Chapter V

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Anakin Skywalker was a foul, he gave up all the power he had and any chance of ruling the galaxy when he decided not to kill all the Jedi that betrayed him. Vader growled at the thought of the man, "I destroyed him once and I can it again, but this time I have to get that togurta brat out of the way." He said referring to Anakin's former padwan, 'if she hadn't come back I wouldn't be in this mess,' Vader thought to himself. He hated Ahsoka no he detested her and he would hunt across the galaxy and torture her until she begged him for death, and he would give it to her only it would be slow and very painful. "Mark my words Ahsoka I will find you and when I do you will be destroyed," he said trying to reach out to her through the force, unfortunately for her she heard him. Ahsoka felt panic spread through her body, but she couldn't show that she was afraid it would only give Vader more power,
"Master are you alright?" Luke asked his former mentor "its Vader Luke he's felt my presence and he knows where we are going," "what should we do?" Leia asked "we have to remain calm if we allow fear to cloud our minds Vader will gain strength," she explained the hyperdrive beeped signaling that they had reached Malchor "were coming out of hyperspace prepare the ship for landing," Ahsoka said to the twins, 'so you finally stopped hiding from me snips.' She heard Vader say through the force 'go away Vader your not my master and I'm not afraid of you ' she responded 'is that so then why do I sense great fear in you?' 'you destroyed my master, its you who should be afraid of me," she said 'why would I be afraid of someone who choose to leave the order even after her master did so much for her,' Vader mocked 'get out of my head!' she yelled 'no snips I won't you stopped my chance at saving Padme and my unborn child, I won't stop till you're dead.' Ahsoka felt herself cringe at his death threat 'i will stop you,' she said "Ahsoka you need to see this," Luke said, "its Malchor I must warn you to take caution this place is strong with the dark side." Ahsoka told the twins "master why would Vader go here?" Leia asked "I faced Vader here many years ago when he came to claim the knowledge inside the temple for himself,  our battle however was cut short when your father and I were pulled back in time by the force. Now that Vader is his own person its only natural that he would want to finish our duel,"
"I don't understand how was the force able to separate Vader from my father?" Luke asked " the force works in mysterious ways Luke so I'm afraid I don't have an answer," Ahsoka landed the ship and the three Jedi walked towards the temple "do you feel that?" Leia asked her brother "yes I feel so cold," Luke said "its the dark side Vader is here," Ahsoka said, suddenly the temple door flew open and a man in black with a mask and a  red lightsaber came out. "Our long awaiting meeting has come at last," Vader said coldly, Ahsoka actived her Emerald blade and yellow shoto and the twins did the same. Vader lunged at the three Jedi but barely paid any attention to Luke and Leia instead focusing on Ahsoka. he swung aggressively at her but she kept blocking his blows with her two sabers, as the two continued to fight Leia tried to rush to Ahsoka's aid but Vader simply force pushed her away, eventually Vader disarms one of Ahsoka's sabers and she does a back flip to try to get in, seeing his chance Vader catches Ahsoka in a force choke. Luke rushes to her aid and attacks Vader with his green saber Vader let's Ahsoka go and she falls the ground coughing, Leia also attacked with her blue light saber but Vader easily fights off both of their blows. As Ahsoka tries to recover from the force choke, Vader slices of Luke's hand and the the young Jedi drops his weapon and falls to the floor. Vader attempts to strike Luke down but his blow is blocked by Leia's saber, Vader duels with her briefly and injures her shoulder and she was force pushed into a wall. Having recovered Ahsoka retrieves her lost saber and duels with Vader once again "leave them alone," she says staring into his red eyes "just like how you left me alone?" he asked "your not Anakin!" She screamed "I traveled back in time to save him from you and I succeed, and I would rather perish by your hand than let you touch his children!" Ahsoka yelled just like their first fight she sliced part of his mask but she landed on her feet and pointed one of her sabers at his chest "you are beaten," she said to him "no Ahsoka I'm afraid your the one who has been beaten," Ahsoka didn't understand what he meant but than she felt a burning pain through her chest, Vader vanished from her sight and she realized that he had tricked her. Ahsoka feel to the ground barely breathing "you forgot to watch your back snips," Vader snarled "no!" Leia screamed as she saw that her master was dying. Vader turned to face the young Jedi and her brother "your going to pay for that!" Luke said raising his saber "you children think you can destroy me?" Vader asked Luke nodded and began to fight Vader again despite only having one hand, Leia wanted to rush to her master's aid but she knew she couldn't until they destroyed Vader, she than noticed Ahsoka's sabers and had an idea using the force she lifted one of the sabers and slowly moved to the back of Vader's chest. The second she was close enough she actived the saber and it went right through Vader's suit and into the breathing device on his chest, Vader stopped as he suddenly found himself unable to breath taking his chance Luke sliced off Vader's head and the sith lord fell to the ground dead. The twins than ran to their injured mentor hoping that she would be okay, "Ahsoka please answer me," Luke begged but her eyes didn't open,

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