Chapter 2: Settle

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"Mum I'm home!"

The three turned their attentions over to the front door to see a boy with similar features as Inku. Inku beamed and walked over to greet him.

"Oh sweetie! Welcome home!" She smiled warmly at him and helped him with his bag. "Your dinner is ready and we have guests." She said while she led him into the dining and livingroom. The boy raised a confused brow.

"Guests?" His gaze fell on Dazai and Chuuya at the table when they walked into the room, he blincked at the two. "Who are you guys?" He asked anxiously. Dazai stood and walked over to him and offered his hand.

"Hey there, I'm Osumu Dazai and my partner there-" Dazai pointed with his thumb over his shoulder at Chuuya. "-is Chuuya Nakahara." Dazai intoduced themselves to the boy. The teen hesitantly took Dazai's hand and shook it before turning to his mother who nodded with a smile.

"Boys this is my son, Izuku." Inku informed Dazai and Chuuya. "I found these two boys in the streets this afternoon, they were living in the streets so I offered them to stay here for the night." She told Izuku. Dazai tilted his head to the side and gave them a warm smile.

"Your mother is a kind woman, she's rare gem among this world." Dazai said. "I swear on my life I won't let anything happen to your mother." The brown-haired teen said assuringly. "Thank you for letting Chuuya and I stay here."

"U-Uh yeah. No problem." Izuku frantically waved his hand in front of him. "Let's eat I'm starving." Izuku said, feeling a bit more relaxed around the new people. The three went over to join Chuuya who was nearly done with his meal and didn't say a word to Izuku. They made small talk while they ate, Dazai and Inku being the ones talking the most during their time at the table. Dazai was asking questions about any places that Chuuya and him could go for supplies and clothes, only for Inku to offer them some of  Izuku's clothes that he didn't like, Izuku agreeing with the idea since he didn't minded it.

"Are you sure it's okay?" Chuuya asked Izuku and the boy nodded.

"Yeah, I don't mind." Izuku assured them both.  "I never wear them anyway so it's fine." He said.

"Thanks for all of your help, especially to people you don't know." Dazai said with a smile. He stood up and took the empty plates from them. "Let me clean the plates at the very least, if you don't mind." Inku smiled up at the teen and clapsed her hand at how much of a gentleman Dazai was.

"Go ahead, you're so kind." She said with a light blush. The boy saluted her with a cheeky grin before walking away, Chuuya huffed after he left and crossed his arms. Izuku stared at Chuuya in thought but was snapped back into reality by Chuuya's voice.

"Do you have questions for me?" The ginger's eyes bore into Izuku's, his gloved hands brushed off some dust off of his hat while he looked at the green-haired boy in front of him. Izuku flinched from the eye contact but hid his nervousness to not worry his mother who was beside him.

"Yes I do. What are your plans for tomorrow? Since you'll only be staying here for tonight." Izuku asked the other boy. Chuuya looked at him for a moment more before gazing away and turned his gaze into the kitchen, where Dazai was cleaning the dishes. His ex-partner in crime was gazing down at what he was doing while his mind raced to formulate a plan for their next actions after recieving all the information they had gathered so far during their short time in this world. Chuuya didn't look at Izuku when he replied with an answer for his question.

"I don't know but Dazai does." Chuuya said and sighed. "I hate to admit that he's usually the one creating the plans while I follow his orders, it ticks me off to rely on him all the time but his plans never fails." He clenched his fist beneath the table, hidden from their view. Izuku gazed at Chuuya in curiosity, and wondered what the two boy's stories were. He decided to change the subject.

"Hiw old are you and Dazai?"

"Fifteen or sixteen I think." Chuuya shrugged and Inku gazed him in concern.

"You're unsure about your age? You must have lived in the streets for quite awhile, I wished I found you and Dazai sooner." The mother said, placing her hands over her chest in slight guilt. Chuuya's eyes had widened at her words, having never met a caring person like her in his entire life her words surprised him.

"U-Uh...i-it's fine. It's not your fault that we had to live on the streets." Chuuya reassured her, the mafia memeber tried for a soft smile. Inku smiled in return and nodded.

Dazai walked back into the room after he finished doing the dishes and Inku thanked him. She prepared their beds on the couch and on the floor, and Izuku gave them his clothes that they could keep aswell as spare toothbrushes they had in the bathroom cabinet. Chuuya went to brush his teeth and change first in the bathroom before Dazai.

"Goodnight." Inku said said to her precious Izuku.

"Goodnight, mum." He hugged her before his mother went to bed, passing by Dazai and also said goodnight to him. Dazai looked over to the freckled boy and smiled.

"You're lucky to have her." He said and entered the bathroom before Izuku could reply. Dazai stripped from his clothes and put on the black, track pants and the plain, green shirt. He left his previous clothes on the floor beside him in as a pile before walking over to the sink and started to brush his teeth, he washed his toothbrush after cleaning his teeth and cupped his hands under the stream of water and splashed his face, his eye gazed at the same cold eye that reflected back on the mirror and sighed in exhaustion as the sight of his younger-self. "I hope that our appearances are the only thing that's changed." He thought outloud. He picked up his clothes on the floor and walked out of the bathroom, joining Chuuya in the livingroom. The ginger was laying on his spot on the couch with his hands behind his head while he stared upat the ceiling.

"So what's the plan?" He asked without looking at the bandaged, covered boy, making him huff in amusement as he had predicted the boy would ask that very question.

"We're going to scout the area to see if there's any clues that could help us go back home." Dazai said. "But I have a hunch that we'll be visiting that UA School of Heroes." He said. "There might be a hero there that has an ability that could help us return back to our world." Dazai stated, laying down on his make-shift bed on the floor.

"All right then." Chuuya closed his eyes and soon fell asleep. Dazai gazed up at the ceiling for a moment in thought before his eyelids shut and he was met with darkness.


Morning arrived and rays of light spilled through the curtains and lit the room, waking up the two gifted's. Chuuya was the first to open his eyes and groan as he sat up from the couch, he rolled his shoulders causing them to crack and he hummed.

"I haven't slept this good in ages." He said with a yawn between his sentence.

"Yeah, it must suck being in the Port Mafia." Dazai commented from below the ginger. Chuuya snapped his attention down towards the brown-haired teen on the floor who was smiling with his eyes still closed. Chuuya scowled at him in response.

"Go to hell, Dazai." The boy's smile only widened at Chuuya's predictable reply. Dazai chuckled and stood up from his spot, stretching his arms above him and hummed happily. Chuuya rolled his eyes at him and got on his feet, standing beside his ex-partner. "I'm gonna change before heading out for a short walk around the place and seeing if I can discover something new about this dam place." Chuuya gathered a set of new clothes and left to change in the bathroom, closing the door behind him with a slight thud.

"Okie dokie." Dazai sighed. He gazed down at the pen on the table, it was yellow with a red and blue 'V' shape and two spike shapes protruded from the pen that seemed to look like a sort of hair style, a ridiculous one Dazai thought. This pen was obviously some merchandise of a famous hero that Izuku probably admired. Heroes. "If only they exist in our world." Dazai said under his breath.

Izuku opened the door of his room and walked into the livingroom, noticing Dazai standing alone without Chuuya with him. Izuku walked over and waved at him, catching Dazai's attention.

"Morning, Dazai."

"Good morning." Dazai greeted back cheerfully with a smile. Mydoriya smiled back but saw a small hint of distraction on Dazai's features. Izuku opened his mouth to ask what was on his mind but stopped himself, he didn't want to pry especially when he just met Dazai only yesterday. Dazai tilted his head at Izuku when he noticed his curious gaze at him. "Is there something you wanted to ask me?" Mydoriya snapped out of his thoughts and swiftly shool his head.

"N-No! I was just going to ask if you could t-tell my mum that I'm going out for a short walk!" Izuku quickly said.

"So you did have a question for me." The green-haired teen flinched in realisation.

"O-Oh yeah! I'm sorry!" He apologised, earning a small laugh from Dazai.

"Don't stress. I'll tell your mum that you're going out, don't worry." The teen waved off Izuku to start heading out. Mydoriya smiled and thanked Dazai before walking to the front door of the unit and left.  The moment Mydoriya left Chuuya had came out of the bathroom changed and cleaned up.

"I'm going now, tell Inku that I'm out got it?" Chuuya ordered insted of asked and Dazai sighed as he watched the midget leave. Dazai slumped down on the couch with another sigh, this time in boredom. "What to do?" He said. He didn't have to wait long for Inku to wake up and walk into the livingroom confused.

"Where's Izuku and Chuuya? It's quire early in the morning for them to be up." She asked Dazai.

"They went for a walk." He told her.

"Both of them?" Inku raised a brow and Dazai nodded. She hummed before smiling at the teen. "Well would you like some breakfast?" Dazai shot up from the couch and beamed.

"Yes please! Your cooking in heavenly" Dazai stated and Inku giggled.

"You flatter me." She said. She started cooking eggs and bacon in the kitchen for Dazai and her, making more for the two boys for when they come back home. Dazai sat down at the dining table and ate when Inku placed down the plate of food in front of him. He chewed happily on his food and hummed in delight, until his eyes caught something red by the window. A red balloon. He placed down his fork and stood, gaining Inku's attention. "What's the matter Dazai?" She asked with concern. His serious expression shifted into his previous happy features that he had just ansecond ago when he gazed diwn at the woman.

"I'm going to join Chuuya on his walk around town, if that's okay with you?" He said and she nodded.

"Yes, I don't mind."

"Thanks." Dazai pushed his chair back into the table, grabbing his plate and placed it in the sink before leaving the building. His mind raced as the red balloon could only mean one thing. The gifted that brought Chuuya and him in this world was here.

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