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"Okay get up." The three of them watched as Hela ran her hands over her head, instead of her shiny black hair was a crown of horns where her hair once was. "You're in my seat." Hela stepped towards the throne.

Thor walked down the stairs towards Hela, Alasdair and Loki looked at each other nodding seeming to understand each other without having to say anything. They walked towards the middle of the room meeting Kuzco in the middle. "Nice to meet you, pleasantries later?" Alasdair held out his hand for Kuzco to take and nodded his head after hearing what Kuzco said.

"You know, Father once told me that a wise king never seeks out war." Thor shifted his eyes behind Hela finally noticing the three of them, he raised his eyebrows but shifted his focus towards Hela who was getting into a fighting position.

"But they must always be ready for it." Hela and Thor ran towards each other jumping in the air, they hand to cover their ears to drown out the clinking sound that Thor's staff and  Hela's sword made as they hit each other.

Alasdair looked at Kuzco worried, he glanced towards Loki whose heart was pounding. "When should we go in?" Kuzco had a sword by his side ready to strike. "We need to be smart about this, we don't need to strike too soon where it would give up our position to Hela. I hate to do this but we need to stay out of sight." Alasdair looked at the two of them who reluctantly nodded.

They watched as sparks flew every time Thor struck Hela's armor, Alasdair was amazed because it did no damage. "To be honest, I expected more," Hela said after she blocked a hit from Thor.

Alasdair held Kuzco back when he saw the rage in his eyes. "Stop, you'll give up the advantage. We need to be Thor's back up." Kuzco didn't say anything but Alasdair saw Kuzco tighten his grip on the sword in anger.

Thor which flying through the air, Alasdair pulled them down so they wouldn't get struck by the staff that went over their heads. "Loki, don't." Alasdair grabbed the hem of Loki's dress which Alasdair knew he would get a talking to about later but he had to stop Loki from doing anything stupid.

They all flinched when they heard someone scream Heimdalls name outside the palace but they knew that Evander would protect him. "Here's the difference between us." They heard a slam as Hela was holding Thor against a pillar by his neck, her nails digging into his skin.

"I'm Odin's firstborn." Alasdair was beginning to breathe heavily, Hela and Thor were right next to them. They could almost feel the anger radiating off of Hela and it was terrifying.

"The rightful heir, the savior of Asgard, and you're nothing." Hela slid Thor upward making his legs dangle in the air, Alasdair would've laughed if they weren't in such a bad situation, it almost seemed like Thor was following them because Alasdair could see Thor glance at Kuzco out of the corner of his eye, he blinked slowly.

To anyone else it would seem like Hela was choking him so much that he was about to die, but by the look on Kuzco's face, it was a message. Hela threw Thor back onto the ground, making him gasp for air. "Is someone else here Thor? I cleared everyone out." Alasdair's eyes went wide as he ducked behind the pillar covering his mouth watching Kuzco and Loki do the same so they would minimize getting caught. "No, it's just us." Hela tilted her head deciding if Thor was lying or not.

While she was thinking Thor got enough strength to get back up and start fighting Hela again, the sound of swords clinching echoed throughout the palace. Hela knicked Thor because he groaned and doubled over holding his side.

"So simple, even a blind man could see it." Hela swung her sword up and it hit Thor in his eye. The scream he let out was inhuman, Alasdair gasped and put his hands on Kuzco and Loki's mouth to stop them from screaming.

Alasdair glanced at Loki and all he saw in their eyes were terror, while a glance at Kuzco was rage, the power to tear Kuzco apart. "I will let go, but do not rush out. Okay?" Alasdair murmured to them both waiting until at least Loki to nod to take his hand off of Loki's mouth.

"Oh, now you remind me of Dad." Hela kicked the already moaning Thor down, he didn't put up a fight. He was still feeling the pain of losing his eye. It got quiet, the only sounds were of the machine gun that Alasdair later figured out was Brunnhilde shooting while Bruce was piloting.

Alasdair's mind was racing, his heartbeat was quick. He laid his head against the cold palace pillar, he doesn't know what is happening with Evander but he only hopes that Freyja was keeping his niece safe.

He was beginning to lose hope, and with a glance at Loki, he saw Loki was in the same boat as him. The hope in Loki's eyes was fading, with Thor down they didn't know what could happen now.

They heard a tell-tale roar of Hulk, as strong as Hulk was he wasn't enough to defeat Hela. They were losing the fight badly. Hela walked over to the hardly breathing Thor, she had a smirk on her face.

Her hand grasped Thor's short locks making him groan, Hela dragged him across the throne room when Alasdair released where they were going Alasdair poked Kuzco. "Come on, we need to follow them." Alasdair kissed Loki on the cheek quickly.

"I love you," Loki murmured emotion coated in their voice, Alasdair didn't want to believe that it was the last I love you he was ever going to hear, but it seemed like it.


Sorry if this seemed like a Kuzco centric chapter, trying to find a happy medium :)

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