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They don't go out the way they came, instead, Loki leads the two of them down another hallway. "What are we doing?" Alasdair says as he walks quicker to keep up with Loki. "This is how we resurrected Surtur, it's called the eternal flame. It's right up ahead actually."

Loki hikes the crown up higher since they almost drop it, they stop in front of a normal-looking door. "Can you open it? My hands are full." Instead of responding Alasdair nods and pushes on the door, he's surprised to find it's lightweight, not heavy like the other doors around the palace. "Whoa, is this just a room for the eternal flame?" Alasdair asks as he takes in the room, despite being close to the vault it was filled. It just had a podium in the middle with the flame flickering.

"Yes, like its name it never goes out but dear ole dad was afraid that having things around it would make it go out, so alas it got a room dedicated to itself." Loki huffs as they lift the crown higher and they place it in the middle of the bowl, letting the flame flicker through the holes of the crown. "With the Eternal Flame, you are reborn," Loki says, they step back, grabbing ahold of Alasdair's arm as well so he has to walk back.

"What's going? Why did you-" Alasdair was cut off by the roar of the fire, whatever Alasdair was going to say died on his lips as he watched the flame in astonishment, he's seen a lot of things but never something like this. "We have to go!" Loki yells when the fire starts to get bigger, Alasdair gasps as he sees how big the fire is, Loki is right. They have to go.

"Come on!" Loki pulls Alasadair's hand running out the exit they came in, gasping Alasdair coughs from the smoke. Alasdair drops Loki's hand and pulls off his collar, he feels like it's choking him, he can't breathe. "Hey! What's wrong?" Loki says suddenly standing in front of Alasdair. Gasping, Alasdair tries to answer. "I- I can't breathe." Alasdair starts to take gasps of air, he feels like his chest is about to close on him.

"Here, have some water." Loki changes forms and digs into their bag to pull out a jug of water, Alasdair shakily brings it to his lips. "You should go fight, I'll be fine. Surtur is going to blow the palace any second, I'll catch up with you in a second."

Alasdair takes another gulp of water before coughing it back up. "If you think I'm leaving you, you are sorely mistaken." They feel a rumble before Surtur breaks through the palace, Alasdair and Loki barely have enough time to duck from a flying piece. "Tremble before me Asgard!" Surtur roars. "I am your reckoning!"

"Can you stand?" Loki asks looking at Alasdair softly. "No, Loki. I can't" Alasdair's chest rattles as he lets out a slow breath. "Come on, we just have to make it to the ship then we're safe." Loki pleads, grabbing Alasdair's arm and starts to pull him, but Alasdair uses the little strength he has to pull his arm back out of Loki's grip.

Alasdair's eyes flutter as he's having trouble keeping them open, Alasdair huffs and tosses the water bottle aside before ripping his armor off. "What are you doing? You have to stay protected." Loki protests but Alasdair doesn't give any acknowledgment that Alasdair heard them. Alasdair brings his shirt to his teeth and uses them to rip a piece of his shirt off before reaching into his pocket and grabbing a piece of his brother's shirt.

He brings his brother's shirt up to his lips and kisses it softly, he grabs Loki's hands which he notices are shaking. "It's okay." Alasdair nods with a droopy smile, he places the two different colored pieces of shirts into Loki's palms, he closes Loki's fingers around the pieces of fabric. "Give this to Verity, I taught her about our family customs. She'll know." Alasdair lets out a dry cough. "Please don't leave me." Loki pleads, stuffing the pieces of fabric into their pocket.

Alasdair rolls his head towards Loki, he's starting to have trouble keeping his head up but he doesn't let that stop him because he still has so much more to say. "I want you to promise me you'll protect Verity, she has her Mom but she still needs you." Loki opens their mouth, most likely to deny what is happening but they shut it when they get a look from Alasdair.

"I promise, I love her like she's my own. I'm grateful for the time we've gotten to spend together, hasn't been long but it feels like forever." Loki says laying their hand on top of Alasdair's clammy hand that's loosely resting on the ground. "I'll be okay, I have Evander and Cicero waiting for me." Alasdair moves slowly towards Loki's shoulder.

Loki lets out a sob but they put a hand over their mouth to try to muffle it. "I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you." Alasdair weakly rolls his eyes. "You did."

Alasdair closes his eyes, he knows it's time.

The next time he opens them instead of seeing Loki, he sees Cicero and Evander's arms open waiting to greet him in Valhalla.

On what is left of Asgard, Loki has realized that Alasdair has taken his last breath. Loki places a kiss on top of Alasdair's lip. Loki does something they haven't done in forever, they say a small Asgardian prayer.

"I bid you take your place in the halls of Valhalla. Not shall we mourn but rejoice for those who died a glorious death."

Loki whispers gripping Alasdair's hand tightly, they drop the arm quickly. Sniffing they rub a hand across their face before grabbing Alasdair's staff. "To the new Asgard." Loki quietly says they resist the urge to start crying again.

Loki's problems can wait until they are safely on the ship again.

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