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"Welcome all!" This young lady says holding the megaphone to her lips entering the ring. The light focusing on her as she stands in the centre of the ring. Roughly in this abandoned warehouse, we must be around one hundred people, the funny this is we are all gathered here waiting to watch this fight. I have never been to these things back at home because I didn't picture myself cheering for people to beat the shit out of themselves. I quickly take a glance at my phone to see three unread messages from Brad. I told him Claire was taking me out but couldn't tell him much more because that's all I knew. As soon as we arrived at the abandoned warehouse I texted him letting him know I was out of the city so he wouldn't worry.

"Tonight is going to be full of pain, passion..." The lady continues to speak through the megaphone. I disconnect for a moment when I see this man sitting across from me, the familiar bright red polo caught my attention, on the other side of the ring. He looks up at me and winks with a big smirk plastered on his face. I roll my eyes in despair and look back to the lady holding the megaphone.

"Please welcome our beloved golden dragon." The crowd goes crazy including Claire jumping up and down cheering for the mystery golden dragon. He walks past the benches with his arms raised in the air as screams and claps surround the room. He steps into the ring taking his robe off and throwing it to the crowd as if he was a super famous boxer.

"And now please welcome our new fighter, El Diablo." She says. The crowd begins to boo the boxer as he walks into the room. "Give him a chance." The lady says as some people start to clap for him. I feel sorry for the guy so I begin to clap for him. He enters the ring and takes off the hoodie of the robe and throws it over the ring. As soon as he looks up into the crown my legs begin to tremble. It can't be I think myself. Ever since I found out he was living here in San Francisco to be precise living above me has me losing my mind. Claire nudges me and adds,

"Em! Is that our landlord?" He is much more than that, I think to myself trying to hold back my surprise. I cross my legs in desperation and disbelief. They always say that it's a small world but I can't believe that here I am sat in this dump about to watch him fight this Golden dragon boxer.

"That's what it looks like," I say to her in a natural voice holding back my breath and tears. Every time I see him a wave of anger comes over me. My hands begin to sweat seeing him up on the ring ready to fight the other guy. My voice in my head is telling me to get up and leave. But go where? Claire drove me here and I am in the middle of nowhere. I could order a Uber but it would take them ages to get here. I sit straight up and take a deep breath in ready to see this match. I could always close my eyes, I think to myself.  


Hope you enjoy this chapter, wait to see what happens next! 

 Kisses Maria ♡♡

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