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Since Alasdair knew that Verity was safe with Freyja he felt comfortable stepping off the ship into the crowd of Asgardians that Hela was about to kill. Alasdair looked to his right to see Evander standing next to Hervǫr both standing in the fighting position.

Looking towards his left he saw Korg and the rest of them but all Alasdair has eyes for was Loki, they had their hair away from their face, he gave Loki a smile which they returned and they started walking down the Bifrost.

Alasdair pointed his staff down and pressed a button making two spears come out from each end, he swung it up and held it out in front of him before running towards the battle.

The first thing Alasdair was Heimdall being attacked and kicked to the ground, sneaking a glance at Loki told Alasdair that they saw what happened and if they weren't fighting their own people Loki would over to help but that's what Alasdair did, he swung his staff and pierced the thing standing over Heimdall.

"Thanks," Heimdall said taking the outstretched hand that Alasdair offered to help him up. "Just get everyone else on that ship, where is Thor?" Alasdair asked watching as Heimdall pointed to the castle. "Thor is up there, with Hela. Kuzco is missing though." It took a second for Alasdair to remember who Kuzco was but when he realized he was worried, Kuzco could be dead.

"I'll find him, I'm going to collect Loki and we're gonna save Thor. Just get these people to safety." Alasdair doesn't break eye contact with Heimdall until he gives a nod telling Alasdair he understands, when Alasdair feels comfortable he looks through the crowd to try to find Loki. "Loki!" As expected over the chaos of the battle and Heimdall moving all the Asgardians towards the ship Loki can't hear Alasdair.

Alasdair sighs and looks at the blood on his spear, he smirks and stabs the creature that was trying to sneak upon him. Alasdair walks towards Loki stabbing everything that Hela has risen, it seems while Loki was fighting they shifted but the armor hugs Loki's curves.

"Loki, we need to go to the palace," Alasdair says putting his hand on Loki's arm, Loki looked at him confused before putting their backs together so they can fight while they talk. "Why? That's not where the battle is."

Alasdair stabs a monster before tapping his staff on the ground and he drops it letting it bounce in the air so he can catch it and put the now small staff in his pocket. "Thor and Hela are up there, alone, and Heimdall can't find Kuzco. I didn't see him in the cliffside either but he could've been hiding." Alasdair sees Loki's eyes flash a brighter green than they usually are which tells Alasdair Loki is worried. "Do you think Kuzco's dead?" Loki turned to face Alasdair.

Alasdair shrugs. "I don't know, I hope not. Do you have a way we can get into the palace?" Alasdair doesn't want to go through the front door, right now they have the element of surprise so they need to use it to their advantage.

Instead of answering Loki starts walking against the side of the Bifrost, Loki only looks behind them once to make sure Alasdair is following which Alasdair is, he knows Loki enough to not ask questions.

When they get to the end of the Bifrost, Alasdair thinks that they are going into the front door until Loki jumps down off the Bifrost. "Oh my god." Alasdair gasps running towards the edge expecting Loki to be falling but they aren't, their smirking standing on top of a rock that looks like it leads into a path.

Alasdair puts his hand on his heart to calm his racing heart from thinking his partner did something stupid. "You scared the shit out of me." Alasdair jumping down onto the rock next to Loki who was still smirking. "Sorry, come on."

Loki kissed Alasdair on the cheek before grabbing his hand and leading them towards the path that seemed to stray farther away from the palace since most if not the whole battle was taking place around the palace and on the Bifrost Alasdair and Loki only had to deal with a few lone creatures.

"Where are we going? Does this even lead to the palace?" Alasdair heard Loki sigh loud enough to tell Alasdair that they were annoyed by the question. "I'm not doubting you, it just this path seems to lead farther and farther away from the palace."

Loki shakes their head. "It sure seems like you're doubting me," Loki mutters but it was still loud enough for Alasdair to hear, Alasdair grabs Loki's arm making them stop walking in the middle of the path. "Hey, I know you're taking me somewhere. I know you want to save your dick brother and Kuzco, and we're going to but what's going on in that head of yours?" There was a reason Loki didn't tell anyone else where they were going and Alasdair wanted to know why.

"I want to do this to show I'm good, not just bad. I know I've made bad choices and got wrapped up with bad people but no matter what I do they look at me the same, doing this saving Thor is how I'm going to get people to look at me differently. Can go save my dick brother? We're almost there anyway." Understanding that Loki was done talking Alasdair let go of Loki's arm but not before he pulled Loki back in for a heated kiss on the lips.

Loki was right, Alasdair could see a side of the palace a short distance away. "How did you find this place anyway?" Loki looked towards Alasdair smiling. "Hervǫr showed it to me actually, she said that she would use this to sneak into the palace and see Hela, she showed it to me after she found me crying because Odin wouldn't let me leave the palace."

Alasdair opened his mouth to respond when Loki put their hand out to stop Alasdair in his tracks, Alasdair didn't know why Loki told him to stop until Loki touched the ground which made an entrance appear from the ground.

They made it to the palace, now the real fight begins.


This is why I have my own universe, it's out of order from the movie but I'm doing that so I can have more content lmao, I can't believe I'm writing the last part!

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