3| Reunion

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"And suddenly you know, it's time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings" -Meister Eckhart


I was shaken awake by a large firm hand
I swatted it away and snuggled closer into my blanket

I was left in peace for a moment before I felt a sharp flick to my forehead
"Ah cazzo" I mumbled as I rubbed my head sitting up

"Language Baby!" My mother scolded me as she gathered her belongings, my brothers laugh echoing around the cabin
"Sorry mama" I stood up and stretched, I must have slept for the last 3 hours of the trip
I slipped my heels on and grabbed my coat

We made our way down the steps of the plane to see a sleek black car waiting
I shivered at the cold air and pulled my coat closer around me, I forgot how cold America was compared to Italy
I got in inbetween Knox and Lia, our parents sat opposite us holding hands.

My hands became sweaty as we drove through the streets of New York, I was nervous to see them all after so long
I hadn't spoke to Mr and Mrs Romano since last time we visited and I wasn't sure if they'd even recognise us after all this time

We passed into the countryside and the trees and bushes became a green blur as I found myself trying to stay awake
Yeah, 3 hours on the plane and I was still tired
Before I knew it we were pulling up outside the Romano's house

• Romano's house •

It was just as I remembered it, an old styled mansion, with blue and pink flowers growing up the brick walls.
I studied the house as the bags were being unpacked by the driver
The dark red door had slightly faded in colour, the windows were all thrown open as it was the American's pathetic excuse for summer here.

The door was thrown open and a woman sauntered out. Mrs Romano.
She was still beautiful, her and my mother had been best friends long before we were born
She owned the most famous chain of clubs in New York... 'Diamonds'
She was wearing a tight chequered dress that stopped just below her knees, her dark hair flowing down her shoulders as she outstretched her arms to my mother

"Natalia darling" she engulfed my mother in a hug and squeezed her
"It's been too long since I've seen this gorgeous face" she then turned and hugged my father
"Hello Lorenzo"
"Always nice to see you Adrianna" she smiled at all of us
"Come in come in" she ushered us inside as the servants came out to grab our bags

When I stepped through the door I was greeted with the familiar grand staircase in front of me, where I've slipped, tripped, pushed Rocco down and slid down the banister
The living room was to my left and the kitchen was to my right

The house still had that homely feel, there were pictures everywhere and little trinkets Mrs Romano had found on her travels scattered around, I could smell something delicious baking, she was always baking something,

The one thing that certainly hadn't changed was the amount of flowers in here
The hall alone had at least 10 vases filled with different varieties of flowers, Mrs Romano was obsessed
She had gardens all around the house and every plant imaginable in them
Her gardens were beautiful.

"Gio they're here!" Adrianna called up the stairs, not a moment later Giovanni Romano strolled down the stairs in a crisp black suit and perfectly gelled hair, he always looked ready for business
He hugged my mother and shook hands with my father, I didn't miss the knowing look they shared with each other, a solemn one.

"Glad you could make it Lorenzo, it's been far too long since we've all been together" he smiled towards all of us, just looking at the Romano's stood together, you could tell they were the perfect couple, they looked as though they hadn't aged at all

Where Giovanni was quite stubborn and hard at portraying his emotions, Adrianna was a complete open book, pushing her husband into situations he didn't want to be in, he wasn't much of a social person.
We probably looked the exact opposite of them right now, 11 hours on a plane does not do well for ones appearance

"Oh Natalia darling your children are beautiful, Lia sweetie the last time I saw you, you were so young" Adriana gushed over Lia, she truly had grown into a beautiful woman, she got all her looks from mama, whereas I was a mix of both my parents, inheriting my dark hair from my father

"And what a strong man you've become" she said towards Knox, who offered her a small smile, I rolled my eyes at him
Ever the people person, he always preferred to keep to himself
"And Baby Garcia... the little beauty with cheekbones I'd die for" she commented as she squeezed my cheeks together, I mumbled a thank you through squished cheeks.

Before I could reply normally I was swept off my feet and spun around causing me to let out a squeal
"She has returned, the one, the only, the bestest friend a guy could ask for! My Baby has come back to me!!"
I was placed back on my feet and tried to compose myself, I looked through dizzy eyes and saw a tall boy, with dark brown hair and a cheeky grin on his face, I'd know that stupid smile anywhere

I smiled and immediately jumped into his arms, hugging the life out of him
"Dio mio Rocco!" I let him go, his face was beaming at me
"Hey princess, you miss me?" I rolled my eyes at his nickname
"You got tall" I commented, he'd always been taller than me but now I had to crane my neck just to look up at him

"And you got ugly" I punched him in the shoulder
"Don't make me hurt you" I threatened
He scoffed at me
"Yeah like you could hurt me" he crossed his arms and had a smug grin on his face, challenging me
I wanted to wipe that grin off his stupid goofy face, so I grabbed his hand, twisting his arm until he buckled to the floor.

He cried out in pain, begging for me to let him go.
Our parents were chuckling at us, if we weren't playing or causing trouble, we'd always be fighting
It's actually how we met, he'd pulled my hair, so naturally, I punched him in the face
But then he made me cake and said sorry and we became best friends
The simple mind of a child.

Except now I didn't need to throw punch after punch, I could break him with one hand.

He fell further to the floor, before we were interrupted by a high pitch scream to our left
We looked up to see a teenage girl with pinned curly brown hair and a light green dress that stopped just below her knees
"Lia!" She screamed and tackled her. Gianna

I chuckled at the sight of them together
I was too distracted looking at them that I let my guard down and Rocco made his move, I groaned as my back collided with the floor, he'd flipped me until I had landed with a thud
Rocco laughed as he rose up, offering me his hand, I took it and stood up, smoothing my dress out.

"Glad to see everyone's caught up" my dad stated
"Well almost everyone" Knox said rather irritated, dad shot him a warning look whilst Gio and Adrianna looked uncomfortable
Something was definitely up and I was going to find out what it was, sooner rather than later
"Yes well. Vincent got called away on... business, but I'm sure he'll be back in time for dinner" Adrianna stated sweetly
Vincent. I wonder what he looked like now, does he even remember us?
It was painfully silent after that

Sensing the tension my mother spoke up
"Shall we get settled in then, I'd love to see the gardens Adrianna"
Mrs Romano seemed to perk up at the idea
"Oh yes, I've just had some gorgeous fire lily put in, we'll get you all settled in and then us ladies can have tea in the garden" the maids came and took our bags and led us to our rooms
My room was the one I always used to stay in when we visited

We agreed to meet in the gardens in an hour so I took a shower and changed, 11 hours on a plane had really messed up my outfit, and my hair

• Baby's outfit •

I got changed and made my way out into the west gardens, it was as beautiful as ever
Adrianna had a table set up under a small canopy in the centre of the roses section

The sun had come out a bit more since we arrived, I had a white shawl draped loosely around me, slightly falling off my shoulders as the sun warmed me.

We sat and caught up whilst having tea
I learnt that Gianna was studying literature in hopes of becoming a writer, much to Giovanni's dismay apparently.
He had high hopes that she'd become part of the family business in some way, but she'd refused claiming she wanted to make her mark in the world, stating that she was a struggling artist in an ignorant era or something like that.

Adrianna told us of her clubs and all the new acts she was promoting, insisting that I must come by to sing in her club
I used to enjoy singing when I was younger but I hadn't performed publicly in years.

We also caught them up on our lives over the past 3 years, how Lia was planning to become a lawyer, I was nearly finished getting my degree in accounting and business management and how Knox was getting on in his training.

I have no idea where the boys had gone, I could only assume that they had hidden away in Giovanni's office to talk business
We were sat and talking for around 2 hours until the men came out to join us
Rocco following about 15 minutes later, where ever he'd been off hiding, maids brought out some more chairs after Rocco tried to sit on my lap and I pushed him on the floor, resulting in his pouting state now.

My mother was sat beside my father and Adrianna was sat on Giovanni's lap
Knox seemed to have a permanent scowl on his face but that wasn't uncommon.
We were conversing for another few minutes before I hear a deep voice approaching from behind me

"I didn't miss much I hope" I turned towards the sound to be met with the most beautiful sight
Vincent Romano
He was dressed in a white buttoned shirt and black trousers
He was taller than I remember and way bigger

All that training must of paid off 
He looked like he was covered in tattoos and his eyes were solely on me
I swallowed heavily as he started coming closer
Jesus give me strength
For Vincent Romano stared through me.

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