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warning: touches on abusive relationships

Taehyung's eyes scanned Jimin's bare body as he held two warm water bottles covered in towels on his skin. Jungkook had made Taehyung take care of Jimin telling him that he wouldn't be able to handle himself and might kill Jimin if he had to do any of the work.

"You really got yourself into a mess," Taehyung told Jimin's unconscious body. It was obvious that Jimin had a severe case of hypothermia, he was lucky he didn't die. Taehyung would check his pulse every few minutes to make sure that the weak heartbeat was still there.

"Maybe, you should've just died when you were supposed to," Taehyung mumbled, placing one water bottle on Jimin's chest and the other one near his navel.

The boys had gone to Taehyung's home since it was closer than the hideout was if they did go the route to the hideout they might've run into Yoongi which wouldn't be good for anyone. If Yoongi saw what looked like a lifeless Jimin he would rip the two to shreds without even thinking twice about it. But they knew they had to get Jimin into heat and this was the quickest way was Taehyung's house.

The first thing Taehyung did was strip Jimin down into his boxers, he was smart enough to know that Jimin needed to get out of his wet clothing. The snow on the ground had dampened Jimin's clothing quite a bit. He also knew to change Jimin's bandage, Jimin's wound was still infected. Now Jimin laid in Taehyung's bed half naked but that was going to be fixed in a few moments.

"But you never listen," Taehyung began talking to Jimin again as he stood to his feet and walked away to his dresser. "You never listened to me," He laughed bitterly, Taehyung pulled out some sweatpants along with a long-sleeved shirt and a pair of socks.

"But here I am taking care of your ass when you don't even miss me." Taehyung moved back over to the bed and dressed Jimin, placing the warm water bottles back in their previous spots. With a loud sigh, Taehyung grabbed a small blanket at the end of his bed and placed it next to Jimin's head. He slowly ran his fingers through Jimin's greasy hair, Taehyung would pull away in disgust but this was going to be the only time he would be able to do this.

Taehyung froze for a moment as he looked at Jimin's face, all of the memories of their previous relationship flooding back into his mind. Taehyung stared with wide eyes then suddenly grabbed Jimin neck with both of his hands to choke him. He didn't have a tight grip on Jimin's neck where he couldn't breathe but the way he grabbed Jimin was pretty rough.

Taehyung's breathing quickened as he stared down at Jimin. "Do you remember this?" Taehyung asked through his gritted teeth. "The way I used to grab you.. the way that made you frightened of me," Taehyung tightened his grip on Jimin's neck, it was surely going to leave a bruise there. Jimin's body laid there not reacting as his air supply was now being cut off. "You would cry for hours," Taehyung said removing his hands from Jimin's neck, his one hand gently grabbed onto Jimin's chin. "I just wanted you to love and listen to me the right way, but you never listened."

Taehyung stood up straight and let go of Jimin's chin to grab the small blanket again. "Then you left me," Taehyung gently wrapped the blanket around the top of Jimin's head, he was going to do everything to try and warm Jimin back up or else he would have to deal with Jungkook if Jimin were to die. "You left me," Taehyung repeated, pulling the blankets over Jimin's body and tucked the blankets into his side.

Taehyung would deny it and probably didn't even know it himself but he still loved Jimin. He always told himself he didn't after Jimin left him and Taehyung had found Hoseok who he had loved as well. Taehyung knew he caused Jimin so much pain in their relationship but he loved it. He loved being superior, letting Jimin know who the boss was.

Even though Taehyung saw their relationship just the way he wanted: perfect, loving and trusting. He didn't see it the way Jimin and everyone else did as a broken and hurtful one. Taehyung didn't let himself think about all the times he would place a knife against Jimin's throat and threaten him, or all the times he would continuously punch and kick Jimin until he passed out, or all the times Taehyung verbally abused Jimin making Jimin cry so hard that he would get sick. Taehyung knew himself as a good boyfriend, not someone who would hurt the one he loved, even deep down he knew the truth.

When Hoseok came around Taehyung didn't do any of that stuff to him knowing it couldn't work out that way. He tried it but it resulted in Hoseok doing the same thing to Taehyung which he didn't like at all. He told himself that Hoseok was his first true love and that he was going to do everything to revenge his death. But Taehyung knew deep down inside that Jimin was his first love and would probably never get over him even if he didn't think that way.

"You're in a lot of trouble," Taehyung shook his head. "Yoongi won't be able to help you." Jungkook walked into the room and grabbed Taehyung by the collar of his shirt.

"What are you doing?" Jungkook asked, looking at Jimin's face to see that he was still unconscious. He had thought that Taehyung was telling Jimin everything that was going to happen. After realizing that Jimin wasn't awake he let go of Taehyung. "Let's go, we have things to plan out," After Jungkook said that he left the room.

"You better run, Jimin," Taehyung whispered softly, leaving the room to follow after Jungkook. He left the door ajar knowing it would be too loud if Jimin had to open it himself. Taehyung hoped if Jimin got up he would be smart enough to make a run for it.

For now, Taehyung would try and keep Jungkook occupied on him just in case Jimin did wake up. As soon as the two took a seat at the kitchen table Jungkook began to discuss his very important plan with Taehyung. Jungkook placed his hand over Taehyung's hand, a twisted smile formed on his face as he went into depth about the plan.


this could've been better /:
also sigh i didn't read over it
sorry if nothing makes sense

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