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Walking out, hearing the new crowd boo me gets me excited for what is going to come. The crowd has never seen me fight. Therefore they don't know what he is up against. I have heard a lot of good things about the golden dragon. However, if Coach West asked me to go up against him, it's because I have a chance of winning this guy. I look up and see my opponent standing ready in the middle of the ring. His stare is steady, looking straight into my eyes without saying nothing with his bared teeth. 

Coach West hands me the bright blue mouthguard, and as I open my mouth, he squirts some water from the water bottle with the plastic straw. I then put on my mouthguard to prevent any damage to my teeth or any falling out. I then get into the ring, ready for what is coming. I glance over, back to Coach West to see him walk over to the border of the ring, standing beside Theo. Theo looks up at me and gives me a thumbs up. The lady steps out of the ring and continues speaking through the megaphone.

"Let the 12 rounds begin," She says as the bell rings. I look up at the screen at the time starts to countdown three minutes. I put my fist in position to cover my face. He quickly throws the first punch at me as I block it with my shoulder by moving to the left. Bouncing and moving around the whole ring gets us sweating and the crowd cheering and yelling standing up. The bell rings once again. I head to the corner of the ring where Coach West is. He gives me some water and some other guys wipe my forehead with a towel and but a bag of ice around my neck. Round 2 Round 3Round 4... And it continues. 

By round 9, my opponent is down on the floor because of my knockdown. The referee starts an eight-count after a knockdown to give him a chance to get up. The crowd begins to shout at him, begging him to get up. After five seconds, he gets up, everyone begins to cheer. Round 11 the referee stops the fight after a head-butt opens a cut over my left eye. As the first aider is treating my eye and brow, I look behind him to the crowd. I see everyone looking over at us. Some people are standing to have a better view.

Suddenly I see a blonde girl standing with her hands over her mouth in shook. I narrow my eyes as I recognise her. She is looking over at me while I smile and wink at her with my right eye as the first aider is putting a plaster on the top of my left eye. She slowly sits back down as the bell rings for the last time. Everyone begins to cheer and clap once again. I am going to win this game, not for me but for Emma, I think to myself. 


Hope you enjoyed this chapter

Love Maria xx 

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