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Loki manages to make it into the ship and somehow manages to brush off any question anyone has about where could Alasdair be, but it all comes to a standstill when Loki is standing in front of the window with Thor, Brunnhilde, and Kuzco next to them. They can hear them talking but all Loki can see is Alasdair's body, burning.

A sniff makes the group stop talking, for the first time since they were kids Thor looks at Loki worried. "What's wrong?" Thor asks putting a hand on his Loki's arm.

Loki opens their mouth to explain but all the comes out is a sob, they try to muffle it by putting a hand on their mouth but it doesn't work, it doesn't do much to muffle the gut-wrenching sobs that come out of Loki's mouth. "Oh." Loki hears Brunnhilde say softly.

"What-" Thor says but is interrupted by Brunnhilde. "Shush you big oaf, let me," Thor grumbles but raises his hand in protest. "Alasdair's gone isn't he?" Thor gasps when Loki nods sniffing.

Loki can feel Brunnhilde's hands-on their arms but it's suddenly replaced by Thor's hands. "I'm going to get Hervǫr, she needs to know." That's all Brunnhilde says before her footsteps start fading away. "I'm so sorry Loki." Kuzco squeezes their hand comfortingly. Loki can't and doesn't say anything back.

Loki never thought they would be able to love someone and have them ripped away from them is heartwrenching. "What happened?" Thor speaks lowly, he's loosened his grip from around Loki, it was good because they didn't feel like they want to be touched while they explain. "Smoke, of all things. It happened after we got out of the room, I'm so stupid. We were in there for too long and he paid the price." Loki expected Thor to defend them but they flinch when a new voice pipes up.

"You aren't stupid, I may not have known you long Loki, but I know Alasdair. So I know he wouldn't want you to blame yourself. I know that you did everything you could to bring him back. That's what matters." Hervǫr says quietly stepping towards the seated Loki.

"I'm so sorry, you just got him back and I let him get killed." Loki starts to cry again, they jump when they feel Hervǫr's arms come around them. "You didn't kill him, Alasdair doesn't like to listen to anyone. What matters is that his last moments were with you." Hervǫr pulls back, she does something that can only be described as a motherly gesture. She caresses Loki's face softly before moving a piece of hair behind Loki's ear.

"Would you like me to tell Verity?" Hervǫr says carefully. Suddenly Loki's eyes go wide, they shakily reach into their pocket and pull out the two pieces of fabric, they let out a sigh in relief. "He told me to give these to her, some kind of family tradition he said. I don't want to tell her but I promised him I would keep her face." Loki holds the piece of fabric carefully in their hands.

Hervǫr lets out a small laugh. "You protecting her has nothing to do with telling her about what happened. I'll do it." Hervǫr gives Loki a soft smile and gently grabs the two pieces of fabric out of his before standing up.

"She'll come to you, and you'll be there for her."

Hervǫr leaves with a pat on Loki's arm, they watch as the woman walks towards the little girl who is talking to Freyja, animatedly, like she's telling a story.

Loki's face falls when they realize she won't be happy for long, her world is about to come crashing down around her, and it's all Loki's fault.

Rubbing their eyes they stand up, they wobble before they get steady on their feet. They start to walk towards their bunk when a tiny body comes crashing into their legs. "Don't leave me Loki!" Verity screams. They were lucky that Brunnhilde and Thor had shown the displaced Asgardians to their rooms so the room was just filled with the people who already knew.

"Oh," Loki whispers before sinking onto their knees, they open their arms and Verity hugs Loki tightly around their neck. "Please don't leave me Loki." Verity sniffs onto Loki's shoulder, but Loki doesn't care.

Loki pulls her back slightly, shushing her when she whines from the loss. "I won't ever leave you if I have anything to say about it. Alasdair gave me a job, he made me promise." Verity's eyes go wide, what Loki didn't know was that a promise on Vanaheim was serious. They would go to the ends of the realms to fulfill the promise, and without knowing what a promise meant to Alasdair, Loki would do that anyway. "That's big, are you sure?" Verity has something Loki never wants to see from someone her age.

She has insecurity in her eyes, she's scared, and to be honest, Loki can't blame her for being scared, because Loki is too. "Yes I'm sure, I would do anything to protect you." Loki raised their hand and brushes her hair away from her face.

Loki lifts her carefully sitting her on their hip, sighing Loki takes a look around the room. They're missing a few people but this is their family, and they're lucky to have them.

"Loki! Hide her!" Loki is broken out of their small moment of happiness by Thor shouting at them, Loki looks at Thor confused before they follow Thor's eyesight.

Their stomach drops, gulping Loki starts to run to the other side of the ship with Verity holding on to them. "Hey, sweetie. You need to stay here okay. No matter what happens do not come out if it's not Thor, Your Mom, or me. Okay?" Verity squeezes into the hiding spot that Loki pushed her into, she shakily nods. "Just close your eyes, think of happy thoughts." Loki takes a deep breath before shutting the hiding door closed, she should be safe Loki thinks to themself.

Loki sticks their hand in their pocket feeling the large cube that was there, they finally had something to live for. So for the first time, Loki was going to do the right thing.


I'm flabbergasted that this is completed, I am so happy with how this book turned out. From start to finish.
If you are mad at me for how this ended I apologize but this book was called No Happy Endings, so I warned you ;)
I do hope you enjoyed seeing Loki and Alasdair's journey together, and this will not be the last Loki fic I do.

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