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According to the map they're following they're almost to Asgard, Alasdair has noticed that Loki's leg hasn't stopped bouncing this morning. Alasdair puts his hand on Loki's leg gripping it loosely. "You okay?" Alasdair murmured breath ghosting over Loki's ear, they shivered and brushed Alasdair away. "I'm fine."

Alasdair looked at Loki doubtfully, Loki gently grasped Alasdair's chin with their hand before rubbing their finger across Alasdair's lip. "Honestly, just a little nervous but otherwise I am perfectly fine Alasdair."

They both heard footsteps behind them but Alasdair was the only one who turned around, he patted his lap as a smile graced his face. "Are you almost there?" Verity asks playing with Alasdair's fingers that were around her waist.

"We are, have you ever heard of Asgard before?"

Verity shook her head at Loki's question but Alasdair interjected. "You know, you are actually part Asgardian." Both Verity and Loki's heads whipped around to look at Alasdair.


Alasdair chuckled a little bit and nodded. "Yes, we all lived on Asgard for a little bit. Cicero had met this Valkyrie her name was Hervǫr, Cicero had fallen for her and they married. Then a few years later they had you." Alasdair touched Verity's nose making her giggle.

"Where is Hervǫr now?"

"I'm not sure kiddo, she disappeared after we lost Cicero."

Out of the corner of his eye, Alasdair saw Loki flinched and look down towards their lap ashamed Alasdair bit his lip, he felt bad for making Loki feel like that. "I'm sorry Lokes," Alasdair whispered something into Verity's ear who nodded and jumped down and walking towards Loki hugging them before running to go where Evander is.

"I knew her."

Alasdair leaned closer so only Loki can hear him. "Hervǫr?" Loki nodded so Alasdair continued. "Do you know if she's still in Asgard?" Loki hummed before answering. "I don't know for sure, but there's something you should know about her."

"What is it?"

Loki grabbed Alasdair's hand and squeezed it. "Hervǫr dated Hela, back when Hela was working with Odin before I was born and before Thor was born."

Alasdair was speechless. "How do you know, who told you?" Alasdair sputters out.

"Hervǫr told me when I was growing up and Hervǫr was still in Asgard she was one of my best friends. She taught me how to fight, she also paid attention to me when Odin would pay attention to Thor. One night she told me how she fell in love with someone named Hela who I didn't realize was my "sister" then she said when Hela hurt her she met this wonderful man. Cicero, you know the rest."

He whistles and sits back in his seat shocked. "Wow, who knew my partner would be friends with my sister in law." Alasdair chuckled humorlessly, Loki reached towards Alasdair who grabbed Loki's hand and held it watching as they soared towards Asgard.

Alasdair and Loki both knew they were almost there so the nerves began to set in, what if something happens and they don't succeed. No Alasdair thinks to himself, he shakes his head to remove those thoughts from his head. He doesn't need anything to distract him from the mission.

Alasdair was broke out of his thoughts by cheering, his brows furrowed he looked up and gasped when he saw it, Asgard.

"We made it."

Loki nodded and kissed Alasdair firmly on the lips, Loki chuckled as they pulled back.

Evander walked up to them. "Where are the Asgardians at?" Loki leaned forward to look at the map and pointed to a secret spot that was a cliffside, Evander was hesitant but Alasdair wasn't. He knew Loki was right.

Alasdair turned towards Evander and nodded, they bypassed the battle Alasdair gasped as he saw the giant dog. "That's Fenris." Loki nudged Alasdair tilting their head towards the dog.

"We're here!"

The people cheered and Alasdair stood up, Loki doing the same.

Alasdair bent down in front of Verity. "Stay here please, Korg and the others can watch you." Verity nodded and kissed Alasdair on the cheek. "Stay safe Uncle Alas." Alasdair smiled and nodded before grabbing Loki's hand and walking towards the entrance of the ship.

Loki and Alasdair walked hand in hand up the mountain they stopped in front of a door, Loki looked at Alasdair who nodded so Loki walked forward and pushed on the door.

Loki was met with a spear to the face, Alasdair moved in front of Loki careful pushing Loki behind him. "Whoa, Heimdall it's me." Heimdall lowered the spear and hugged Loki tightly.

"I'm glad you're here, I assume you brought a ship? Who is this?"

Loki nodded and led Heimdall out to the ship. "You assume correctly, and this is Alasdair, my partner." While Loki talked to Heimdall, Alasdair walked into the room and looked around at all the people that were hiding in the mountain.

Alasdair gasped when he saw the blonde-haired woman. "Hervǫr?" The woman in question turned around face lighting up when she saw who it was. "Alasdair!" Hervǫr ran towards Alasdair and hugged him tightly.

"Is Verity with you?"

Alasdair gulped and nodded. "She's on the ship, would you like to meet her?" Hervǫr nodded enthusiastically so Alasdair walked Hervǫr towards the ship and walked inside with Hervǫr at his side. "Verity, come here sweetie." As soon as Alasdair said her name Verity ran towards him into his open arms.

"Verity, this is your Mom."

Verity's eyes lit up as she looked up at Hervǫr with big eyes. Hervǫr smiled and swatted down to get on the same level as Verity.

Alasdair scanned the crowd and left Hervǫr alone with Verity wanting them to socialize a little bit so Alasdair walks back out of the ship and starts to load people onto the ship, soon the mountain was empty.

"Is everyone ready?"

Alasdair was met with nods throughout the ship, Alasdair walked towards Hervǫr and Verity who were laughing as they started the ship. "How is it going over here?"

"Alas! I love her so much, she's so cool!"

Hervǫr laughed lightly hugging Verity tightly. "Do we have someone who can watch her?" Alasdair asked Hervǫr who nodded and waved some woman over. "Freyja can, she's my best friend." A kind woman walked over and shook Alasdair's hand. "Nice to meet you, and nice to meet you, Verity. You're Mom as talked about you all the time." Verity giggled and grabbed Freyja's hand.

Loki walked over to Alasdair. "Are you ready?" Alasdair nodded and the doors opened right into the battle.

Loki walks outside and watches as people fight and the Asgardians rush out quickly weapons drawn. "You miss me?"


Part 2 is over!
No Happy Endings will be back when I either finish a story or another story goes on hold :)

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