Chapter 1: A World Full of Quirks

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The sound of busy life of the city echoed through the alleyway, where Dazai and Chuuya both groaned and sat up awake. Dazai rubbed the back of his head and hissed as it stung, when he removed his hand it was covered in blood and he sighed. He gazed up to see Chuuya who was growling with his arms crossed. For some reason Chuuya seemed shorter than usual and Dazai raised a brow at him.

"Hey, Chuuya? Did you shrink?" Dazai tilted his head at his partner who scowled in return.

"Really Dazai? That's the first thing you ask!? We should be questioning where the heck that dam gifted transported us to! We're not at the Port Mafia headquarters like we were a second ago!" Chuuya snapped and shot up to his feet, only for Chuuya's pants to sag and caused the ginger yelped and lift hid pants up. "What the heck?" Chuuya checked himself and his eyes widened in realisation. "And my voice, it cracked. What the hell! I'm a teenager again!"

Dazai felt his face and winced when he felt the familiar bandages that would always be covering half of his face before during his time in the Mafia. His gaze fell on his sleeves and noticed how baggy they were and made a conclusion.

"The mysterious gifted's ability can turn our bodies back in time aswell as back in time." Dazai said, only for Chuuya to frown.

"You're right on the part about our bodies, but I don't think he sent us back in time too." Chuuya said as he watched Dazai get on his feet. Dazai smirked at Chuuya.

"You're right. I was just checking if you were capable of identifying your surroundings so I didn't have to explain everything to you while we're in this new world." Dazai said and laughed at Chuuya's enraged expression.

"Why you-!" Chuuya's voice cracked and he blushed in embarrassment. "Dam it all." He covered his mouth while he mumbled out his word.

Dazai turned on his heel and began to walk towards the alley's exit, not waiting for Chuuya who growled at him and stomped after the detective. When they came out of the alley they were hit with surprise. There were people everywhere like a normal city has, but all of them had abilities, either if it was shown through their appearance or they were using their abilities for daily activity. Chuuya noticed some kids having wings and flying over the crowds, while Dazai saw an old man having wheels for legs and zoomed through the people.

"W-What is this place?" Chuuya took a step back. "They all have abilities!" He exclaimed. Dazai stared up at the big screen on the building in front of them that broadcasted the news about a group of heroes having struggled to handle a liquid type villain, only for the hero named 'All Might' arrive at the scene and defeat the villain with one punch. Dazai lowered his gazed and let out a small huff of amusement before letting his devilish smirk creep on his face.

"This ia going to be interesting." The passing pedestrians gave Dazai uncomfortable and creeped out glances before rushing past him. Chuuya looked at Dazai and new he had a plan forming in his messed up brain if his.

"Hey-" Chuuya's words fumbled out when a lady accidentally bumped into him. The woman squeaked and swiftly bowed when Chuuya and Dazai turned to face her.

"I-I'm so sorry young man! I wasn't looking." She said. The woman was short, shorter than Chuuya that surprised Dazai. She was a bit plump, her hair was a dark green colour and had equally dark green eyes, she was wearing a pastel-pink vest and a navy-blue skirt. She bowed multiple times before Chuuya sighed at her.

"It's fine, no harm done." He said and Dazai nudged him teasingly.

"You've gone soft Chuuya."

"I did not!" Chuuya snapped back. The woman giggled at them. Dazai turned his attention on the lady and gave her a welcoming smile.

"Madam, do you know where we can get food and shelter?" The dark haired teen asked, causing the woman to realise that they seemed to have come out the alley and was wearing clothes that didn't seem to fit them.

"You're both homeless?" She gasped in horror. "Oh I eished I realised this as soon as I saw you poor boys." She said and cupped Chuuya's jaw. Chuuya gazed away and scowled when he saw Dazai smirking at him.

"Yes, we've been living in the streets for quite awhile but managed to grab ourselves some clothes from two very, generous men,and might I add one if them being gorgeously, handsome." Dazai informed her, receiving a glare from Chuuya.

"Those men are very kind. You two can stay at my home for the night." The woman offered and Dazai perked up, beaming.

"Really? How kind of you miss!" Dazai said and thanked her. Thebwoman smiled at them.

"It's no problem. I hate to see kids similar to my son's age having to live in such rough conditions." Chuuya and Dazai blincked at her.

"Your son?" Chuuya asked and she nodded.

"Now follow me, my apartment isn't far from here." She said and we followed her.


They arrived at a lot with concrete buildings that had numbers labelled on the side walls of them. They walked up the flight of stairs until we reached the floor of the woman's unit. She unlocked the door to her home and welcomed the both of them inside. The interior was what you'd expect from a normal family household to decorate their home, with small clutters of items here and there telling a small story of what the people in the place do during their daily lives, for example; a notebook and pens were scattered on the coffee table in the livingroom, giving the impression that the person who owned the notebook seemed to be unorganised and usually too immersed into their work to notice the events around them. These small details around the room gave Dazai an idea of what the woman's family was like. His conclusion was that she was a single parent with a child in their teen's. A hard working mother. Dazai smiled.

The mother had packed away the items on the dining table and patted the chair, gesturing for Chuuya and Dazai to take a seat.

"Make yourselves at home, I'll be making omelette and rice for dinner." She told them while the two boys sat and she left to start cooking in the kitchen. Dazai rested his chin on his palm and decided to ask the woman a question.

"Hey miss? We haven't caught your name yet."

"O-Oh! I'm so sorry!" She said from the kitchen counter that had a window opened to the dining and livingroom. "It's Inko Midoriya." Dante nodded.

"Come to think of it, we haven't told you our names either." Chuuya stated while he removed his hat and placed it down on the table in front if him. "I'm Chuuya Nakahara." The Mafia member introduced himself.

"And I'm Osamu Dazai." Inko smiled at the boys at the table, cracking the eggs into her pan.

"You're names sound like names of authors." Inko giggled at the statement.

"I doubt Chuuya can even write three-hundred words." Dazai waved off his friend mockingly. The ginger grabbed Dazai's waving arm and squeezed it.

"I'm going to kill you!"

"No you won't." Dazai gave him a sly smirk.

"Why you-"

"Admit it, it's true."


Inko chuckled as she witnessed Dazai and Chuuya fight. He thoughts changed to her son and wondered if he would get along with the two new boys. She lifted her hand towards the tomato sauce left on the dining table and lifted it from it's spot and made it float towards her. Dazai and Chuuya watched in interest as the object came to Inko's hand.

"You can make items float over to you?" Chuuya asked. Inko nodded.

"It's my quirk, it's been passed down in my family." She explained with a smile, fliping the eggs to mix the yolk together.

"Quirk?" Chuuya asked quietly and furrowed his brow.

"Must be what they call their abilities." Dazai said and gazed down at his free hand, their voices were in a quiet tone so the mother couldn't hear them. "I saw on the news about the group of heroes defeating a villain earlier. How do people become heroes?" Dazai questioned.

"Join the hero course, of course." Inko said as she got some plates for the eggs. "For example the top school to go to is UA. It's my son's dream to become a hero and enroll to UA, it's just that unfortunately he was born without a quirk." She said sadly, her movements slowed as she was in deep thought.

"You have a son?" Chuuya asked and the woman snapped from her thoughts.

"O-Oh yes! I'm forgetting everything today, aren't I?" She laughed. "Yes, I do have a son and his name is Izuku. My pride and joy, but I feel like I'm failing him as a parent." She said.

"You worry about him, and you take his passion into account, you're doing wonders for him as a mother." Dazai assured her. Inku smiled and thanked him.

"You talk like you're a grown man, Dazai." She stated and chuckled, doing the finishing touch on their food. Inku had two plates in her hands while she came over to the table and placed one plate each in front of the boys. "Dig in." She said. Chuuya didn't hesitated and ate before Dazai. Suddenly a knock came from the door.

"Mum I'm home!"

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