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A tight pinch was felt on Jimin's bicep, it was a blur to him since he was just now starting to wake up. As his arm began to throb he swatted at his arm to try and stop the pain but it only made it worse. Jimin groaned loudly as he slowly opened his eyes, his vision was blurry though almost like a thick fog was covering his eyes.

Jimin closed his eyes again trying to see if it would help, he started groaning again but was quickly shut up by a hand covering his mouth. Jimin wasn't sure what was happening since the last thing he remembered was him passing out in the cold.

"Yoongi," Jimin said but it was mumbled since the hand was still over his mouth. He opened his eyes again wanting to see what was going on, his vision was clearing but he could only make out a dark figure standing above him.

"Sh.. just sleep.." A rough voice said forcing Jimin to shut his eyelids. "Be quiet now," The hand was removed from his mouth and Jimin was left in silence again.

Jimin listened to the voice, he stayed still and quiet. He rested for about five minutes before he opened his eyes again, this time it was clear. Right away, Jimin knew exactly where he was. 


Yoongi grabbed his own hair and started tugging on it. "Fuck!" He shouted then looked over at Namjoon.

The three boys made it to the water where Yoongi thought Jimin would be but the boy was nowhere in sight.


"Shut up, Seokjin!" Yoongi shouted turning his attention back to the railing, he saw the broken rail which made his heart stop. He knew there was a good chance that Jimin might have caused that, maybe falling to his death.

Yoongi took slow steps towards the rusted rail, moving closer and closer to the broken section. His heartbeat quickened as he looked over the cliff. There was no Jimin in sight but that didn't mean anything he could be washed away in the water somewhere.

A loud gasp came from Yoongi's mouth as he saw the dead man that Jimin had fought with earlier that day. It was still a gory sight, his blood painted the rock with a crimson color. Yoongi closed his eyes for a moment hoping to delete the memory from his brain, he took a few steps back then opened his eyes to look at Namjoon. Yoongi wanted nothing to do with Seokjin at this moment, he couldn't forgive Seokjin for trying to get rid of Jimin.

"Jimin, isn't dead," Yoongi crossed his arms over his chest. "He's out there somewhere... He's probably hurt, hungry and in the need of water."

Seokjin furrowed his eyebrows as he listened to Yoongi talk about their next plan. He was upset that Yoongi was being so harsh towards him. He thought Yoongi would understand why he had done it, he didn't want to die. Seokjin was also starting to think that maybe Jimin was dead and that Yoongi needed to give up.

"He's gone Yoongi, there's nothing you can do about it. We can search this whole damn country and never find him because he's dead. He's dead, Yoongi!" What Seokjin had just said earned himself a punch in the face, Yoongi had enough of his mouth.

Namjoon quickly pushed Yoongi back and gave him a glare, he wanted no one ever to put their hands on Seokjin like that no matter what Seokjin had done.

"Your boyfriend better watch his fucking mouth," In this moment Yoongi wasn't scared of Namjoon. He would do anything to find Jimin, nothing was going to be in his way.

Namjoon closed his eyes for a moment before opening them again. "You know what, Yoongi." Namjoon pulled the backpacks off his and Seokjin's shoulders. "I'm taking Seokjin home. Have fun finding Jimin," With that Namjoon roughly shoved the backpacks into Yoongi's arms.

"Whatever," Yoongi bitterly laughed to himself. He knew he didn't need them, he was fine by himself. With a shake of his head Yoongi placed a backpack on his back and carried the other one in his arms.

Jimin got out of Taehyung's bed and looked around for his previous clothing, he didn't want to leave wearing Taehyung's clothes. "Fuck," Was all Jimin could say. He eyes wandered over to the opened door and started walking towards it, he figured escaping was better than finding his clothes and come across the danger of being caught.

He stepped towards the door and placed his ear next to it to see if he could hear anyone. Jimin thought it was all clear so he rushed over to Taehyung's closet to grab a jacket. Jimin wasn't stupid, it was still cold out he wasn't gonna let the same thing happen to him again.

Jimin took slow steps back over to the door knowing Taehyung's house was quite loud when it came to floorboards squeaking. "Yeah, I fucking heard you the first time," Jimin heard Taehyung's gruff voice down the hall, which he knew was the living room. That was the way out, he knew he had to figure something out because the back door was attached to the kitchen which was connected to the living room.

"What happened then?" Jungkook's voice was heard echoing through the halls. Jimin held his breath as he stepped out of the room. He was starting to think he should make a run for it but he didn't know if Taehyung or Jungkook had any weapons on them.

"Did you hear that?" Jungkook asked in a lower voice that Jimin could barely understand. "Yeah," Taehyung answered making Jimin's breath hitch.

"It's coming from out front," Jungkook whispered thinking maybe Namjoon or Yoongi had found them.

Jimin quietly began walking down the hall as he heard the boys shuffling to their feet to go look out the front window. Jimin leaned forward to peek around the corner the boys had their back to Jimin. After Jimin inhaled deeply he quickly and silently started his walk for the kitchen. He didn't look back, he couldn't. He didn't want to see if he had been caught or not.

"Jimin." Jungkook called out turning around when he heard the back door opening, having a view to the kitchen made it easier to see Jimin leave. "What the hell," As soon as Jungkook said that he ran after Jimin.

Once out the door Jimin ran for his life, he wasn't going to stop just like before when he ran away from Seokjin. "Jimin!" Jungkook shouted as he slammed the door shut. "Get back here you piece of shit, I need my money,"

Luckily there wasn't a gate or anything, it was easy to run out of there. Taehyung watched out the front window as Jimin sprinted down the street. Jungkook was running right behind him but stopped half way finding it useless if he were to chase Jimin like that.

Taehyung opened the door for Jungkook, "Just let him go," Taehyung said softly. "We'll just get him next time."

"Yeah, we better. We need that money," Jungkook shook his head and balled his fists up. "I don't understand what fucking happened, didn't you tie him down?"

Taehyung shook his head, "You didn't give me anything to do that with," Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows.

"It's your fucking house, pal," Jungkook spat in Taehyung's face. The two argued a bit more about who's fault it was for letting Jimin escape. Secretly Taehyung felt a bit better knowing Jimin wasn't going to be tortured by the government.

It's been a whole five minutes of full on sprinting for Jimin. He was out of breath and felt like he was going to pass out at any moment. He slowed down and leaned over to place his hands on his knees. "God.." Jimin breathed out, standing up straight. His hand trailed up to his left bicep and sighed softly, it didn't hurt like before.

Jimin looked down at Taehyung's jacket that he held in his arms. Jimin slid the jacket on then zipped it up, he stopped halfway when he heard a familiar voice.


y'all don't even know what's about to go down in this story im so

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