4| Her

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"Your touch is poetry I want to write" - Josh Walker


I was so fucking pissed
I'd woken up early to get ready for her arriving, only to be called away on fucking business
Some pricks had tried to break into one of our factories, so I had to go sort it out
Now I was going to miss her arrival

I stalked into the warehouse
And there were the three of them, tied up to chairs and sat in a line
Normally I'd just kill them, make an example out of them to other enemies thinking they could fuck us over
But they've ruined my reunion with my girl
So I'm going to ruin them.

I walked closer to them and their eyes flashed with fear
"J-just let us go okay we're sorry we won't do it again" the middle one muttered
I scoffed and took my jacket off, draping it over the table set up in the corner, a variety of weapons splayed out.

"You won't do it again? Then I guess I'll send you on your way, good for you to say sorry" I said, they shook slightly, sensing my anger
"But then some other fucker will think 'hey those other guys didn't get killed, I think I'll try my hand at it'" I explain as I start to roll my sleeves up
"N-no we swear, we didn't mean any trouble" the one on the left spoke
I chuckled, do they really think I'm that stupid?

They're was a slight twinge in their voices, they were trying to cover an accent, play the innocent role, well I really wasn't in the mood for that
"I don't have time to play games today, so tell me who sent you and you'll keep your skin" I said calmly

Their eyes widened and they started struggling in their seats
I grabbed a knife off the table and pulled a chair up to sit in front of them
"Now, because of you bastards I'm missing the arrival of my fiancé right now, so let's make this quick. Who sent you?" I demanded, twisting the knife in my hand.

The middle ones face dropped into anger and he spat at the floor in front of me
"Dracu te ticălos amercian" he said angrily
Fuck you, you American bastard

I sighed and sat up, looking towards him, I rammed my knife through his forehead, dragging it down his face
His head dropped down and blood started to run down his face.

"Dracu... Dracu... Dracu" the one on the left started squirming again and trying to break out of his ties
Fuck... fuck... fuck

"Now... unless you want to end up like him, tell me who sent you" I stated
They looked at each other hesitantly and started speaking in Romanian to each other
Lucky I know Romanian
The fact that they were speaking Romanian meant it was probably Adrian that put them up to this, stupid fucker
But I needed confirmation.

"Nu îndrăznești naibii" the right one spat at the other guy
Don't you fucking dare
"ne va omorî dacă nu" the left one replied, his voice slightly shaking, he was clearly the weak link
(He'll kill us if we don't)
"șeful ne va omorî dacă o facem"
(Boss will kill us if we do)

"I can promise you a more painful death unless you tell me right now" I demanded, they were wasting my time, Baby's probably at the house by now
I got up and retrieved another knife from the table, strolling over to the man on the left, he'd be easier to break out of the two
I trailed the blade down the side of his face, he cowered back into his chair, he looked young, clearly new to this.

Anyone in the mafia knows how to hold their own when it came to torture, at least for a while
But this kid looked ready to piss himself.

"I-I'll tell you anything p-please just don't kill us" and there we are. That young naivety that he might walk out of here alive
I crouched down so I was face to face with him
"Who?" I asked
"I-it was Adrian..." he answered
"tu nenorocit de trădător" the other guy started shouting at him
(You fucking traitor)

I knew it, that bastard... thinking he could sneak spies into my business
I smiled at the guy and stood back up, walking around the back of him, he blew out a sigh and I took that moment to slit his throat, he gargled on his own blood for a minute or two and then... silence.

The only sound in the room was a constant dripping of the middle guys blood, collecting in a pool on the floor

The only man still alive had stopped shouting at this point, his eyes vacant as he stared ahead
I strolled around to face him and leant down to his eyeline
"Any last words?" He looked at me... smiled and then spat in my face
I was fuming now, I wiped it off with a rag and picked up an axe from the table
He started to say a prayer in Romanian and I swung the axe up and into him.

2 hours later and they looked unrecognisable, no eyes, ears, fingers, barley any skin left on them
They looked horrifying, just what I wanted
I ordered my men to have them dumped on Adrian's doorstep and made my way back home

I didn't feel sorry for what I did to those men and believe me I had nightmares about some of the things I had done. But they deserved to die, they fucked with my business and destroyed an entire months worth of shipments in the process
I might have went a little overboard but I was angry
I'd been dreaming of the day I'd see her again and they ruined it.

Adrian fucking Ciobanu
The leader of the Romanian mafia.
And a complete fucking prick
He's been trying to get one over on us for years now but wouldn't actually come out of hiding and face us like a fucking man
He just hides away in his mansions, money and hookers

I sighed. I was drenched in blood, I couldn't face Baby like this
I'd need to have a shower, get changed and brief my father on what happened at the warehouse, more fucking time away from her.

I arrived back at the house to be greeted with one of the maids, Mary
She was a 50 something year old woman with greying hair and a petite figure, she looked so fragile but I remember how she used to grip my ear something fierce for misbehaving as a child.

"Where is everyone?" I asked her
"The ladies are in the garden and the men are in your father's office" she smiled at me, taking my jacket from me. She was used to the sight of blood by now.

"Thank you Mary" I started off down the corridor for dad's office
"Oh- Uh don't you need your clothes washing dear" she started fretting
I waved the conversation off and continued down the hall.

I walked into dad's office without knocking and saw my father sat at his desk, drinking whiskey
The Garcia men were sat opposite dad, whilst Rocco was lying on the couch, a book laying across his face as his arm laid over the edge of the couch.

At the sound of the door my father looked up.
"Ah Vincent, about time you got back" as soon as my name came out his mouth, Knox's head had whipped round to glare at me
He was out of his seat in a second and inches away from my face, no one seeming to care that I was covered in dried blood.

Due to the commotion Rocco had quickly sat up, the book falling into his lap.

"You think you can do this to my sister you fucking bastard" he said, throwing a punch to my face, but he was ripped away from me by Lorenzo and told to calm down
He huffed and sat back down, Lorenzo stared at the back of his head for a moment before turning to me
I suppose I deserved that.
"Vincent" he nodded at me, I nodded back, I know Knox had his protests about this deal but I wasn't letting them out of it, she was mine.

"Let's all sit down shall we" my father gestured to the seats and we all sat down
I pushed Rocco's feet off the couch and sat next to him, earning a whine 
"So, has anyone told her yet?" I asked impatiently, I'd waited all these years for her and I wanted it to happen as soon as possible.

"Why don't we discuss business first" my dad suggested
"She is my business" I said, causing Rocco to roll his eyes at me
"So?" I asked rather harshly
"Uh- no... not yet" Lorenzo answered honestly, I groaned and leant back in my seat, running my hand down my face

"Why not? The wedding is in 2 weeks, what are you going to do, tell her at the alter?" I replied sarcastically
"Well how are we supposed to tell her? You think we can just tell her she'll marry you and she'll be on board?" Knox chimed in
I know he has a point but it doesn't mean it didn't piss me off. She'll like me... eventually... hopefully.

"I don't care you need to tell her by the end of the week" I said
"Why don't you tell her and see how that goes" Knox said, she can't be too pissed off when she finds out... can she?

"We'll tell her after tomorrow's party" Lorenzo stated, I nodded in response
"Now, what happened at the warehouse? I'm assuming you took care of it?" My dad asked, waving his hand at my current blood soaked state
I nodded
I filled them in on what happened and that Adrian was trying to pull shit again
After I'd briefed dad I went upstairs to get washed and changed, I wasn't going to see her covered in blood.

A knock came from the door as I got dressed and I looked in the full length mirror to see Rocco leaning against the door frame smirking at me.

"She's beautiful isn't she?" He asked rhetorically, I know he only sees her as a sister but it never stopped the tinge of jealousy in my chest every time he complimented her
I used to hate them being friends as kids, she'd always smile at him, laugh at him and play with him, but over the years I then saw their relationship in a different perspective.
If she was with him all the time it meant she wasn't with anyone else, he'd keep her safe for me while I was busy training.

"She gets more gorgeous every day, if that's even possible" I responded
He chuckled at me
"Well I just came to tell you we're out in the west gardens" I nodded at him and he left.

I made my way downstairs, passing Mary on the way and asking her to clean my clothes

I made my way out into the gardens and saw them all sat around the table
It made me think back to when they used to visit and we'd all sit together for dinner, it was the only time I ever really got to be around Baby, of course I'd never really spoken to her and she was always busy chucking food at Rocco and vice versa.

As I got nearer I saw the back of her head, her gorgeous soft dark hair curling down her back, her hat abandoned on the table
"I didn't miss much I hope" I said, hoping she'd look at me.

Everyone's eyes were on me and she turned around slowly to face me
I felt frozen in place as soon as her eyes connected with mine, she was a fucking angel.

She still had those breathtaking blue eyes and little dimples in her soft cheeks, I just wanted to grab her face and kiss her
Her features were more mature and her body was curvier than I last remember, she was a grown woman now, a beautiful and seductive woman
A danger to everyone

And yet I still felt like that nervous little teenage boy who wanted nothing more than to just have her look at me like she was now.

"Vincent darling what took you so long?" My mother asked, signally a maid to get another chair for me, she quickly scurried back and place the chair in between Baby and Lia
I gulped and sat down next to Baby, she stiffened slightly as I sat down, I hoped to god she wasn't intimidated by me.

"I Uh- I just had to sort out some paperwork" I said, hoping no one would dwell on the subject
"Well now that we're all here we can discuss tomorrow night" my mother exclaimed happily, clapping her hands
"I don't think we nee-" my father began, only to be cut off by mom again
If there was one thing this woman was passionate about... it was a party.

"Nonsense dear, now the colour theme is black..." she started rambling about the party, the decorations and the people attending, I couldn't be more disinterested so I turned my attention to my baby
She looked ravishing in that dress, it was tight in all the right places, with a bit of cleavage visible.

I couldn't stop all the dirty thoughts invading my head at that moment, just thinking about having her under me, writhing and moaning my nam-

"What do you think Vinny?" My mother asked
I was snapped out of my fantasy by mom's voice, what was she talking about again?

"What?" I asked, she gave me an annoyed look whilst Rocco started giggling at me from across the table, I shut him up with a swift kick to his leg
"I said what do you think about Baby singing tomorrow night?" She said

"I really don't think I should. I mean- I haven't sang in front of people in years Adrianna" her voice sounded angelic, soft, comforting.
"Don't be so silly, if I remember correctly you had the voice of an angel dear" my mother complimented her
She looked uncomfortable and I felt the need to save her.

"She doesn't have to ma" I said dismissively, looking into my baby's captivating eyes
She stared at me for a moment and then looked away, clearing her throat
"U-um Maybe" she looked at my mother
"I'll think about it" she smiled

God, all she has to do is smile and I feel like my hearts going to explode

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