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The first day on the ship went well, Alasdair thought he would hate sleeping in a small room with Loki but he ended up loving it. It was private so it was just them, no one else would be able to get into the room.

Alasdair looked to his right to see a sleeping Loki snuggled up to him, Alasdair smiled and kissed Loki on the nose which made Loki scrunch their nose and their eyes fluttered open. "Why are you staring at me?" Loki nuzzled into Alasdair's shoulder, Alasdair's chest vibrated when he laughed.

"I can't help it, you're just so cute."

Loki blushed and hid their face in Alasdair's chest. "Are you ready to see Asgard? Even though it's under bad circumstances." Alasdair hums kissing Loki on the hair. "I am, you may not have good memories but I want to replace those with good memories." Loki has a huge smile on their face. "You're so cute Alasdair, I love you so much." Loki yawned and sighed as they got out of bed reluctantly.

Alasdair rolled out of bed as well following Loki's lead, he didn't want to get out of bed but he and Loki were one of the main authorities on the ship along with Evander. He rubbed his leg before putting his prosthetic on flexing making sure everything was connected before standing.

"Everything connected?"

Alasdair looks at Loki who was picking up their pants from the floor. "Everything is well, ready to get your authority to face on?" Loki nodded before answering. "A little nervous about having to command a whole ship."

Alasdair put his arm around Loki and kissed the side of their face on their cheek. "Well, you got Evander and me to help you as well so you don't have to take on all the hard work baby I promise."

"What if people don't accept me as a leader?"

Alasdair hummed thinking it over, he understands where the anxiety is coming from but he needed a little clarity. "Why are you worried?" Loki gives Alasdair a look. "I was a villain, I killed people Alasdair. Shockingly not everyone is as nice as you or Evander."

Alasdair sat on the bed and beckoned Loki to come to sit by him, he put his arm around Loki. "I've also killed people too, but does that me bad?" Alasdair was going to reply but Loki interjected. "No! You were only doing that to survive, I killed people for no reason, Alasdair."

Alasdair sighed, he knows everything that happened with Loki because after Alasdair got mad at Loki for being a frost giant Loki told Alasdair everything that happened to them. "Honey, you were brainwashed, it's not your fault." Loki rolled their eyes before putting their head under Alasdair's chin so Loki could snuggle into Alasdair more. "I wasn't brainwashed the whole time though, not when I led the Frost Giants into Asgard." Alasdair shuddered when Loki mentioned frost giants.

"It wasn't your fault, you didn't kill my brother. I don't blame you at all, so you need to stop blaming yourself."

Loki huffed and burrowed themself closer to Alasdair not wanting to look Alasdair in the eye. "If I haven't told Laufey and let him manipulate me then Cicero wouldn't have died, please I'm aloud to blame myself." Alasdair rolled his eyes but relented knowing he wouldn't be able to win this conversation as they've had it hundreds of times before so Alasdair gives up knowing that Evander would be looking for them by now ready to hand Verity off to Alasdair.

Alasdair gently helps Loki into a sitting position and gets up holding his hand out for Loki to take. "Come on, let's go run a ship," Loki grumbles as Alasdair leads them towards the door and opens it while dragging Loki, as soon as Alasdair swings it open a small body rushes towards his legs his breath gets caught but he goes calm when he looks down to see exactly what ran into him. "Well, Hello there Verity."

Verity giggles when Alasdair drops Loki's hand and picks her up slotting her on his hip. "Good morning Uncle Alas!" Verity slaps a wet kiss on Alasdair's face making him scrunch his face and attack Verity in kisses.

Alasdair noticed Evander walking towards them laughing. "Bout time you guys woke up, sorry she escaped me." Evander reached over and tickled Verity on the side who giggled loudly and reached for Loki to help her escape.

Loki easily dodged Verity and started walking towards the front of the ship.

Verity pouted but settled. "Does Loki not like me?" Verity batted her eyelashes at Alasdair who sighed and helped her down on her feet. "Loki likes you, their just nervous around kids. Don't worry, Loki is also under a lot of stress right Verity so don't worry your pretty little head about it." Alasdair bent down enough to kiss Verity on the head before grabbing her hand walking towards the same direction Loki went.

"Everything okay?"

Alasdair looked at Evander and nodded before responding. "Everything's fine, just stressed a little bit." Alasdair ran his hands over his hair before smiling and found Loki sitting in the captain's chair looking out the window at the stars going by.

Alasdair sat on the arm of the chair and grabbed Loki's hand. "I love you." Loki looked at Alasdair and smiled kissing Alasdair on the lips lightly.

"Thank you for being my partner in crime."

Alasdair laughed making everyone stare at them which made Alasdair blush. "That was embarrassing, how is commanding a ship feel?"

"Weird, I don't like this. I'm glad I got you to help me though, couldn't have done it with anyone else."

Alasdair leans against Loki who grabs Alasdair's hand rubbing his fingers in comfort. "I'm glad I can help, you're my partner I'm always here for you."

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