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They were halfway to Asgard, Alasdair knew that they had to come up with a battle plan but Alasdair hasn't had a chance to tell Loki about it yet. Not to mention Alasdair has no plan, they aren't even sure what they will be up against. Is it just going to be Hela?

"Hey Lokes, can we talk?"

Loki popped their head into the bathroom. "Yea? Come on let's sit on the bed." Loki gestured to the bed and Alasdair followed Loki and sat next to them on the bed. "We need to have a plan."

Loki turned their head confused at Alasdair. "A plan for what exactly? What do you mean?" Alasdair sighed and grabbed Loki's hand playing with Loki's fingers for comfort. "For Asgard, we need a plan we can't just go in there fighting without a plan. I want to fight to win, I told you that I want to live on Asgard and that's true but we can't do that without figuring out what to do."

Loki nodded in agreement. "You're right and I love you, we should get together sometime today and talk to everyone on board. Get advice and get a plan of action so we can win, because that's what I want to do. I want to beat Hela, I'm tired of being seen as a villain maybe this will show people I'm good." Loki let out a wet chuckle, Alasdair didn't realize Loki got emotional, Alasdair put his arm around Loki and pushed Loki into him before kissing them on the hair.

"You won't be seen as a villain anymore because I'll punch anyone who sees you that way."

Loki laughed loudly. "So you're going to punch everyone even Thor? Don't think your hand can take all that." Alasdair shook his head and laughed knocking his shoulder against Loki's lightly. "I can do it, especially if it's to defend you. You are an amazing reason to get my hand broke." Alasdair leaned in and kissed Loki on the lips.

"Let's go devise a plan to save Asgard shall we?"

Alasdair stood up and held his hand out dramatically for Loki to take, which Loki did. "I'm nervous," Loki admitted as Alasdair still holding Loki's hand walked to the front area of the ship.

Alasdair made a small sad noise in the back of his throat. "It will be fine if anyone tries to backtalk Evander and I got your back, I promise Loki." Alasdair nodded at Loki reassuringly it seems like all the weight was lifted off of Loki's shoulders, as they got closer they heard the overlap of voices which was perfect because that meant they all were in one spot so Alasdair didn't have to go looking for anyone.

Alasdair stopped in the entrance, Loki looked at him strangely but Alasdair had a smile on his face looking at the fighters they have. He saw Verity playing with Miek laughing away, he felt bad that Verity was so young but had to go through all of this.

"Listen up!"

Alasdair clapped his hands so all the attention was on him, Alasdair twiddled his thumbs in sudden nervousness when everyone turned towards Alasdair. "Evander, Korg, Tasba, Biff, Hajo, and Roscoe can you follow Loki towards the battle table? Miek could you please watch Verity for me?" Miek gave a sign of acknowledgment and started playing with Verity more.

As all the members filed out Alasdair followed them from the back making sure everyone came through and was walking towards the table. Loki led them to a room that was big enough for everyone to fit.

Everyone sat around the table but Evander was the first one to speak. "What's up? Why did you call us all in here?" Alasdair grabbed Loki's hand to ground himself before speaking. "We need a plan to fight Hela, we can't just go in there blind. When Loki and Thor faced her alone it didn't go well, this time we have an army."

Korg raised his hand to speak. "We don't have a big army though." Loki hummed and took over for Alasdair. "That's why we're going to save some Asgardians and recruit them to help us. I know that Heimdall has hidden them somewhere to protect them so before we go to the rainbow bridge we can find them and load them onto the ship."

"That's a good idea, then we won't have to worry about Verity getting hurt in the process."

Alasdair can't help the chuckle that escapes, he has to hand it to Evander he didn't think about that but now he won't have to worry about Verity getting hurt which is the last thing he wants.


They were back in their quarters, everyone should be sleeping and Alasdair for one was ready to pass out. "How do you think that went?" Alasdair asks pulling his tunic over his head before sitting on the edge of the bed and unhooking his leg.

"I think it went well, what about you? What did you think?"

Loki pulls on Alasdair so Alasdair can lay down and Loki starts rubbing Alasdair's leg to ease the pressure. "Good, I'm glad you thought of using the Asgardians as an army. I forgot that we didn't have anyone to watch Verity so I'm glad someone can."

"Yes, also you can meet Thor's boyfriend."

Alasdair raised his eyebrows. "He has a boyfriend? How have I never known about this?" Loki smirks and pinches Alasdair's skin making him yelp. "His name is Kuzco and he's the emperor of the Kuzconian Realm, little immature at times but they are like two peas in a pod. Last time I heard Kuzco was on Asgard as he usually flips flops from Asgard and Kuzconian to see Thor."

"Dang, are they cute together?"

"Sickeningly cute."


In part 2 that is.
I gave a little name drop to Kuzco who is from a Thor draft that I have which I'm pumped to write whenever that is.

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