject. "Are you doing okay after the whole body shocking thing?"

Loki nestled their head against Alasdair. "I'm okay, my hands are a little shaky but that should go away soon. You helped a lot, I wouldn't be okay without you I hope you know that." Alasdair sniffed looking away to hide it. "Now who's the sappy one." Alasdair joked lightly turning back towards Loki and kissing them on the head.

Loki adjusted to get more comfortable before closing their eyes. "Should we take a nap, I'm feeling pretty sleepy." Alasdair hums in response. "If you want to, shouldn't someone stay awake to make sure everything is running well?"

Alasdair can feel Loki's eyelashes flutter against his chest. "Evander is watching them, someone is flying the ship. We're okay, I promise. Now you can stay up but I'm going to sleep if you don't mind." The fluttering of Loki's eyelashes slow and they eventually slow to a stop telling Alasdair, Loki fell asleep.

Alasdair doesn't fall asleep though, he never planned to. It was a rarity that Loki looked so relaxed the minor wrinkles smoothed out and Loki looked like they did not worry about the world. Alasdair resisted the urge to run his hand through Loki's hair Alasdair knew if he did that Loki would wake and the wrinkles would come back.

So Alasdair laid still in silence, he didn't care that his arm was going to go numb from Loki laying on it, or that when Alasdair looks at Loki he gets their hair in his mouth. What matters to Alasdair is that they're safe, they are trapped in this ship but they're safe. Once they get to Asgard Alasdair knows everyone won't be safe anymore, everything could change but Alasdair is okay with that.

Alasdair is happy and Loki seems happy too which is all that matters.

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