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Emma- Four months ago

Waking up feeling my body numb is one thing but waking up seeing my mum and brother arguing is not pleasant. I softly open my eyes looking around the white room as I remember little about the day before.

"Em, how do you feel?" Says Dan as he walks over to the bed. I look over at my shoulder as it's all covered in a white thick band.

"They had to give you blood because you lost so much." My mum steps forward and kisses me on my forehead. Dan is holding my hand.

"Where is he?" I manage to pronounce. I see Dan look over at my mum as his eyebrows raise up in frustration.

"He hasn't come yet, sweetie. You need to rest." I close my eyes once again and fall back asleep. I have never slept this densely in my life and it's hard for me to wake up. I feel hands on me when my eyes suddenly swing open when I see a doctor checking my wound. I look over at the chair that's beside me and see Brad and Dean there as they talk to the doctor.

"She will have to go to a rehabilitation center to gain full movement in her arm." She says answering Brad's question. I try to lift my arm or even to tighten my hand but it's impossible.

"It will take time." She says to me as she gives me two tablets and a cup of water. I drain the two tiny tablets with a mouthful of water as she steps outside. Dean comes to me and kisses my cheek as he adds,

"I am so sorry, that wasn't your bullet to take." I don't blame Hunter or Dean for what happened. I just don't understand why he hasn't come to visit me yet. I can see that Dean is sorry because his eyes twinkle with sadness.

"Where is he?" Are the only words I say again. I look over at Brad, but he just looks at the floor. Why will no one answer my god damn question? I think after everything I have a right to know where he is.

"Hunter?" I ask as a tear falls down my cheek. Brad quickly gets up and wipes the tear off my face. He grabs my hand as he says,

"Katniss, we haven't seen him but we will continue to call him." I turn my head the over way as tears continue to roll down my face.

A few weeks later Brad is sitting next to me. Everyone has classes in the morning so Meghan comes in the afternoon. Brad has started to skip classes to be with me in the mornings as my mum works. I appreciate everything he is doing for me.

"I watched another video and the best exercise for your arm is to pretend you have a spider on your arm." He has to be kidding. The other day the doctor came in and showed him some moves I could do to gain movement and of course Brad has been making sure I so them.

"Very funny!" This past couple of weeks we have got to know each other pretty well. If it wasn't for my friends I would probably be in here with no motivation for getting out of this place. Someone knocks on the door as Brad walks over to open. Brad quickly steps outside without letting me see who was there. I can hear them mumbling as I try to recognize the voice.

"You have two minutes." I hear Brad say as the door opens. My mouth drops open when I see Hunter standing in some sweatpants and a hoodie over his head.

"Hi," I can't believe he has the guts to show up two weeks after. I try to sit up as he quickly rushes over to help me fix the pillow behind my back so I'm sitting straight.

"Where have you been? Why now?" I ask him trying not to burst out my tears in front of him.

"I am sorry for everything. The best thing for you is for me to disappear from your life and that's what I've come to do. I just want to say Goodbye." He just came to say bye? He should have just stayed at home to come and make me feel pain once again for him. He doesn't deserve the pain I've felt over him.

"Bye!" I say as I turn over to face the other way. I don't want to see him or talk to him. It's too late. I needed him two weeks ago and he didn't show up, so why now? I hear the door close as tears begin to race down my cheeks.


Hope you're enjoying the second book so far ❤☺️

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