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Jimin's cold purple hand rested against the ground, he had his body curled up into a ball trying to collect as much heat as he could. After the man had fell into the water Jimin had stayed laying on the cold ground. He didn't have the strength to move. After about an hour of just laying there Jimin had passed out, his body couldn't handle the cold anymore his body was starting to shut down.

Jimin knew in his mind that he had tried his best and that it might be better if he passed away like this. He knew it was a harsh death. That hurt just as much of being stabbed in the gut a few times. But now he was passed out and didn't feel anything, it was for the better, Jimin thought. Jimin hoped that Yoongi wouldn't find him like this, he prayed for that. He didn't want the person who loved him to find him on the ground where his lifeless body laid.

As Jimin slipped into blackness the only thing that was on his mind was Yoongi, the boy who helped him through everything. Yoongi even gave up his family to help Jimin, which Jimin was so thankful for. He still couldn't believe people like that lived to walk this Earth. There was so many times that Jimin wanted to give up on himself and just die but he had Yoongi who didn't let him. He was also thankful for that. He loved Yoongi a lot and didn't want to leave him but it looked like Jimin's time was finally running out for good.

Yoongi trailed behind Namjoon and Seokjin, he couldn't look either of them in the eye. While they were happy that they found each other again Yoongi was left wondering if he'd ever see Jimin again, just thinking about it broke his heart.

"We're starting to run low on water," Namjoon mentioned as he was rummaging through one of the backpacks. "We'll have to stop somewhere,"

As Namjoon continued to go on talking about water, Yoongi's mind flashback to when he took Jimin to look at the water at the cliff. "Namjoon-" Yoongi said as he stopped walking.

Namjoon was in another conversation with Seokjin, he had so much focus on what Seokjin was saying he didn't bother paying attention to Yoongi. It started to make Yoongi angry that they seemed to be in their own world.

Yoongi wished he was in his own world, everything would be perfect then. No running away from anything, no one trying to ruin them, and the most important thing; Jimin would be healthy. Yoongi really wished his world could work out like this but sadly he was faced with reality, a very harsh reality.

"Namjoon," Yoongi tried again as he watched the two males in front of him continuing to walk.

Namjoon finally turned to face Yoongi and let out a loud sigh. "What is it?" He asked a bit frustrated.

"We have to go," Yoongi pointed west of their direction. "Jimin is that way," The way he was pointing was the way towards the cliff. It was their place, they were supposed to go back together but Yoongi knew Jimin would go their if they got separated like this. Yoongi didn't know why it took him this long to think about it but he's glad he did.

"How do you know," Seokjin asked quietly as he stared at Yoongi who stood a few feet away from them.

"Listen," Yoongi started as he glared at the two males. "I think I deserve to go whatever way I want, you have Jin now. It's my turn to find Jimin," Yoongi crossed his arms.


"No, Seokjin," Yoongi cut Seokjin off. "It's your fault Jimin is gone. I'll go by myself if I have to.. But if that happens I want my backpacks back," Yoongi knew that those were the backpacks him and Jimin needed to survive, he wasn't letting them go so easily.

Namjoon stared at Yoongi for a moment before letting out a loud sigh. "Fine, we'll go," Namjoon said as he started to walk in the direction Yoongi pointed. "You lead the way lover boy,"

Yoongi grumbled at the nickname that was used for him and started to make his way in front of Namjoon.

Taehyung had his hands shoved in his coat's pocket, trying to keep them warm. Him and Jungkook figured they were the ones who had to get the job done themselves since everyone else seemed to fail at it. They knew it was stupid to send Seokjin off by himself, especially Taehyung. He always disagreed with Jungkook. He couldn't wait till he was finally done with Jungkook and his bullshit.

"Holy shit, Taehyung," Jungkook muttered as he saw what looked like a recognizable body laying on the ground.

"We just got fucking lucky," Jungkook laughed loudly as he quickly moved to the unconscious body of Park Jimin. "We can turn him in, fuck- how did this even happen. We could use him as bait too, we'll have Yoongi too."

Taehyung eyed Jungkook, he didn't exactly agree with what he was saying. He didn't think they should turn Jimin in. He wanted to turn Yoongi in because all they would get is money and that's what he wanted most. But if they turn Jimin in he knew how much torture the boy would go through, but Jungkook saw money and a life of freedom.

Taehyung didn't know exactly why he didn't want to turn Jimin in. Their past relationship was a fail, he even tried to kill Jimin himself. He wasn't sure if it was because he knew how much pain Jimin would be in or if it was because he still had the tiniest care for him. Either way, Taehyung couldn't wait to get his revenge.

Jungkook looked over at Taehyung and snorted. "I can't wait to get this cash," He let a twisted smile appear on his face. Jungkook was a sneaky person at times, he knew he could get Taehyung to do the dirty work while he got away with all the cash.

"He looks half dead already, it would be fun to get rid of him now," Jungkook mumbled. "But we won't get our reward."

Taehyung let out a sigh, not really wanting to be put in this position. "Come on, let's get him out of the cold," He told Jungkook, knowing Jimin was dying right in front of them.

If it wasn't for Jungkook and Taehyung finding Jimin, he would've been dead.

i pulled this out of my butt

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