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Jimin gently wiped his nose against the blanket since it was the only available thing that he could find that wouldn't make his nose sore. He has been crying for the past ten minutes about everything that has gone on in his life.

He groaned as he realized Yoongi would be mad at him for getting their blanket dirty like this. "Stupid nose," Jimin held the blanket closer to his body, not caring that his snot was all over the blanket.

"Jimin," A low whisper said.

Jimin looked around the area to see if he could see anyone. He couldn't which made him think that he was only imagining it. Until he heard his name being called out again.

"Jimin," It was a little bit louder than a whisper now.

Jimin's eyes widened as he became frightened. He didn't know who was calling his name which made him very nervous. Whoever it was, they were getting closer, they broke a stick as they walked towards Jimin.


Jimin finally turned his head to the left to see a tall figure crouching down near a close by tree, it was dark making it difficult to see. Jimin had wiped his tears away as best as he could then tried to focus on the person.

He squinted his eyes at the figure but stayed quiet not wanting to draw attention to himself. "Where's Yoongi?" The person asked looking around before getting up and making it over to Jimin.

As the person came closer he noticed it was Seokjin. "Jin?" Jimin asked in a high pitched voice.

Seokjin nodded his head and kneeled down next to Jimin. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?" Seokjin asked pulling the blanket off Jimin.

"I'm not," Jimin said quietly, looking at Seokjin's bruised face and cut lip. "What happened to you?"

Seokjin started to pack the blanket away into one of the backpacks. "Funny story," Seokjin said nervously. "We have to go, Jimin,"

"Huh?" Jimin looked at Seokjin's bare feet as he stood up.

"Taehyung is coming," Seokjin held his hand out for Jimin. "I'm not gonna leave you behind,"

Jimin took Seokjin's hand and slowly stood up. "What about Yoongi and Namjoon?"


"Yes, who do you think," Jimin said, "We have to get them,"

"We can't," Seokjin said starting to pull Jimin in the opposite direction from Yoongi and Namjoon.

"Jin!" Jimin yelled quietly, "I don't want to leave without Yoongi,"

Seokjin turned around and stared at Jimin. "Do you want to die?" He asked seriously.

Jimin shook his head. "No, but..."

"Yoongi and Namjoon are fine," Seokjin reassured Jimin. "Now come on, Taehyung isn't far behind,"

Jimin looked back towards his hiding spot then sighed turning back towards Seokjin. "Let's go..." He mumbled, Seokjin squeezed Jimin's hand then started to pull him towards what he thought would be safety.


"Jimin?" Yoongi called out looking around every tree. After Yoongi and Namjoon had scoped out the area and didn't find Seokjin they decided to head back for Jimin. But now they couldn't find Jimin anywhere.

"Namjoon, help me!" Yoongi yelled over at Namjoon who was just standing in the road.

"He's gone,"

Yoongi ignored Namjoon and continued to look for his boyfriend. "Jimin!" Yoongi yelled once more.

"Yoongi!" Namjoon called out, "He's gone!"

"No," Yoongi shook his head, "He has to be somewhere,"

"I marked this area.." Namjoon told Yoongi pointing towards the necklace he had left on a tree branch before they had left Jimin. "I made sure we would be able to find him,"

Namjoon walked over to the tree and ripped the necklace off. "He's gone, just like Seokjin,"

"Then how come none of his stuff is here," Yoongi said walking back onto the road.

"He probably got scared and ran," Namjoon shook his head, "We'll probably come across him as we continue to walk,"

"He has all the supplies..." Yoongi mumbled. 

"We'll live," Namjoon rolled his eyes.

"He wouldn't just run," Yoongi told Namjoon.

"Well, then maybe he did get kidnapped and they took the backpacks," Namjoon crossed his arms over his chest. "Let's go,"

"Don't say that," Yoongi glared, "He's fine,"

Namjoon shrugged his shoulders. "Let's go before they catch on to us.. with your screaming they're probably already after us."

Yoongi turned away from Namjoon then continued to walk down the road, Namjoon following right behind him.


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