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As soon as the first aiders are on the ring patching up Hunter's eye, I am standing on my feet in horror. I can see the blood dripping. As the first aiders patch his eyebrow I can see him looking in my direction. I quickly sit back down, not to show him the desperation I feel when he is in pain. The first aiders leave the ring carrying the heavy green bags off with them. Hunter gets back on his feet as his opponent is ready, holding his fist close up to his face. The golden dragon has an excellent reputation for giving it all in the last round and unfortunate to Hunter now is the final round. They both began to bounce around the ring as soon as the referee blows the whistle and someone's yells "Let the blood begin!" That's when my jaw quickly tightens as I am sitting on the edge of the chair. The golden dragon throws his first punch of the round just as Hunter doges and throws a punch at his gut. He quickly clenches over in pain and straightens in a matter of seconds to punch Hunter right in the jaw. Next minute I look Hunter is in a Headlock on the floor while he punches Hunter ́s liver. Claire is on her fight yelling at the referee, I don't know anything about boxing, but for the looks of it, it is forbidden to punch below the belt, behind the head and the liver. Both referees run up to them and try to get Hunter out of the opponent's arms. They quickly take Hunter off the ring while people cheer. I'm not sure who won or if the other guy has been disqualified.

I look around in panic and grab my handbag and whisper in Claire's ear, "I'll be right back." I try passing the people that are on their feet shouting and holding their cans of beers. I walk up to the room that is across the ring that is supposed to be god's know what. They tried to change this abandoned factory into a standard boxing ring. On the door, the words Changing room has been carved into it. I open the door and see some benches in the middle of the room. I see the two first aiders and the coach around Hunter that is probably laying on one of the benches. I can't see him because they are all gathered around him.

"Are you trying to get yourself fucking killed! You asshole." I say in desperation, I did not mean to yell nor show Hunter my distress for him being hurt, but I can not contain myself. The three guys turn around as quick as I speak. The coach narrows this eyes and adds,

"Who the hell are you? Get out!" Then I see Hunter lift his head to meet my eyes. Hunter grabs the coaches arm and nods. Well, thank you for letting me stay, a very kind gesture I think to myself as I roll my eyes. I walk over to see what there are doing to him. They are applying ice onto this lower chest; they give him two painkillers. I sit down on the bench that is across from them as Hunter smiles at me.

"You will need to rest for two months; I would recommend going for an X-ray tomorrow morning. Miss, can you please see to that happening?" The coach thanks them as they head out. I roll my eyes and say quickly,

"Don't even think about you!" I say as I stand to my feet. The coach tosses him his T-shirt.

"Take it easy and congrats on winning your first match." He looks over at me and says as he looks at me from top to bottom, "Please drive him home, I'll leave you to it." He says walking out the room, leaving us both there. Hunter sits up looking at me. Does he expect me to drive him home, knowing myself I am obviously going to do it. The truth about Hunter is that I can rarely say no to him because I will do anything for the people I love or loved. Even though he has hurt me a lot in these past months, I know that he needs me now and I won't treat him differently because he left me.

"Right! Tell me what the hell you're doing boxing! Have you gone mad? I really don't know you anymore. Oh wait, was it, Taylor or Hunter. I get confused. Please help me understand!" I begin to babul when I am frustrated. He gets up from the bench and makes a moaning sound. He puts his arm around my shoulder as I try and move away.

"I need your help to walk, and you know that you can call me anything you want. This time I am gonna let you drive my car home. And thank you, Emily." I look quick at him as he smirks because he knows that I hate it when he calls me Emily. It drives me insane.

"I began Boxing a few months ago when I first arrived here. It helps me take my mind off things. How are you liking San Fran?" I sigh as we leave the back room of the changing room. I remember that Claire will probably be waiting for me to go home. I take my phone from my back pocket and text her. I will see you at home; I am getting a ride. See ya!

"Do not push it. This isn't a chit chat nor a memory line. So let's get this done with." I say walking out.

We leave the crowded building behind heading to the same place Claire parked her car. I can see her car is still here. We head up to his familiar car when I help if get in the passenger's seat. I think I have only driven once with Hunter because he always used to pick me up and drive to the places. The thing is that driving in a city you are not familiar with is challenging because you need to be aware of the sat nav and of the new streets. I have never driven this car because Hunter is so proud of this baby that nobody is allowed to drive it but him. Dean has never driven it either. I walk around to the front of the car and throw the keys in the air as I look over at Hunter with a smile of accomplishment. I get in the car and turn the key, and the loud sound of the roaring engine surrounds our ears.

"Enjoy while you can! Speed it up Em." And there we have it again; he thinks that everything is back to normal and calling me Em. The gate opens as the lights of the car scorch people that are passing the gate. I carefully drive out the parking lot, trying to find the hand gate.

"Shit. It's automatic." I say out loud, not hoping for any response from Hunter as he laughs under his breath.

"You got this, Emily Kate Skys." I breathe through my nose and carefully drive past all the drunken people that are hanging out outside the factory. As Claire said already, I see some dudes sat on top of a car drinking away. I take my phone out of my back pocket and enter the address. I still can't get out of my head what happened between us.

"Right! We are stuck in this car for 40 minutes, so that is plenty of time for you to explain yourself about last Summer." I insist while I get on the motorway. He looks up at me with this expression of sadness and deception. 


Hope you enjoyed this chapter

Love Maria xx

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