Prologue 3

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A while later;

Sitting in the waiting room in the Intensive Care, the pup has been helped by a vet who was called in, which Bonnie would have loved to see, considering she wants to be one in the near future too, now he's resting. Yeah, it's is changed to him.

Serena has been sitting there for about 2 hours with a frown on her face staring into the distance. Worrying about her best friend they haven't got the chance to treat her, the storm caused a lot of accidents. And her minor injuries were their last concern, but she didn't care, her concern was Ash. She sighed and look at the door.

Right, that moment the two lemon haired siblings walked in. Serena stood up and walked towards them, the little girl spotted her first.

"SERENA!" She shouted.

She ran over to her, tears streaming down her face. She embraced her in a tight hug. Her tears sink in her shirt as she quietly snobbed. But she didn't care. Serena stroked her back as she returned the hug back.

"Shh..." Serena exclaimed."It's okay, Ash is going to be alright."

Serena looked up to see Clemont standing there. "I know he will. He's strong."

"Is he," Clemont choked out.

"He is alive but has a low pulse," She sighed."That's all I know."

He nodded as he took his phone out, probably going to contact his mother.

After Clemont connected Ash's mother, who's coming as fast as she could to the hospital, Bonnie was fast asleep on Serena's lap. She cried a lot, but it isn't her fault, no one could know what was going to happen. Ash is most likely a brother to her and not knowing how he's doing after the accident, not only killed her but also the rest. But not more than Serena she hasn't been able to rest as she started away, the terrible moments of before coming back and forth through her thoughts. But the worst one was the one she saw his eyes for last, glimmering with fear and guilt. She slowly rubbed Bonnie's back in circles, her eyes red and puffy, burning from all the tears she let out.

A woman came in with brown eyes and hair. Her eyes looked an awfully lot of Ash's. When the woman spotted the group of kids, she rushed over. Clemont stood up and walked over to her. They talked and walked back. The woman sat next to Serena.

"Serena?" The woman said.

Serena looked up."Hi, Delia," She choked out her voice sounded dry and raspy. Delia hugged the young girl, getting the hug returned.

"Don't worry," She cooed."I know my son is reckless, but he always comes out okay." Serena nodded and pulled back.

After a while, the nurse came in. They all stood up in silence. Except for Bonnie, who was still fast asleep on the couch. Serena felt her heart rate become faster as she couldn't read the facial expression of the nurse. It was expressionless. There's only one question that has to be answered, that possible only this person could give.

"I-is my son okay?" Delia asked.

"He's in a critical condition," The nurse said."He has one broken en 2 bruised ribs, that caused some internal bleeding, which is why we took him to an immediate surgery and stopped the source of the blood loss for continuing. He would have some problems with breathing till his ribs are fully healed." She took a deep breath as she switched the page." Last he has a concussion, that is caused by a blow to his body when he hit the surface of the river. It will take a few weeks of recovery, till then he has to rest a lot. He might not know what happened the moments before the accident. But that's probably a good thing." The nurse held the clipboard to her chest." Your son is very lucky, that he's alive. If it wasn't for that lady over there and the doctors, he would not be with us anymore. Are there any questions?"

Everyone shook their heads, except Serena, who has tears spilling down her cheeks.

"Can we see him?" She sniffed, the nurse nodded as she gestured them to follow her. Clemont picked Bonnie up as they trailed after them.

Going up by elevator, and walking down the hallway. Serena's face went pale as she stopped, her sight went dizzy as she breathed heavily. Clemont who was walking behind her noticed.

"Serena, you okay?" He asked, but Serena could barely make it out as it echoed through her head, going through one ear and going out the other. She took a step back, her mind swirling.

"Ye-" She trailed off as her knees weakened, and eventually collapsed down to the ground. The only sounds were the muffled shouts of people and speeding steps. She was out cold; that was certain.


The evening after;

Two beds, two patients, three visitors and one doctor all in the same room. Two sleeping peacefully, one exhausted and the other in a critical condition.

Serena slowly opened her eyes, blinking as she groaned. Sitting up, she looked around directly staring at the concerned faces of her friends and best friends mother.

"Good morning," She rubbed her eyes as she yawned."What happened?"

"Yesterday," The doctor started."You felt light-headed while walking to the room of your friend, you collapsed on your way." She sighed."You were weak and exhausted, most likely by the events of that day and that you pushed yourself too hard. That caused you to sleep for about" She trailed off as she looked at her watch." twenty-two hours ago."

Unable to register what she just said, Serena just stared at her, before her eyes slowly widened and her lips parted. Her face went pale."You mean," She trailed off as she stuttered.

The doctor nodded."It's evening."

"The finals" Serena shouted as she panicked. She threw the blanket at the side, only to be stopped by Clemont. Serena looked up."The finals," she whispered again.

"Don't worry," Clemont said."The organizers called to say that there is a delay, because of the electricity that went out during the thunderstorm. Lucky for us, It will be rescheduled for two days from now. "

Serena sighed as she slumped back, but her head immediately popped up."Ash," She called out."Where, How is he doing?" She asked as she looked at the doctor.

"He's over there," The doctor said as he pointed to the right. Serena looked over to the right to see Ash laying there an oxygen mask over his mouth. "He's still in the same condition as yesterday."

Serena frowned as she slowly stood up, walking towards his bed, regaining her balance a few times. As she stood beside him she could see the scratches on his face and the bandage wrapped around his head as he breathed slowly in and out, sometimes squeezing his eyes more, because of his broken ribs. Serena slowly raised her hand and caressed it softly against his cheek.

"Stay strong," Serena mumbled softly, giving him a small peck on his forehead.


Day of the showcase;

Serena POV


Waiting for the moment to accomplish my dream,

Waiting for the moment to dance my worries away in front of people, making them smile.

I'm doing this for my mom, my friends, Clemont, Bonnie, Ash and the others that helped me reach the level I am now. But most importantly for myself. Dancing is my passion.

If I win the finals, I'm named after the Queen of Performers. I can show my dance to the whole word, exploring new places and meeting new people. That's my dream.

I sigh, controlling my trembling hands by interlocking them. I'm waiting for the moment, I'm called out,

"You've to be up in a 2 min, Serena," The assistant said."Good luck."

"Thanks," I responded.

Ok, Serena, get yourself together, remember don't give up, till it's over. I paced around on the platform that's going up in. I breathed out and in, repeatedly. sixty seconds.

"Serena," I heard a whisper calling out as I stopped breathing out. I looked at the side seeing the other two finalists who are Miette Poffle and Shauna Leaf. But the crazy part is that they are crying. thirty seconds.

"Yeah," I said. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"Don't you know," Shauna sniffled as I shook my head slowly. fifteen seconds.

"Ash, he is" Miette choked out. The blood of my face went down as I looked at them, their tears are telling me something, but I just don't want to believe it. No. I felt a huge lump in my throat as my lips trembled and my hands shaking continuously. "He is dead." 


I stand there total in shock as the panel moved upwards. It stops and the whole crowd could see me. But I couldn't see them as I looked down clenching my trembling hands. No. The music starts. It can't be. I'm not believing this. It just can't.

"He is dead."

I began to breathe heavily in and out as the tears flowed down my cheeks. I feel the muscles of my chin tremble as the tears stopped there, hanging before finally falling down to the ground. The music stops and I could faintly hear noises, people mumbling. People started booing, yelling words but I couldn't hear them, I didn't want to. I turned around walking, running away to somewhere, anywhere.

I reached the woman toilets, I walked in one of them and just cried, cried for hours, till someone finds me. But nobody did.

I can't believe it, I just can't. It isn't true.

"No," I screamed as I banged my head over and over again against the wall. It's just a nightmare, It has to be.

Suddenly, I saw black.

Just black.


"Miss," I could faintly hear.



"Miss," I heard again.

"Miss Yvonne, wake up,"


"WAKE UP," I snapped my eyes open as my body was continuously shaking. I looked over to see the man, Earl, shaking me vigorously.

"Sir, stop." The stewardess said."She's awake."

Earl stopped as he looked at me an irritated expression on his face."Finally," He exclaimed."Can you move, unlike you, people want to get out once the plane landed."

"Sorry," I apologized. Jerk.

I quickly moved away, seeing Lady still next to me on the ground. I grabbed my bag and walked to the exit. When I arrived, the stewardess stopped me.

"Are you okay?" She asked."You were tossing and turning during your sleep, you were even crying."

I nodded."It was just a nightmare." I smiled weakly as I walked down the steps.

One that actually came true.

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