War marching part 1: Duality

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3rd person pov (Flashback)

After the world Breaker's failed invasion Y/n and the others were seen the next day. Standing in a ruined field Y/n took off his shirt. Taking a stance Y/n smirked staring down the others.

Y/n: Now then  I think it's about time we settle our unfinished business.

Rias:*smiles* I agree  The World Breakers interrupted the Rating games. 

Riser: True we were meant to give Hell a show.

Forming a ball of fire in his hand Riser smirked.

Riser: Why not do so now?

Sairaorg: Heh I wholeheartedly  agree.

Sona:  Whoever wins or loses is only up to skills.


 Y/n bursted towards Sairaorg with  a punch. Blowing each other back with force Y/n stopped himself by smashing his foot in the ground. Riser  jumped towards Rias  forming a giant ball of fire  in his hand. Rias  Fired a P.O.D blast into Riser.  Sona wasting no time unleashed a blast of Magic upon Rias;only for her to summon her armor.

Rias: Nice try Sona  but you'll have to do better than that!

Riser  ran towards Sona then punched her back avoiding Rias's next attack Riser fired a counter. Y/n  dodged a blow from  Sairaorg then punched him in the jaw.  Sairaorg smirked before he punched Y/n back into a rock wall. Y/n bursting through it activated Shunko before the group all charged at each other at once.   While Hell's citizens watched  on they  began to cheer on their great heroes. Despite the suffering many of them had gone through this  had brought them hope. Seeing their saviors able to remain strong in spite of everything they had endured.

(flashback end)

Y/n was seen sitting in his room within Yhwach's base staring outside the window.

Y/n:(mind) All of this....and for what? Neither side is fighting for  an unjust cause. They remain so similar but yet neither is willing to give in and accept a means of coming to peace. Quincies and Soul Reapers...how an groups be so similar and yet can't see it through their grudges.

Y/n sighed  before he heard someone knocking on his door.

Y/n: Enter.

When the door opened the boy saw Bambietta and Candice enter the room.

Y/n: What's up? 

Bambietta:  We wanted to say sorry for earlier.

Candice: We doubted you  and  you're abilities as His Majesty's son. We were wrong to immediately diss you like we need.

Bambietta: In the end you truly stacked up to what the King's son should be able to do.

The two Sternritters bowed before Y/n who scoffed then turned around.

Y/n: It hardly matters now. I showed off my power and now you understand.  Beating yourself up won't solve anything.

The two girls stared up at Y/n with curiosity. Upon doing so they blushed as the moonlight shined off him.

Y/n: I know that for everything I cared for it's meaningless if I fight on the wrong side of this war. My bloodline is something I can't deny either. As a prince of the Quincy it's only common sense I show all my soldiers my resolve. 

Extending his hands to them me smiled as his hair moved due to wind from outside.

Y/n: You girls are amazing Soldiers and I can see despite your seemingly rough meet up with me; you are pure hearted. I give you my word that as of this day I shall protect you as your prince and help bring an end to this war. So long as you follow me as you did my father Yhwach; I will never guide you down a wrong path.

Stretching out their hands to accept the two Quincies stood up then saluted as they smiled at Y/n.

Bambietta/Candice: YES YOUR HIGHNESS! 

Outside Y/n's room Uryu stood hearing the whole conversation.

Uryu:(Mind)  Y/n's done it again...just as he always does.  He's always been extremely charismatic. I just never knew it could be to this level. Maybe...just maybe he really can end this war.

Walking away Uryu left without saying a word. After he did so Y/n spoke to the 2 girls as they went to leave.

Y/n: Hold up before you two go there is something I wanted to ask you both.

Candice: What's that?

Y/n; Tomorrow  why don't we go to the human world and hang out a bit?

Bambietta: Huh?

Y/n:  What the hell is with the confusion? I mean it's only common sense that s Soldier can't  fight at their best when their under too  much stress. So between us a little relaxation and a chance to understand each other doesn't seem so bad;right?

Candice:*Smiles*  Hey Bambietta he's got a point you know?

Bambietta: Heh Yeah fine I guess we owe you atleast that much. But what about his Majesty?

Y/n: I'm sure my father wouldn't mind it.

Bambietta: Alright then in that case see you tomorrow Prince Y/n.

Heading to bed they all prepared for tomorrow. When  Y/n went to bed he began to see visions.

Ichigo: W-What the hell is going on with you?..This isn't real..your not the real Y/n!

Y/n: I'm sorry Ichigo...but it is-


Y/n: You'll never understand things now Ichigo.

Grimmjow:   What the hell does he think he's doing?!


Y/n:  This isn't  about what is right or wrong to be. THIS IS ABOUT EVERYONE WHO'S BEEN SACRIFICED IN THIS FUCKING WAR!

Yhwach: So this is your decision...Y/n?  So be it.

Y/n: I'll use this power of mine to kill you

once and for all.

Timeskip brought to you by these

3rd person pov

The next day Riser was seen standing before Raynare with a fire ball in his hand.

Raynare: Alright let's do this Riser!

Riser: Get ready Raynare because here I GO!

Riser charged at Raynare with a punch causing the Fallen to  block with a light spear before swinging at him. Riser sidestepped it before before kicking her back  with a mighty blow. While flying back Raynare stopped herself using her wings. Riser fired his blast causing Raynare to slash it in two.  Igniting the explosion  in the air Raynare  flew at Riser as she summoned her Sacred Gear.

Raynare: KALI!

Kali formed around Raynare while Riser  and her clashed through the air.  Riser and her blitzed through the air leaving concussive waves  fill the sky.  Raynare slashed Riser's   chest causing the Phenex to  nail her in the face. 

Riser; Impressive strike however Riser's  was faster. 

Raynare:(mind) D-Damn..

 Riser blasted her away giving her a chance to form a light spear.



 Using the blood from Raynare's face Kali enhanced Raynare's light spear turning it crimson.

Riser:*smirks* That's more like it COME AT ME RAYNARE!

Raynare bursted towards Riser then unleashed her attack lighting up the sky in a massive burst of energy.

When the dust settled Raynare and Riser stood with some damage.

Riser: Nicely done Raynare. Riser must say your skills and control over Kali have grown over these last few  months. 

Raynare: Thank you Riser but I can't take all the credit. You've been a great training partner. I only wish that Y/n....

Riser: Listen I know full well how you feel. I loved Y/n like  he was my own family even before he married my sister Ravel and the others. 

Raynare:  I know that it's just hard to believe it..

Riser: it truly is.... but right now whether or not he's a traitor means nothing. We have to prepare for what is to come.

Soifon: Everyone is preparing for the War to come. If we lose then  everything we've ever known will be wiped out.  

Raynare: Your right..I only hope we'll be able to win this. Without Y/n.....

Riser: We'll just have to cross that bridge when it comes..

(With Y/n)

 Opening up a Gateway to the world of the living Y/n walked out in some casual clothes with Bambietta and Candice Following suit.

Y/n: Never thought i'd be taking a trip to Germany.

Bambietta: Hold up you've never been here before?

Y/n:*shakes head* Nope. I've been to plenty of places. The U.S, Kyoto,Osaka, Russia, Spain, and China but never been here before.

Candice: Heh  Well  looks like your in for some fun. We've been here plenty and know just about everything this place has to offer.

Following them Y/n  had found himself slowly starting to enjoy himself. Seeing the two  girls seem to start to unwind Y/n chuckled.

Y/n:(mind) To think these are the same girls that are the enemy. Maybe... maybe they don't have to be. Perhaps there is a chance I can convince them to-

Before Y/b could finish his thought he heard something roar before he saw a blast. Jumping out  of the way Y/n ripped away his casual clothes revealing his Quincy outfit.

Y/n: You two alright?

Bambietta/Candice: Yeah.

Staring upwards Y/n  grabbed the blade from his back then sighed.

Y/n: So much for a day off.

To be continued

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