The Reaper's freedom

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3rd person pov

Y/n spirit energy oozed from his newfound power while he stared Aizen down.

Y/n: What's the matter aren't you going to attack Mr. wanna be god?

Aizen: Your able to maintain this power. That's quite amazing but even  I can tell it won't last forever.

Y/n: It'll last long enough.

Y/n  swung at Aizen sending a massive blast of spirit energy.  Aizen jumped out of the way and appeared above Y/n. Aizen spun his blade down at Y/n causing the boy to vanish using flashstep. Y/n held his blade close before wrapping a Mugetsu around it. Y/n charged towards Aizen with a slash causing the man to block. Y/n's attacks became fiercer with every passing Aizen shocking even Aizen.  Aizen jumped into the air causing Y/n to pursue him.  Y/n watched Aizen fire a blast him but the young reaper dodged it. Aizen stood and watched as Y/n used his insane speed to flashstep around him.

Y/n: What's wrong Aizen am I moving too slow for you? I can move way faster if you want.

Aizen: Trying to provoke me isn't gonna work boy.

Y/n's afterimages blitzed towards Aizen with a slash cutting his body all over. Rias and the others watched this in awe until Kisuke spoke.

Kisuke: I can't believe he is learning to master it.

Ichigo: I just don't get it, how is he even stronger after using Mugetsu?

Kisuke: It must be something to do with that power Aizen mentioned.

Rukia: What do you mean?

Kisuke:  That hidden power of his must be what's keeping that form up.  His spiritual pressure is constantly fluctuating rapidly. It's almost like something inside him is keeps releasing and absorbing his energy.

Y/n struck cut Aizen in half only for his body to recover. Aizen sent Y/n crashing down to the ground. Y/n stood back up and watched as Aizen formed another Kido spell around him.

Aizen: Goryutenmetsu!

 Firing the blast at Y/n Aizen charged at him giving him almost no time to react. Y/n responded by charging towards the attack without fear. Raised his blade before slashing to blast in two with his own spirit energy. Aizen took this time to slash Y/n's chest causing the boy to bleed Y/n knocked Aizen back then stared at his wound.

Aizen: So this was your capable of Y/n? I'll admit I underestimated your skills. I thought you gave up power to evolve but; you chose to use power to force your evolution. Even if that was your choice it's a foolish one.

Y/n: The fool here is you Aizen.. you want to be a God right? Well there is something you don't get about it. 

Aizen: Oh that being what exactly?

Y/n: Gods are almighty beings with power greater than a mere mortal. Gods are unbeatable and the truth is; you already lost this fight.

Y/n raised his blade then took a deep breath as his spirit energy changed around him. Aizen watched in surprise as his spirit energy formed faint images of everyone. It was images of those he held dear. When they saw this then began to cheer for Y/n victory.






Y/n: You hear that Aizen? Those voices are the cries of the world begging for me to end this.  Every race is placing their hope in me and I won't let them down.

Aizen:  Then it's time we finish this. I'll end you and take your power for myself.

Y/n and Aizen charged towards each other with a powerful attack. Y/n managed to dodge Aizen's attack before sending him flying into the air. After doing it Y/n chose to end the battle with one final move.

As Aizen collapsed  due to Y/n's overwhelming attack Y/n flouted to the ground below. Y/n's new form began to distort before seeping back into Y/n. While Rias and the others rushed off to Heaven Y/n's body fell to the ground. On his face his veins glowed with spirit energy before it vanished.

Timeskip brought to you by these

Y/n pov

It's been a day since the battle in Heaven and everyone has been recovering well. Right now I sat on my bed as Unohana finished tending to my wounds.

Unohana: I've done everything I can however; your arm is going to need time to heal. If I were to guess it seems your left arm took on most of the damage.

Y/n: I see then I guess I should be lucky it wasn't any worse. Thanks for everything Unohana i'm glad to have you around captain.

Unohana: Please Y/n just call me Retsu and if anyone should be thanked it's you. You may not have killed Aizen but he's been imprisoned once more.

Y/n: Yeah I know, I should be proud I've been able to do that.

Rias and the others entered the room causing me to smile.

Y/n: Hey guys what's going on?

Akeno: We came to check up on you before we left to school.

Y/n: If you going then give me a sec to get ready.

I stood up causing Isabella to look at me with concern.

Isabella: Woah wait a sec are you sure? Your still injured after all so why don't you stay here?

Y/n: Staying in a bed all day isn't gonna help me. Unohana healed most of my most of my wounds. I'm not gonna let a broken arm stop me from going. Even a rainy day can be a happy one with the right people after all. Isn't that right Rias?

Rias looked at me blushing remembering she said those same words once before. Those words helped reassure me and now she smiled; knowing I was able to do the same.

Rias: Just don't make us wait too long ok Y/n?

I nodded before putting on my uniform then we were off. When we got to school everything seemed so peaceful. Even with the concern from Tatsuki and the others; things seemed to change. Me and the others laughed and had fun again without a care. Nothing to make us suspicious of one another. This was what I wanted and now that Aizen was gone it was able to slowly return to me. Rias and the rest of us agreed that we would celebrate this with a party back home. Everyone agreeing with the idea we returned home after school was finished.When we arrived we were met with unexpected guest.

Y/n: Riser what are you and your peerage doing here?

Riser: Riser wishes to help and celebrate on your victory my friend.

???: The same goes for all of us.

I turned to the sight of the others smiling. Sona and her peerage, Sirzechs, even Micheal and Azazel were here. Not knowing what to say I simply smiled at them all.

Y/n: Thank you all. Even if this peace of ours is temporary;  let's get this party start! After all no one but us could fight something like that so own it everyone!


With that we all went inside and for once had the realization we deserved. Everyone enjoyed themselves as for me; I was free from Aizen and that's what mattered.

??? pov

I sensed it...Y/n's power is awakening. Soon I'll be strong enough to return and finish what I started. Don't worry Y/n soon i'll help you see my vision of the world

My son

To be continued

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