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Emma and I are in the car driving to meet Meghan and Dean for breakfast. Having Emma by my side has really changed my summer to a much better way. I've never been in love before until I meet Emma. At first, we were friends and I had no intentions with her because she was with Hunter but when she needed me, I was with her every day and I saw something in her that I wanted and needed. She turns the music upbringing my full attention back on the road as I continue to drive into the center. Around this time of year, it gets very busy with tourist so it's hard to find a parking space on the street. I decide to go into the parking lot that is bound to have spaces.

As we walk into the cramped shopping center I'm holding her hands so I don't lose her. I'm not very familiar with this shopping center so I let Emma lead the way to the coffee shop. I'm starting to think that this was not a bright idea as people bump into me. We finally arrive at the tiny local and thank god that they are already there sitting around the table. Many people are waiting for a table so I'm glad they have one.

"Hey lovebirds," Meghan adds as she goes up to the Emma to hug her. I stretch my arm over the table to grab Dean's as he presses mine. I give Meghan a kiss on the cheek when I hear Emma talking to Dean.

"Have you not heard from it yet?" She asks referring to Hunter. I understand it hasn't been easy for her and I gave her her space about it but she insisted that her feelings for him were dead.

"Last I heard he moved out of state." He adds as Meghan interrupts, "He better stay far away from me." She has always been very protective of Emma and that's what makes me love her more. Dean told us the truth about the man in their house when Emma's house as she still didn't know the whole truth. He took full responsibility as he was the one who killed the guy and Hunter only helped him cover it up. The police shoot the drug dealer as he was still pointing the gun at her when she was on the floor.

"Katniss, Cappuccino with caramel and cream?" She quickly nods as I walk up to the crowd of people queuing up for their drink as well. I take my phone out to kill time in the queue. After a few people, it's my turn to order and the waitress tells me she'll bring my order to our table.

"I'm going to miss both of you." I hear Emma say. Today is the last day we are seeing them before we drive up tomorrow to San Francisco. It's a six-hour drive to our university from here so we'll have to take it easy.

"You can come and visit at Christmas." She adds as I take a seat next to her. I wrap my arm around her shoulder pulling her close to me as she smiles.

"You better take good care of her," Meghan adds glaring over at us.

"When haven't I?" Emma laughs and Meghan just rolls her eyes. I love her too much to hurt her after all she has been through. Meghan got into the university in Santa Barbara it's a four-hour drive from us so we will be seeing her more often than Dean. Dean got into Santa Monica's university because he didn't want to move away.

The waiter comes with our drinks.

"Are you excited about going to Santa Barbara?" I ask Meghan. I have family over there and the city is beautiful. The beach is so different from the one here. My nan has a big house just in front of the beach, it's so old and white. I always used to spend my summer holidays there.

"You have to go to this restaurant called FRIYA, it's the best restaurant I've ever been too," I say as I remember every good moment I've had there with my family.

"I'm actually really looking forward to it, but I'm going to miss all of you guys. And I'll take a note of that." She reaches over and hugs Emma once again.

After an hour we say our goodbyes. We will see them very soon but for Meghan and Emma, it looks like it's the end of the world. I could see Meghan was about to cry but Dean quickly took care of that.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter ❤️

What will happen in San Francisco?

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