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While Loki was comforting Alasdair, Thor walked up to them. "I saw what happened to Evander. Alasdair, I'm so sorry." Alasdair nodded, face hardening at the thought of brother, he wasn't sad anymore instead he was mad. Mad at the fact that Evander won't get to live out his life anymore, he'll miss Verity growing up. He'll miss everything that he should have experienced. "Thanks, you okay? Besides the missing eye part." Alasdair smirks leaning against Loki who had their arms wrapped around the man.

"I will be, have anyone of you see Kuzco lately? I saw him with you guys earlier, please I need to see him, make sure he's okay." Right after Thor was done pleading they heard someone call Thor's name from behind him. "Thor!" The voice yelled coming closer.

Thor raised his fist ready to punch whoever was walking towards him when he noticed who it was. "Oh thank the gods you are okay." Thor sighed happily and embraced Kuzco once he got close enough. "Oh baby, are you in pain? Once everything is all over I can put some salve on it." Kuzco added on when Thor's face twisted in disgust. "The salve would be to relieve pain, you big baby." Kuzco playfully punches him in the arm.

"Hey! You guys done talking about your feelings or should we pause the battle?" Brunnhilde moans walking past them raising her sword. "She's right, just because it's calm right now doesn't mean the battle is over." Alasdair grabs his staff and tapped it on the ground making the spears pop out each side.

He raises it in front of him and twirls it around, he walks towards where Brunnhilde is standing and then Loki is next to Alasdair, he felt the absences of Evander at this moment. If he was still alive Evander would be right beside him, but he's not and Alasdair doesn't think he will ever get over that.

"I think we should disband the Revengers," Thor says walking up next to Brunnhilde, Kuzco beside him. "I think that's a good idea," Alasdair mutters to himself.

"Are you gonna hit her with a lightning blast?" Loki asks after a few minutes of nothing happening. "I just hit her with the biggest lightning blast in the history of lightning. It did nothing." Alasdair gulps as he watches Hela walk towards them. "We just need to hold her off until everyone's on board," Brunnhilde says confidently.

"Not everyone is on board?" Kuzco looks at the group with concern in his eyes, Kuzco wasn't the only one who thought everyone was on board, Alasdair did too. "It won't end there."

Thor sounds defeated, he sounds like they've already lost but the battle isn't over yet. "The longer Hela's on Asgard, the more powerful she grows. She'll hunt us down." Kuzco turns sharply towards Thor. "Are you talking about destroying Asgard? But Thor this is your home, you can't do this." 

Thor turns towards Kuzco shaking his head, he has a soft smile on his face. "That's where you are my love, you are my home. Whether that's here or on Kuzconian, wherever you are that's my home." Alasdair rolled his eyes with a mix of fondness and annoyance.

"So, what do we do?" Alasdair asks tightening his hand around his staff. "I'm not doing get help," Loki says mildly joking. Thor doesn't pay any attention as he walks towards Hela slowly.

"What are you thinking, brother?" Loki says following Thor with their eyes carefully. "Asgard's not a place, it's a people." Thor turns towards the group.

"This was never about stopping Ragnarok, this was about causing Ragnarok. Surtur's crown, the vault." Alasdair lets out a soft gasp and turns towards Loki, they were there. "It's the only way."

Loki nods at both Alasdair and Thor. "Bold move, even for me." Alasdair looked at Loki sharply, he heard the implication of Loki going by themself but Alasdair wouldn't allow that to happen.

"No, you are not going alone Lokes, I'm not letting that happen. I just lost my brother, I'm not losing you too." Loki looked at Alasdair conflicted. "Are you sure Alas? You may never come back from this." Alasdair didn't know what Loki was talking about but he was going to do it anyway, no matter the consequences.

"I'm sure." Alasdair nods reassuringly, Loki huffs but starts to run behind Thor and Brunnhilde. "Good luck," Thor says to Alasdair giving him a small smile, Alasdair nods at the man in acknowledgment before running after Loki.

"How are we getting in? The secret entrance isn't this way, it's by the palace." Alasdair says once he gets closed to Loki. "You didn't think that was the only entrance did you?" Loki smirks before looking over the edge of the Bifrost, Loki takes a deep breath before jumping.

Rolling his eyes, Alasdair jumps after them. Landing perfectly next to Loki on his feet. "Lot's of secret entrances huh?" Alasdair says after a few moments of silent walking, just like the other path this one was rocky. "What better way to hide a secret vault," Loki smirks before they stop in front of a big boulder.

"Seriously? Behind a boulder, that's not secret." Loki doesn't respond, they just look at Alasdair smirking before pausing their palm onto the rock, instead of rolling away like Alasdair thought would happen the boulder caves in on itself presenting the big golden room that Alasdair was familiar with. "Holy shit." Alasdair scanned the room, sure enough, all the way across the hall was the hallway towards the other secret entrance.

Alasdair gulps as he rubs his hands on his hair, he watches as Loki looks around the room before having an ah-ha moment when they find the crown off to the side of the room. "Come on, let's get it and get out of here," Alasdair says making a rushing motion with his hand.

"Way ahead of you."

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