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Seokjin had led Jimin deeper into the forest that was beside the dirt road. He was going to circle back around towards Jungkook and Taehyung little hideout. But he was going to confuse Jimin by bringing him deeper in the forest then making a turn towards the boys.

Jungkook had told Seokjin they'd let him go if he helped get rid of the people who got in the way. With Namjoon, Yoongi and Jimin all looking for Seokjin the two murderers couldn't go through with their plan.

With all his heart Seokjin knew this was wrong but he didn't want to die. He knew he would never forgive himself for helping Jungkook and Taehyung.

"You think he'll find us?" Jimin asked still holding onto Seokjin's hand like a lost child.


"Yoongi," Jimin sighed loudly. "We have to go back," He sniffled.

"We'll only hope," Seokjin said not looking back at Jimin.

It was quiet for a few minutes until the boys came across a campsite. A tent was pitched , there was wood for a fire, there was even food and water.

"Oh, hyung," Jimin let go of Seokjin's hand and ran over to the tent to see if anyone was in there, no one was. "Why don't we look around? We might find something handy," Jimin started to bend down to the ground to look through a bag.

Seokjin shook his head and pulled Jimin up, "No, we have to keep moving," Seokjin said quietly. He knew the tent belonged to Jungkook, they had told him to look for it so Seokjin wouldn't get lost and would be able to find his way.

Jimin sighed, "Okay," Seokjin then lead the way again, they were getting closer and closer with every step. Seokjin heart started to beat faster as he started to recognized the trees starting to stop and the area start to open more.

As they continued to walk Jimin noticed a small house and a garage, he noticed how quiet and run down the place looked. He shivered as he looked over at Seokjin. "This place is creepy,"

Seokjin nodded as he stopped walking. Jimin stopped walking a few feet ahead of him as he looked around the area more.

Jimin started to remember how Namjoon was describing Jungkook's hideout to be, the description matches up pretty well with this place. His eyes wandered over to a few bloody rags that laid outside of the garage, he didn't have a clear view but he was pretty sure he saw a bloody baseball bat.

He slowly turned around to face Seokjin who now had tears running down his cheeks. That's when Jimin had lost all his trust for his hyung. Jimin quickly started to walk away back to the forest past Seokjin.

"Jimin, wait!" Seokjin shouted in a whisper.

When Jimin knew Seokjin was following him he began to run, he didn't care how sick he felt or how hot he was becoming, he just knew he had to run.

Out of breath, Jimin had stopped running and leaned against a tree, he must've been running for at least ten minutes straight before he stopped. He couldn't believe Seokjin would do this to him.

Jimin's loud breathing and gasps for air made him start coughing again. And with his luck, Seokjin had the other backpack that contained the food and water.

As he tried to stop coughing he stood up straight and looked around the area. It was getting dark, Jimin wouldn't be able to see where he's going once the sun goes down. He didn't know what kind of animals he could run into or even who he could run into.

He covered his mouth trying to quiet his coughs, his eyes wandered over every tree. That's when he broke down crying again, heaving loudly as he whined, he fell to the ground and sat in the cold dirt.

Every tree looked exactly the same and every path looked the same, he was scared. He was lost in some forest with no help, he didn't even know which way to go.

He cursed at himself for following Seokjin, he thought he could trust him. But now he had no one. He had no idea if Yoongi was looking for him, he wasn't even sure if Yoongi was okay. He did know he was gonna have to find his own way out, there was no way Yoongi would be able to find him here.

Jimin brought his knees up to his chest and just cried. He cried for a few minutes more before deciding he was going to get up and walk before the sun goes down. He was going to walk until he couldn't anymore.


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