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As I filed through the medicine cabinets to see what I needed to get more of, I tried to get some information from the demon that was now in my head.

"So... What's your name?"


"What.... Even are you?"

"Demon hanger. Now teasiae yean, would you? I shouldn't be talking with you right now."

"I don't even know what that means."

"It means shut up, you crindni."

"I don't- fine."

I sighed. That's all I could get out of him so far. 

Suddenly, Socks and Blaza startled me by bursting through the door. Trailing behind them were... An orange spirit and a green spirit?

"Where's Laff??" Socks questioned.

"I don't know, but WHAT IS GOING ON AND WHAT IS THAT BEHIND YOU?!?!" I said. 

"That's Nick... And Laff."

I stood there, shocked.

"Laff?" I said, "But... Laff's alive..."

"We'll explain later!" Blaza said, grabbing my arm, "But we have to find Laff!"

"Why do we have to find Laff??" I questioned, "I am so confused right now!"

"Just trust us!" Socks said. I nodded and followed them as they bolted out the door.

We found the others sitting outside the hangar in the military base. Laff was there, but Ally was missing. I hadn't seen her all morning. I worried about her a little bit, but I knew she could take care of herself.

Socks spread his wings and pounced on Laff, knocking him back. Laff shrieked in surprise.

"What are - what are you'se- Socks?!?!" Laff stuttered.

"You know who I am," Socks growled, "And you need to explain yourself, traitor!"

"What- huh??" He said. He peered around Socks and saw Laff's spirit floating behind him. "So... He told you."

"Told us what?" I said.

"That he's not who we think he is," Socks replied. He pointed to real Laff, floating behind him, "Because that ghost is the real Laff."

"What ghost?" Dino asked, "I don't see anything."

"But- he's right there-" Blaza said. 

"No... There's nothing there," Nadwe agreed.

Socks turned back to Laff. "Why can't they see you?"

"Maybe it has something to do with you being a Hybrid?" Laff shrugged.


"I don't know, mate!"

I thought back to a ghost movie I had watched not too long ago. The ghosts could only be seen with a mirror.... Maybe that's how it worked in real life?

I reached into my pocket and grabbed my phone, turning on the camera - it's all I had to work with. "Everybody, come here! I wanna see if this works!"

"Now is NOT the time to be taking selfies, Meme!" Socks said.

"I'M NOT TRYING TO TAKE A SELFIE!" I replied. I looked at the camera and saw Laff and Nick in the background. "IT WORKS!!"

Nadwe raced over to see what I was talking about. "WHAT THE-" he said, surprised. Dino and Muffin came over to see what they were talking about.

"What in-" Dino said.

"Is that a ghost?" Muffin questioned, oblivious. Probably wasn't paying attention again.

"Yes, that's a ghost," I said, "Laff's ghost, to be specific."

Dino turned to where Socks had Laff pinned to the ground. "Laff...?"

"Don't listen to them, Dino!" Laff said, "They're lying! How could you trust this... Creature over me?"

Socks growled. Laff was obviously referring to Socks when he said "creature."

"I'm trusting Meme," Nadwe said, "And Blaza."

Laff sighed. "I guess yous've chosen the wrong side. Too little, too late."



Laff suddenly gave a burst of energy and shoved me aside. I hit the ground nearby with a small thud. I got up quickly, and faced Laff, who had also gotten up.

But standing there was not Laff.

In his place stood a demon.

The demon spread his wings, kicking sandy dust clouds up from the ground. His eyes were pitch black, with a hollow red circle as a pupil. "Hello, Akik. Remember me?"

I backed up, surprised. How does he... Who...


"V-Vizor?" I stuttered, "I-I-I thought you were... We all thought you were..."

"Dead?" He sneered, "Ha. As if a black hole could kill me. You specifically should know how far my power reaches."

"How are you here?" I said, "And how do you even know my name? I never told you my real name!"

"Ugh, so many questions," Vizor said, "Best leave them... Unanswered."

And at that, he dissolved into shadow and disappeared.



Very lazy, but I couldn't wait to publish this :D

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