Mind Games

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(Blaza POV)

I woke up this morning, my head on Socks shoulder. He was still in his hybrid form, and he was asleep as well.

We both must have dozed off during the movie last night. The TV was still on, and auto play had changed it to Shrek for some reason (Or maybe it was @Endera276 who knows XD).

I carefully got up as to not wake Socks and crept across the room. I realized I didn't have my sunglasses on, so I quickly put them on.

As I slipped out the door, I noticed a black smudge on the wall. I wiped it off and observed it on my finger. It looked like the same stuff that came off of Sock's tentacles. Maybe it got on there when Socks had entered the living room last night? I shook off the thought and continued down the hallway.

When I got to the kitchen, I thought I heard voices. I hid behind the door frame and peeked inside. I saw nothing, but someone was definitely talking.

"Did you complete the task?"

That voice. It sounded a bit like... Laff. But it couldn't be. This voice was deeper, and it echoed even in the small kitchen.

"Of course, father."

That voice was familiar, too... I just couldn't put my finger on it.

"Well done, Dusk," the guy that sounded like Laff said, "We are one step closer to our revenge."

"Do we really have to do this?" The second person, Dusk, questioned, "I'll never be able to get this human blood stench off of me."

"You get used to it," the first voice said, "And yes. We do. For the sake of our species. The war won't keep them busy for long."

Species? War? Who is this?

I slowly peeked around the corner enough to see two figures - one a darker orange and one gray - standing in the corner, near the window. I gasped, then quickly covered my mouth. The orange one snapped around, surprised. Luckily, I dove back around the corner just in time to escape his line of sight. 

"Is... Someone there?" Dusk called in a hushed tone. When I didn't reply, I heard him give a small "hm" and turn back around.

I sighed. That could've been worse.

"Now, Dusk, did you hide the body?"

I suppressed my gasp that time. Body? They... Killed someone. Who? Where? When?

"Of course. They'll never notice she's gone.



I tried to quickly and quietly back out after, but apparently Meme had come in and was walking towards the kitchen. I ran into him, and we both collapsed on the ground.

"What was that?" 

I heard footsteps in the kitchen. They were coming.

"Blaza, what's-" Meme started to say, but I quickly shushed him. I tried to get up, but a mysterious force seemed to form around me, keeping me in place.

"What do we have here?" 

I turned my head around slowly. Behind me stood the gray figure I saw in the kitchen. He had two red demon horns on his head, like Socks, and two wings of the same color sprouting from behind his back. His eyes were black, and his pupils were glowing red slits.

"Blaza," he said, "I see you've heard a bit. Meme? Why are you even here?"

Meme, also trapped in the force beam, said, "I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON!! TAKE BLAZA, I WON'T TELL ANYONE!"

"HEY!" I exclaimed.

"Teasiae yean! Both of you!" He commanded. I had no idea what that meant, but I got the message and kept my mouth shut.

Suddenly, the orange one, Dusk, peeked around the corner.

"Oh, pranm..." He said, "I though I heard someone."

"You should've been more observant!" The gray one said.

"Ja cuenor!" Dusk replied, "It won't happen again!"

"Well, it'd be to obvious if we killed them," the gray guy said, "So I guess we'll have to stick to the alternative."

"Alternative?" Dusk asked.

"Yes, alternative!" He said, "You absolute crindni!"

Dusk gave his wings a small flap of shame. Poor guy. He was probably forced into this.

"Now," he said, "Let's get this over with."

Suddenly, an excruciating pain went through my head like a shock wave. My ears rang loudly. I could tell Meme could feel it, too- he looked on the verge of tears. Neither of us could move, so we just had to sit there and not scream.


The voice sounded in my head. It was the gray guy's voice. I jumped in surprise, which made my headache even worse. The force beam let go, and Meme and I fell to the ground.

"Can you hear me?"

The voice sounded again. I nodded painfully.

The gray man grinned. Dusk gasped slightly. He was probably connected to Meme,  if I had to guess.

"Now that we have tabs on you two..." He said, "You can't tell anyone. Or we'll do much worse. Trust me."

And at that, the two changed to shadows and disappeared.




Sorry my brain is set to Hybrodeic right now XD

This is lazy, I just wanted to update this.

Dusk boi just wants out of this, poor guy

*don't ask why I called him gray man I had no other way to describe him without just saying demon XD*

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