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He didn't want to leave his brother, it took both Brunnhilde and Loki for Alasdair to release his hold on Evander, every time he closed his eyes he saw his brother's face.

Alasdair didn't know who killed his brother, but he would avenge him even if he had to die himself. "Are you okay?" Loki asks as they made their way towards Alasdair fighting to get to him literally. "I'm fine." Alasdair gave Loki a dark look which had them rear back slightly, Alasdair didn't bother apologizing at the moment because a monster came right for them.

Alasdair stabbed the poisoned double speared in between the heart of the beast and pulled it out quickly. He reached behind him and grabbed the poisoned arrow and placed it in his crossbow before letting it soar through the air, hitting a monster that was about to hurt Heimdall. "Step back!" Loki yelled grabbing Alasdair's arm.

He was about to turn around to yell at him when the Bifrost rumbled, he looked up to see Thor almost flying in the air trails of lightning flowing behind. "Thanks." Alasdair looked behind him to nod at Loki, Loki softly smiled and closed their eyes and with a wave of their arm, they were in their different form.

They watched as Thor landed on the group of soldiers who were trying to build a ladder to get to him, but because Thor landed on them they all went tumbling to the ground. Alasdair looked to his left and saw Kuzco, he must have given up on getting Hela and came down to fight with the rest of them Alasdair thought.

It seemed the arrival of Thor gained attention to all the undead soldiers because they abandoned fighting the Asgardians and started to charge towards Thor, but he was ready because he jumped up and twirled in the air, right between them.

There were a few in the back that Thor couldn't but he punched and or kicked them away. Alasdair was just watching in awe. "You wanna have some fun?" Brunnhilde asks walking up behind them. "Sure, I guess but this is a battle." Alasdair reminded her carefully. "Don't worry, this is gonna be fun," Brunnhilde smirked and brought her sword up before pressing a button that she was holding.

A pop went off behind them followed by small constant pops, they ducked before looking behind them to see fireworks coming out of the ship that Brunnhilde was driving. Brunnhilde smirked at them before swinging her sword at the incoming guys rushing towards them.

A soldier came rushing towards Loki, before Alasdair had a chance to step in front of them Loki bent backward and flipped landing on their feet before taking off their crown and using that to pierce the armor.

"Hey, upon popular belief, I think Loki's cool. If it's any consolation I tried to talk sense into Thor but he wouldn't hear it." Kuzco yelled to Alasdair, they were side by side but because of the screaming, it was still a struggle to hear. "Thank you, means a lot." Alasdair couldn't say anymore because a soldier came running towards them which Alasdair took out easily by stabbing with his poison dagger, the poison did nothing to them considering they were already dead but the dagger was still a dagger.

The Bifrost rumbled as Thor was getting closer and closer to the group, suddenly something told Alasdair to look behind him. He gasped when he saw an undead soldier trying to climb up the ship.

Gulping Alasdair grabbed an arrow from his back and loaded it into the crossbow, he lined it up and let it go. The arrow soared through the air before taking the undead's head off.

People were still walking into the ship slowly, Alasdair itched to go see Verity. To explain what happened but Evander's voice popped into his head "Win the battle first." A voice that sounded a lot like Evander said. He tried to push it away but the voice quipped back quickly. "You can't get rid of me Alas, I will be with you forever." Mind Evander said, Alasdair huffed a laugh sniffing slightly.

He jumped when a hand landed on the shoulder, he turned around dagger out ready to stab whoever snuck upon him. Eye wide Alasdair dropped the dagger back to his side, it was Loki. "Gods, I'm sorry. Just jumpy." Alasdair licked his finger and wiped off the tiny droplet of blood that appeared because Alasdair just knicked Loki.

"Baby, it's okay." Loki grabbed Alasdair's hands and put them together bringing their clasped hands up to Loki's mouth and kissing Alasdair's fingers. "Are you okay?" Loki asks voice dripping with concern.

Alasdair paused, he thought about lying but he knew that it would come out to Loki anyway. "I'm not okay." Alasdair laughed slightly but it came out more like a sob. Loki frowned and they pulled Alasdair in hugging the man tightly. "What's wrong?" Alasdair opened his mouth to give Loki some snark Alasdair realized it wasn't the time for that.

"I'm hearing Evander in my head, not like he's telling me to do things but he's talking to me. Like he's still here." Loki made a wounded noise in their throat, they lifted their hand and rubbed Alasdair behind the ear smoothing the cut hair there. "It's gonna be okay Alasdair, I'm so sorry about Evander. I'm sorry you couldn't give him a Vanir funeral as you wanted."

A Vanir funeral consisted of the body being burned, now some may say that's harsh but that's how they did it. They would walk out to a field and place their planet flowers around the body and they would point arrows at the body that were lit on the tips and it would be a happy ending, but Evander couldn't have that, not anymore.

"It's okay." They both knew it wasn't okay but Loki let it okay, kissing Alasdair on the cheek before stepping away just in time for an undead soldier to come charging at them.

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