The Reaper's compassion and the Summit

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Y/n pov

The next day I woke up to the sight of the Orc girls laying on top of  me. Not wanting to wake them I tried to sneak my way out. When I did however I was met with Akeno's hands around my chest.

Akeno: Leaving so soon?~

Y/n: Sorry If I woke you, you and the others looked so peaceful. 

Akeno: Oh Y/n  your so sweet but your fine. I was already awake, I just didn't wanna wake you.

Y/n: Well looks like the others aren't waking up anytime soon. Since we're up you wanna go out on the town with me?

Akeno:*Giggles* You mean like a date?~

Y/n:*Smirks* If that's how you want it then yeah. The way I see it the meeting at the summit is in a  8 hours so we got time to kill.

Akeno smiled at me before agreeing then we got ready. After we got ready I saw her standing outside. We got a good look at each other before she spoke to me cheerfully.

Akeno: Well how do I look Y/n?

Y/n: You look gorgeous Akeno you should really wear your hair down more.

Akeno: Thank you maybe your right Y/n. You look really handsome right now.

Y/n: You really think so? This old punk outfit was what was left in my closet so I threw it on.

Akeno: I think you look sexier dressed  as a punk Y/n~

Y/n: Well then i'm glad I could please ya.

Akeno walked over to my side before wrapping her arms around mine.

Akeno: Well let's get going shall we?

Y/n: *Winks*After you my priestess~

The two of us walked into town with a smile on our faces.  We ate out and wondered around Kouh. These moments were those I cherished the most. Watching Akeno and even others laugh and smile; in peace on a sunny day. I've spent so much time fighting that these little moments passed me by so much.If i'm being honest being able to see Akeno so happy was enough to put my heart at ease. Her heritage as a half Fallen hybrid caused her to loathe herself for so long.  I'm proud that I was able to help her accept herself. While the two of us walked down a road a man appeared infront of us.When I l got a better look I figured out he was Akeno's dad Barquiel.

Barquiel: Akeno what are you doing here?

Akeno: I'm spending time with Y/n. Why are you here Barquiel?

I looked at Akeno seeing spite in her eyes before turning back to her father.

Barquiel: I'm on a mission guarding a member of the God faction.

Y/n:Wait a second there's a God faction? I thought the only God was the one that died millions of years ago.

Barquiel: I'm surprised you can still act innocent after all the damage you caused.

Barquiel glared at me causing Akeno's grip to tighten. I took a closer look into her eyes and saw a glimpse of sadness rising.I clenched my fist in anger then spoke to Barquiel with a glare.

Y/n: Look Barquiel if you've got a problem with me then fine. I know i've caused chaos for Hell and Heaven so I accept your anger. What I won't let you do is make Akeno feel guilty for being around me got it?

Barquiel: What are you saying boy?

Y/n: Akeno is your daughter and that means her well being should be everything to you. As a father you want your daughter to be happy instead of being ashamed dammit. You left her behind leaving her to self loathe into Rias came along. Years after and now she's beginning to accept herself so; who the hell are you to take that away from her? You can hate me if you want but  Akeno's happiness is more important to me.


Barquiel looked at me  with surprise before he looked down.

Barquiel: Your right.... I'm sorry young man. Please forgive me I shouldn't have blamed you.  I just want Akeno to be happy and if you can do that; I won't stop you.

???: So this is the youngster everyone's been talking about eh?

The three of us turned to see an old man in weird clothing walking over to us.

Odin: Oh pardon my rudeness allow me to introduce myself. My name is Odin and I'm the leader of the God faction. 

Y/n: I'm the Substitute Soul Reaper  Y/n l/n.

Odin: I've heard alot of things about you young man.  I have to say your strength is amazing for someone so young.

Y/n: Thank you I guess I should be glad that i've impressed even Gods. Well Akeno and I  should be heading back home. I'm assuming you'll be at the summit right? I'll see you again there, goodbye.

Odin: Farewell kid i'll see you later.

After that whole thing Akeno and I made our way back towards my house.  While we did Akeno looked at me with a gentle look on her face.

Akeno: Thank you so much Y/n.

Y/n: It's nothing Akeno, I meant every last word. You mean the world to me and I refuse to let you live in shame. No one should treat you like shit for being yourself.

I felt Akeno's hand curl around mine causing me to turn to her with a smile. The two of us inched closer to each other when I noticed someone hurry behind a wall.

Y/n: There's no use hiding I know your there come out.

One second later the figure came out then we look at them in surprise.

???: S-sorry I swear I was trying to stalk you! It's just I didn't wanna ruin the moment.

Y/n: Woah is that really you? You look like whole other person


Isabella:*Blushes* Sorry it's just I didn't have time to do my hair. be honest with me I look like a complete doofus don' t I?

Y/n: No way if i'm being honest you look stunning. I've never seen you with your hair down before; it's nice.

Akeno: So Isabella what brings you here?

Isabella: Oh it's the Prez she told me to go get you guys. She said something about need you to help get someone out of a box.

Y/n:(mind) No way so she opened up the seal?

Isabella: Do you guys have any Idea what lady Rias meant?

Y/n: Yeah I think so let head back.

After we made our way back I saw Rias standing outside a room.

Rias: Please just come out Gasper.

I saw Rias say as she stared at the door until a voice came through the other side.

Gasper: Please don't make me lady Rias! It's too scary out there I don't wanna leave!

Y/n: He hasn't changed a bit.

I noticed Isabella looking at me in confusion before she titled her head.

Isabella: He?

I chuckled then walked towards the door before speaking with a smile.

Y/n: You sure you wouldn't come out for me Gaspy? 

Afew seconds later Gasper rushed out with tears falling from his face as he ran towards me.


Gasper tackled me with a hug causing me to to hug him back.

Gasper: I-I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!

Y/n: It's ok buddy i'm here for ya ok? You don't need to cry anymore because i'm not leaving ever again.

Isabella:THAT'S A GUY?!?!?!?!?!?!!

Timeskip brought to you by these

3rd person pov

A few hours later Y/n and the others arrived at the summit.  Y/n had managed to convince Gasper to come along with them. 

Rias: Are you sure about this Y/n? You know how anxious Gasper can be.

Y/n: Hehe don't worry about a thing Rias he's gonna be just fine isn't that right Gasp?

Y/n said with a smile as he  looked at Gasper who sat in a box playing a game Y/n gave him.

Gasper: Thank to you I will thank you so much Y/n!

Y/n and the others entered the building to which they were greeted by Sirzechs,Azazel and Micheal.

Sirzechs: Y/n thank you for coming here. Everyone has been waiting to meet you.

Y/n: Hey no problem I'll always here for you  bro/

Micheal: It's nice to see you again my friend. I must say your outfit looks amazing, It really suites you.

Micheal offered Y/n a handshake to with he accepted with a grin.

Y/n: The pleasure is all mine Micheal. I'm sorry for all the damage I caused during my fight with Aizen.

Micheal: You have nothing to apologize for Y/n. It;s nothing we can't fix ourselves so don't worry.

Azazel: Well then shall we get everything started?

Y/n followed  them then began to talk to the other races. As  time went by  everyone seemed to be getting alone. Y/n talked to the faction leaders when suddenly the ground began to shake around them.

Y/n:What the hell is going on?

 Y/n's eyes widened as he felt a massive amount of spiritual pressure coming from outside.

Y/n:(Mind) Whoever they are their strong. 

Azazel: Just who's power s this?

Y/n: You guys stay here and i'll go find out.

Y/n went into his Soul Reaper form then rushed off to deal with it.  When Y/n found the source he saw two people fighting against two Arrancars. One of the Arrancars went to slash one of the men but was blocked by Y/n.

???: Tch your a fast one aren't you. You've gotta alot of nerve kid.

Y/n:Call me old fashioned but sitting back and watching a four armed freak kill a man doesn't sit well with me. Why don't I join this little party of yours?

??? 2: Children like you deserved to be punished. I'll wither that arrogant attitude of yours to dust.

??? 3: Never thought I'd see a Soul Reaper in hell.

Y/n: Well sorry but I thought you guys could use a hand or 2.

??? 3: heh if your offering 

then the more the merrier

To be continued

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