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Being in the palace was a different feeling for Alasdair, he's never been here and he knows that this isn't what it always looks like but this is probably the only time he's going to get to be in the palace. "Stop," Loki whispered pushing Alasdair down a hallway just In time for one of Hela's guards to walk by. Alasdair glanced at Loki who Alasdair noticed was trembling just a bit. "Are you okay?" Loki tried to walk back out into the hallway but Alasdair gently grabbed Loki's arm.

Loki sighed and shook their head slightly. "Being in this palace again brings up bad memories. After this gets settled I don't want to be back on Asgard anymore, I can't be here." Alasdair but he nodded, understanding where Loki was coming from. "When all this is over, you and I can go to Vanaheim, start our life." Loki placed their hand on Alasdair's chest, Alasdair could tell Loki was shocked. "What about Evander? And you're niece Verity?" Alasdair shook his head.

"I care about them but they're safe, Verity has her Mom now and Evander he's never been the type to settle down. I got out of that phase when I met you but he hasn't. What I do know is that I don't want to be apart from you."

They got cut off when the palace shook reminding them they were in a battle right now, as much as Alasdair wanted to continue this conversation they had to help Thor with fighting Hela. "I love you Alas, but we should talk about this while we aren't in battle. Okay?" Alasdair nods and kisses Loki's cheek before letting Loki lead them towards the throne room.

As they got closer they could hear a thud, a repeated thud. "Guy to your left," Loki murmured to Alasdair, Alasdair hit the guard in his throat making him choke. Alasdair saw Loki wave their hands which made the guard stop making noise that would alert Hela to their presence.

Alasdair noticed Loki was about to step into the throne so Alasdair put his in front of Loki to keep them from going further. "No, we need to be smart." Alasdair shook his head at Loki who just gestured his head towards the other side of the room which is when Alasdair finally saw someone with a dagger out, Alasdair didn't know who it was but they needed to stop or they would all get caught.

"Who is that?" Alasdair asked Loki before sneaking his head around to see that Thor was on the throne and taunting Hela. "That's Kuzco, Thor's boyfriend. He's gonna get us killed if he isn't careful." Alasdair huffed, he ripped a piece of his shirt down at the bottom. "Can you hold this?" Loki was confused but they nodded and held the piece of shirt that Alasdair ripped off.

Alasdair winced as he brought the tip of a dagger towards his figure pricking it, he grabbed the piece of shirt before holding it against the wall so he can write a message. "Is this going to work?" Loki asks figuring out what Alasdair was doing.

"We're gonna find out," Alasdair said sticking a small sharp dagger through the fabric before walking backward a little bit.

Woosh, the dagger flew towards Kuzco like the speed of light but it didn't hurt him, it just got stuck right by Kuzco's head. "No one saw, not even Thor," Alasdair smirked at what Loki said, Alasdair could hear the pride in Loki's voice.

They both watched as Kuzco grabbed the piece of fabric and read it with a curious look, when he looked over to where Alasdair and Loki were at Loki gave a slight wave which made Kuzco nod in understanding.

Their attention was brought towards Hela and Thor when their voices got louder, loud enough for their voices to be echoing throughout the large throne. "He told you that you were worthy, he said the same thing to me." Thor looked at Hela curiously.

Alasdair glanced at both Kuzco and Loki, they both had matching looks of anguish on their face meaning Kuzco was trusted enough that Thor told him the truth about their childhood. Alasdair reached out towards Loki's hand and gave it a slight squeeze, nodding that it was going to be okay they both knew that Alasdair couldn't make a promise like that but he could try.

"You see, you never knew him. Not at his best." Alasdair's heart was beating when he listened to Hela speak, he grabbed his staff and tapped it on the ground catching it as it expanded into a staff with the two daggers on the end. "Odin and I drowned entire civilizations in blood and tears. Where do you think all this gold came from?"

Loki touched the gold walls, Alasdair noticed that Loki's eyes were shining with unshed tears. Sneaking a glance towards Kuzco making sure he was still hidden Alasdair brought his attention towards Loki. "Hey, it's not your fault. Odin did all this, if he wasn't dead I would have some words with him." Loki had to put his head in Alasdair's chest to stifle the laughter that came out.

"I love you." Loki grabbed Alasdair's hand and kissed his palm before wiping his eyes turning back to look towards Thor and Hela, but Alasdair didn't let go of Loki's hand.

"One day, he decided to become a benevolent king. To foster peace, to protect life, to have you." From the view they had they couldn't see either of them well but you could see the anguished look on Thor's face finding out about his father. "I understand why you're angry, and you are my sister, and technically have a claim to the throne. Believe me, I would love for someone else to rule." It seemed by the shocked look on Loki's face they had no idea that Thor had no plans to rule but looking at Kuzco's face, Alasdair knew that Kuzco knew what his boyfriend's plans were. "It can't be you. You're just.. the worst."

Alasdair closed his eyes and shook his head, those were fighting words, and watching Hela spread her fingers over her hair told the three of them, Thor started a war.

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