Prologue 2

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~~~TᕼE ᗩᑕᑕIᗪEᑎT~~~

Serena asked facing Bonnie and Clemont.

"Me, me, me!" Bonnie exclaimed.

Everyone chuckled. Serena gestured her to open up. With a wide smile, while jumping Bonnie takes off the ribbon and opens it. Serena bit her lip. Her eyes widened as her mouth hanging agape. Staring at the containment of the little box. Slowly her hand reached forward grabbing a little white bracelet with a silver black dog paw charm, holding it into the air. Both Ash and Clemont gasp.

"Uhm" Serena started."Do you like i-"

"SQEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" Bonnie interrupted as she squeals in glee, jumping up and down. Both Ash and Clemont covered their ears as Bonnie continued squealing. As she stopped squealing, they put their hands down, sighing in relief.

"So" Serena started again as she giggled."I assume you like it."

"LIKE IT?!" Bonnie screamed as she runs towards Serena tackling her, almost losing her balance Serena looked down."I LOVELOVELOVE IT!"

Serena giggles, returning the hug as Bonnie keeps shouting thank you over and over again. Ash and Clemont both look at them smiling at the sister like relationship. As Bonnie let her go.

"Do I've to help you put it on?" Serena asked. Bonnie nodded, Serena carefully took the bracelet from her and attached it to her wrist. Bonnie squealed again, jumping up and down, looking at the bracelet.

"So pretty," Bonnie breathed out. Looking up at her brother."Big brother, your turn, your turn."

Clemont looked at Serena asking for permission. She nodded, giving him permission to do so. Clemont carefully and slowly takes off the ribbon.

"HURRY UP!" Bonnie screamed in frustration as Clemont almost dropped the present in shock. He glared at his little sister before opening it. Nervously, Serena bit her lip. Clemont looked at it for a moment before smiling widely. Slowly his hand reached forward grabbing a black bracelet with a silver atom molecule charm, holding it into the air. Bonnie squealed her fist against her chest, running her place. Ash just smiled at it.

"Do you like it?" Serena asked nervously.

Clemont smiled as he hugged her. "Of course, I liked it."

"IT'S SO PRETTY!" Bonnie said as she squealed. Clemont pulled out from the embrace, chuckling walking back to his sister, ruffling her hair. Serena turned around.

"It's your turn, Ash"

"FINALLY!" Ash screamed as Serena chuckled and rolled her eyes.

Ash wasted no time and opened the box. His face was stuck in his place his grin on his place. Serena got concerned at his expression he was frozen.

"Um Ash," Serena started."Are yo- WOAH"

She screamed as Ash tackled her in a big hug. Smiling ear to ear.

"YOU'RE THE BEST PERSON EVER!" Ash exclaimed as Serena blushed heavily."THANK YOU!"

He placed the bracelet around his wrist, not breaking the embrace. A black bracelet with music note charm attached to it.

It seems nothing, but for Ash, it's a big deal. Considering his dream is to be a musician. Unfortunately, his mother doesn't approve and wants him to be a successful businessman, always saying; Music can get you nowhere. Study and education can. Since then Ash would always play in secret, wherever it's at school or at their secret tree house in the forest.

Ash pulls back not before giving a tiny kiss on her cheek. Serena stiffens as her eyes grew wide. A huge blush covered her face as she started off in the distance. Ash was so happy he didn't notice, neither does the 2 siblings.

"LET'S HEAD OF TO THE FINALS!" Ash shouted as the others cheered with him. They walked forward as Serena stood there.

"You coming" Ash smiled holding a hand to her, grinning.

Still in a daze."Uh. Uhm. Ye- EEE!" She exclaimed as Ash grabbed her hand and dragged her away on to their way to her finals.


It was near late afternoon and they still were on their way.

On their way Serena was trailing back, looking down the ground. Deep in thought about one thing; the kiss. It was a thank you-kiss, but it still left her dazed and giddy. Sometimes she would look around and touch her cheek and smile to herself a blush present on her cheeks.

Clemont had said that it is going to storm soon. So they had to hurry to their destination. Which isn't far from here. Unfortunately, it already started raining.

A sudden cry made Serena jump and look around. It frightened her, but it also made her suspicious. It almost sounded like a hurt animal.

"Serena, hurry up!" Bonnie called out. Serena snapped out probably imagining it. Before she could sprint to them, she stopped, she heard it again. And this time clear, there is an animal hurt. She looked to the left and then at Bonnie. Ash and Clemont already stopped with her waiting for her. Walk away.Her curiosity took over her.

"Guys, I think there's a wounded animal over there" She screamed."I'm going to take a look." Don't do it.

Serena walked over to the sound drawing closer and closer. She ends up in a small clearing a cliff at the side. She walks closer as she bent over. She gasps. A pup is laying on the projection of a cliff, wounded, crying for help.

"What did you found?"

Serena jumped as she turned around almost slipping backwards. Before being pulled towards a chest, a few stones fell down as she sighed in relieve.

"Woah, easy there." Serena looked up to see Ash. Instead of scolding him she got to the point.

"There's a wounded pup, down there. It's crying for help we should call an animal rescue ambulance or something." She suggested.

Clemont took a hold of the phone and searched for a signal.

"There's no signal." He sighed.

"I think I should climb down there," Ash suggested.

They all turned towards Ash, giving him 'are you crazy look.'

"ARE YOU CRAZY!" They shouted, causing him to jump a bit.

"YOU WILL DIE IF YOU DO THAT," Bonnie shouted.

"For once I agree with my sister, Ash." Clemont said as he adjusted his glasses."It's dangerous, especially in this weather."

Serena grabbed his shoulders, shaking him."WHY WOULD YOU THINK THAT WILL WORK?!" It wouldn't.

"Calm down, Sere"Ash said as he put a hand on her shoulder."Everything will be okay." Liar

Serena pouted not liking the idea of him doing something like this." What if yo-"

"I don't," Ash interrupted." You know I'm a good climber so this would be a piece cake." Gosh, he is such a liar.

"But this is different," Serena started."What if you slip or the rope breaks? What then? Can't you just wait for help to come?"

"I don't think they would get on time," Ash said as he looked down." That rock isn't stable and can fall any minute now. I promise I'd do it safely." liar, liar, LIAR.

He let go of her shoulders and picked up his back, searching through for something. Eventually getting,

"A rope?" Bonnie said." Where did you get that from? And what is that thingy."

"Always be prepared just in case," he said."It's a hook"

They watch carefully seeing him place the equipment. He first lay down the rope, looking at its length, and cutting the half of it, he sets it aside then he settles the hook in his place.

"Nobody touch this hook or else I'd end up bad." He said. It already would.

He tied the rope tightly around his waist. Putting a few knots here and there.

He took a deep breath and walked back to the edge pulling a couple times on the rope."Now, here I go." He announced.

"Be careful," Serena said. Stop him.

Ash grinned. Mouthing 'I will' he then jumps backwards. It's too late now. Serena and Bonnie leaned forward as they saw Ash tackling his way down. Finally making his way to the pup, coming to a halt, carefully picking the small pup up. Clemont was on the phone finally getting a signal. It all was going smoothly. But not for long.

" I've got h-"Ash got interrupted as a huge thunder sound boomed across the area. Ash jumped as he almost loses his balance but managed to hold one hand the place where the pup was. The hook wiggled a bit but no one noticed.

"ASH!" Bonnie and Serena shouted.

"I'm okay," he screamed.

He slowly pulled himself up and settled himself on the rock. Taking a breath before going back on the cliff. He jumped to the other edge but a harder thunder sound strike again. Causing him to lose his footing. He lost his support on the cliff having all his weight on the rope, the hook slowly started to come off. I don't want to see it again.

"I can't watch this," Bonnie said as she hurried back giving her brother a hug. Serena took a glance back, then to Ash but out of the corner of her eye, she could see something wiggle furiously. Oh no.

Serena gasp as she turned around and stood up. The hook his coming off, everything was in slow motion as the hook detached itself from the ground. Serena sprinted to the edge trying to get a hold of the hook. Only to be a millimetre of her reach.  Her eyes widened in horror as the hook slid down the cliff.

"ASH!" She screamed as she, she slid a bit further seeing the not knowing teen fall down. Into a river that's down the cliff. He couldn't react as the only support slipped away. Serena saw everything the slip, the fall, the mortified look on his face till the splash in the river. Serena stayed a second looking down seeing nothing but water.

"CALL AN AMBULANCE!" She shouted.

She jumped up as she runs her way to the side grabbing the leftover rope. She attached it to a tree then tightly om her waist she ran down the edge without a second thought she jumped. She falls down, no fear is seen on her face but the determination of saving her best friend. She closes her eyes as she took a deep breath and loosened the grip of the rope on her waist. Eventually, detached it, diving into the water. The impact didn't hurt so much because of the speed of her fall was decreased by the rope.

She swam in the water opening her eyes. It was difficult to see something considering that the gray clouds outside blocked her sunlight. Another big thunder sound was heard but tempted by the water. Serena was already losing air and she didn't come near. But she saw something shimmering in the corner of her eye. She swam towards it. The music note charm. Ash. She reached for it taking a hold of his wrist pulling him up to the surface she was almost going to faint as by the last second she was above the water taking a deep breath. She held Ash tight in her arms and swam to the shore.

She coughed as water still entered her throat. She laid Ash down the pup was gone,

Ash was scratched up here and there blood, his lips were purple and his eyes were closed, his skin was pale and it scared her, she immediately checked his pulse. There was nothing. Without a second thought, she performed CPR on him.

After a while she checked his pulse again, it was low, but it was something. She thanked God and sighed in relieve. She hoped Clemont called the ambulance. And talk about that, a sudden sound of a helicopter was heard she looked up, seeing one in the sky. A trauma helicopter. She stood up throwing her arms in the air screaming.

They noticed her and went towards her, landing next to them. The paramedics rushed to Ash with a stretcher they checked him on his breathing and pulse. They carefully slid him on the stretcher giving him a thing that gives his neck support and strapped him. Finally, lifting him up going to the helicopter.

Even though through the noise from the helicopter she could hear a cry the same cry as before she turned around seeing the pup, lying between the small rocks. Serena hurried over the pup, carefully picking him up. It was soaked and badly scratched. She ran towards the helicopter being helped inside. They went in the sky, flying towards the nearby hospital. The only thing crossing her mind was;

Please, be okay, Ash. 

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