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Claire takes me to a fancy bar named, pleasure place. The name says it all as it's full of students. It seems modern as the decoration is filled with lights and music. We are sitting beside the window on a black leather booth. After ordering our food Claire adds,

"How was your first day?" Well for being the first day it didn't go that bad, it could have been worse.

"Great, I already met this girl from my class, she's nice. What about you?" This is her second year at university. It's a pity we don't go to the same one but I'm sure we will be spending plenty of time at home together.

"Good. I saw everyone again even Gemma. I hate her. You will hear all about her." She says sipping on her diet coke. As she tells me a bit about the city our order comes. I ordered a burger with a side of fries and Claire ordered a Ceasar salad. I couldn't have asked for a better welcoming into this beautiful city. Getting to know someone you are going to spend a lot of time with is fun and exciting.

"Don't let me forget to pay the rent this afternoon." I want to pay sooner than later to get it over with. I decided to pay monthly as it's a thousand dollars a month. She laughs and begins to mix the salad.

"No probably. I think a thousand eight hundred a month is good for our apartment." I look up at her in shock. I am certain the landlord told me it was a thousand.

"Yeah," I say nervously as I try to remember the conversation with him. She might pay more as she has the biggest room. That wouldn't be far. I'll have to check my emails with him to make sure the price is right. If it's the amount of money she is paying I won't be able to afford it.

"He lives above us. He is dead kind and loaded as hell." I laugh as I take a bite of the burger.

Earlier that afternoon she takes me to see union square. This weekend Brad and I will go and see the famous golden gate. After walking around the square and eating ice cream we head home. I didn't realize we were so close home as we only take five minutes in the car. I will try to walk to places to start to familiarize myself with the city inside of getting the car so much.

At seven o'clock I call the interphone to see if the landlord is home. He needs to buzz me in so I can get to his floor on the elevator. It's all very technical and a bit complicated if you ask me.

"Hi, it's Emma from the seventh floor. Is it okay for me to come up now?" I say speaking shyly thru the interphone. Claire that's laying on the sofa watching a weird program gives me the thumbs up as the elevator opens. The door closes and I feel the elevator go up as my heart beats faster. The sound the lift makes as it reaches the floor makes me jump.

"Wow." Is the only word that comes out of my mouth when I see his flat. I thought mine was incredible but this tops it up. I guess when you are the landlord and are loaded you can do whatever you want with it.

"Hello?" I say looking around the room. I spot a huge black shining piano in the middle of the room. I turn around when I hear footsteps come towards me. I am gobsmacked when I see the landlord standing in front of me. I pictured him older. I quickly turn around to grab the elevator once again to go back down to my floor. I can't believe my eyes as he just stands there with the cutest smile ever.

"Em, wait!" He runs up to grab my arm as the elevator opens. I can't understand what in god's name he is doing here. Of course, it had to be. When I saw his car downstairs in the parking lot it was familiar and now it makes sense it is his car.

"Let go of me!" I can't look at him. Hunter Lane, of course, bought the building I was going to live in for the next four years.

"You have some nerve showing up like this." I manage to turn around to face him. I haven't seen him since that night at the hospital when he told me what I never wanted to hear. I begin to walk away from him back to the elevator. My head is spinning with all kind of thoughts and feelings. I want to speak my mind, it's not that easy. I walk back up to him in an angry way as I point at him.

"You have no right to do this to me! That day you made a decision and I had no choice but to go with it." Then all the pieces match in my head. He doesn't care about the rent money I pay him he just wanted me to stay here so he could see me. I don't understand why. Why would he do this? He was the one who ended everything and he can't snap his fingers and assume I'll throw myself at his arms.

"Here! One month and I'm gone!" I say handing him the cash I have been earning this past year. He shocks his head in disbelief. Did he really think I was going to react any different?

"I don't want your money. Can we just talk please?" His voice seems different, cracked. I have tried so hard to get over him and just seeing him standing in front of me make all emotions come crashing down on me.

"I will never be able to hate you but I am disappointed you turned into everything you said you would never become," I say stepping away from him.


The chapter you have all been waiting. He is BACK!!!

Any thoughts or ideas? Everything is appreciated.

Love Maria X

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