2| Night

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"My eyelids are heavy but my thoughts are heavier"

• 1922 •
• Vincent •

Just a few more hours. And she'll be here
The ceiling had never looked so interesting. Sleep was pointless
She just kept flashing in my mind
I sat up, opening the top drawer and taking out the photos

Memories of a girl I knew so well and yet not at all.
The girl I had protected from the day she left me.

I looked at the most recent one, at her beautiful smile, her dimples and her tattoos
Her hair and her eyes
Those fucking eyes. I'd get on my knees for those eyes.

I pulled out another one, 1919 scribbled on the back
Me and Baby. Together, with our families
It was my favourite photo, because it was the last night I ever saw her, the night... I got to kiss her.

Just thinking of her soft plump lips and her big doe eyes stirred something inside of me, just thinking of her had me smiling like a fucking idiot
Me... the next leader of the American mafia
The man who's killed hundreds and tortured many
And yet just looking at her had my otherwise cold heart fluttering

I thought back to the first time I had ever met her
When we heard the Garcia's had another child, but she was quite a handful and we didn't get to meet her until she was 5
I was 7 at the time and the moment I saw her I knew she had ruined me for any other girl

• 1908 •

I ran down the staircase with my friends Arlo and Brooke to greet the Garcia's
They were going to be staying with us for Christmas this year
And it had been so long

But when we got down the stairs we were met with the sight of a small pretty girl with brown pigtails and a blue dress, sitting on top of my brother and punching him repeatedly in the face
My father and Mr Garcia seemed like they were trying to hold in their laughs whilst my mother was frantically shouting at my brother

Mrs Garcia managed to pull the little girl off of Rocco and hold her back
Whilst Knox looked at me and couldn't contain his laughter any longer
"Baby! Stop it this instant!" Baby?
The girl huffed
"But he pulled my hair mama" she whined as she struggled to get out of her hold

"Did not!" Rocco exclaimed as he started to get up and pat himself down, the girl stuck her tongue out at him and he started to laugh at her
"I think I'm in love" I rolled my eyes... this fucking kid

His teasing only seemed to anger her further, she ducked out of her mother's arms and flung herself at him again
That day ended with a black eye for Rocco and a time out on the stairs for Baby
Yet they still managed to become best friends.

I laughed at the memory and stared down at the photo of us together, it was from my 18th birthday


I stood sipping champagne as I watched people dance and converse
The ballroom was decked out with decorations of black and gold, waiters hovering
I didn't know half the people in here and it was my fucking birthday, most of them were associates of my father, gangsters who dressed up and acted like simple civilians for an evening, pretending like we're not all murderers

The suits, the silks, the gowns all blended into one as my eyes searched for a certain brunette
I'd never gotten up the courage to actually talk to her properly, it had only ever been a few hellos and the odd how are you.

As I stood scouring the crowd, Brooke and Arlo approached from behind and stood either side of me
Arlo sporting his ever present sullen look on his face
Whilst Brooke was adorned in mountains of jewellery, stood with a glass of wine and a smirk on her face

"Looking for a certain someone?" She teased whilst sipping her drink, I sighed, ever since that day I met her all these bastards do is take the piss
"Maybe" I replied, trying to sound uninterested
"Why, so you can stare at her like a creep and choke out a pathetic h-h-hi" she stuttered and started laughing

She always knows what buttons to push, I don't stutter ever
But when it comes to that Italian beauty I'm at a loss for words
Every damn time

Before I could reply I was cut off by Luther's incoming voice
"My lady" he exclaimed dramatically as he bowed in front of Brooke and offered his hand
She giggled and passed her drink to Arlo
"My man" she answered as she placed her hand in his, him leading her to the dance floor

It was silent for a moment as we watched them dance
They were perfect for each other, had been together for a year now, I couldn't help but picture me and my baby like that, together and... happy
I was broken from my thoughts of her as Arlo cleared his throat

"You know Brooke's just trying to rile you right?" He smirked, I rolled my eyes in response
"What... you can't even speak to me now? Afraid you'll st-st-stutter" he laughed, I shoved my shoulder against his

It doesn't matter how hard I try to hide it, they know I'm completely obsessed with her, have been for years
"Shut up, I don't care where she is" he just continued laughing at me
"So if I said I know where she is right now you wouldn't be interested?"

My head snapped in his direction, but I tried to keep face 
"No I wouldn't" I looked back out to the crowd and tried to come off as passive
"Okay" he also looked back at the swarm of people, with a sly grin on his face

A minute passed by of silence between us

"For fuck sake just tell me" I sighed, he started chuckling at me
"She's in the north gardens" with that I shoved my drink into his free hand and headed for the exit
"I'm not a fucking waiter ya know" I heard him shout to me as I left

I entered the gardens and followed the small trail to the wooden porch decorated with roses and lights

And there she was, looking radiant in the glow of the low light, her dress hugged all her curves and the way she was scrutinising the moon made me slightly hesitant to intrude on her moment

Baby's outfit

"Not in the party mood huh?"  I scratched the back of my neck and chuckled awkwardly, cringing at my own words as she turned to face me

As soon as her eyes met mine my breath got caught in my throat and I froze
How the fuck was my brain supposed to function when she's looking at me like that?

She smiled at me and I couldn't help but smile back at her, everything about her was so contagious
"Just needed some air... do you want to keep me company?" She asked softly, moving over and patting the bench space next to her, the very sound of her voice had me at a loss for words

I hesitantly sat down next to her and she turned her attention back to the moon
I found myself slightly jealous that her eyes weren't on me
What a new low... I'm jealous of the fucking moon
"It's beautiful isn't it... the sky" she looked at me waiting for confirmation, but with her soft features and innocent smile all I could muster up was a small nod.

We stared at each other for a few seconds before her eyes slightly widened
"Oh dio mio, I forgot... happy birthday Vincent" she grinned at me
I felt as if my head was going to explode, the way her Italian rolled off her tongue had my knees weak and the moment she said my name I wanted to take her right here

"T-thanks" I said, god she must think I'm a fucking idiot, she's the only person that can make me stutter
"Have you had a good day?" She asked enthusiastically, I grimaced slightly as I recalled my birthday
The morning had been spent with family and gifts but my afternoon had been preoccupied by some prick with a death wish who tried fucking us over in a deal, but being here, now with her, was the best part of my whole day

She was so enchanting I couldn't stop the words from coming out of my mouth
"Better now your here" I said barely above a whisper, proud of myself to get it out clearly
She looked at me shocked but quickly masked it with a small smile and slight laugh as she adverted her eyes to the ground

"W-why would you say that?" She asked, curiosity lacing her words, look who's stuttering now, it gave me enough confidence to gently grab her chin and pull her face up to meet mine

"Why wouldn't I?" I whispered, admiring her, unsure whether or not she'd actually heard me, apparently she had
"You just... well you never talk to me" she stated bewildered
This time it was me that looked at the ground

"Yeah well... you're a very hard person to talk to" she raised an eyebrow at me and smirked
"Is that so?" Her voice sounded like it was wrapped in silk as her eyes bore into mine
"Yeah" I whispered breathlessly, at a complete loss for words as soon as I felt her warm breath on my face
Fuck she was so close... if I leant in just a little bit more I'd feel her lips against mine

The thought alone had my eyes flickering down to them, they were painted bright red and looked so inviting
Her eyes slowly closed as her lips ghosted mine
"I guess I'll just have to work on my people skills then" she whispered ever so gently, her words flying away in the nights breeze

She was slowly leaning in and I felt my eyes close... bracing myself
Her soft warm lips touched mine and I swear if I was struck down right now I would die a very happy man
I can't believe I was kissing Baby fucking Garcia, I'd barely ever said a word to her but it was like we had this instant connection
She was like a dream

She slowly pulled away and I opened my eyes to see her crystal blue ones staring back at me, an emotion I couldn't pin point swirling around in those hypnotic orbs
My lips felt cold without hers, it was like her lips were made for mine

She looked so innocent and graceful I just couldn't hold myself back anymore
I leant in and kissed her again, gripping the back of her head with one hand, the other encircling her waist and pulling her closer to me
She let out a small squeak as I kissed her with a bruising force
I wanted her as close to me as possible

Her dainty hands came up to grasp the sides of my neck, causing me to groan from the feeling
She surprised me as I felt her tongue swipe across my bottom lip
I immediately opened my mouth to her and our tongues fought for dominance, I won

She tasted fucking incredible
I lightly squeezed her hip and she moaned softly into my mouth, I fucking lost it
I pulled her up, sitting her in my lap, just as I got her on top of me, just as I could feel her body against min-

"Baby?!" The sound of Mrs Garcia's voice had us breaking apart quicker than I've ever seen anybody move, both breathing heavily
"Baby sweetheart are you out here?!" She called from one of the halls entrances
"U-uh I'm coming" she shouted back as she began to smooth down her dress whilst I was trying to calm down a situation of my own
She looked at me like she wanted to say something but closed her mouth and turned to leave

"Wait" I said
She turned towards me and looked at me expectantly
I moved towards her and tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear
"Y-you... your um..." fuck what do I say to her
"Baby!" We looked to where her mother was standing, she was a mere silhouette to us
She looked at me one last time and gave me a small smile, before stepping out onto the path and disappearing into the darkness

I laid back down in bed and thought about that night, that kiss... my first kiss
My only kiss
I sighed, fuck I can't wait till she gets here tomorrow
It's been 3 years since I've seen her, touched her, kissed her.
She'll be on the plane right now, I hope she's comfortable
She always hated flying

The only thing standing between me and my girl now is her parents
I know they haven't told her why they're coming, they've been putting it off ever since I told them that night
But they'll have to tell her sooner or later
My girl, my only, my fiancé...

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