22| Wife

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"My love for you was a masterpiece- you never really cared much for art"


The next few days were tense, Knox had refrained from coming to see me in case anyone was following him
I kept telling him it was inevitable, that soon I'd be found and I'd have to face the music.

And yet I couldn't bring myself to just go back myself, it would feel like giving up
Like I was just accepting defeat. And I wasn't
I wanted a life. I didn't want to be some mafia wife that stayed in all day raising the children.

It was around 2pm on a Sunday afternoon when the doorbell rang.
And I felt my entire body tense.
Who the fuck was knocking?
I slowly edged towards the door, hearing it knock again when I hadn't answered.

No one knew I was here. No one but Knox
I slowly opened the door, preparing myself for some kind attack
But none came
I opened the door wider and there stood... a lady.

An older lady. She was smiling and holding... a pie?
"Afternoon dear" she smiled, I looked her up and down
She didn't seem to be a threat, but I still wasn't supposed to have the door open for so long.

"Uh- afternoon" I smiled back politely
"I'm so sorry I haven't been round sooner but we wanted to welcome the new neighbour" she explained.
"Oh... thank you" I said, taking the apple pie she handed to me.

"We never normally have neighbours this side, landlord never has anyone in this flat" she chuckled, looking around behind me slightly, I blocked the doorway casually with my body
She seemed lovely but I needed her to go
"Well, it's nice to live somewhere with such friendly neighbours" I grinned.

"Ah now you're just trying to butter me up" she laughed, I chuckled along with her
"Well, I better be off, I hope you enjoy the pie" she said sweetly
"Oh I bet I will" I smiled, she began to walk back to her own door, so I shut mine quickly.

I stared down at the apple pie, before abandoning it on the counter
I wasn't going to eat it. She seemed nice but you can never trust anyone really
So I wasn't going to chance eating something from a stranger.

I trailed over to the small hallway, heading towards my bedroom when I felt a hand clamp down on my mouth from behind me.
I screamed, but nothing was heard as I was turned around and pushed against the wall, the hand still firmly on my mouth as I looked up at my attacker.

And I froze...


"Miss me baby?" He asked lowly, leaning into me
"Because I sure as hell missed you" he whispered, leaning his forehead against mine. Oh fuck
I stared up at him as he pulled away slightly, his face inches from mine.

He looked... different
Unkept. Like he hadn't slept in days
I know how he felt, I'm sure I had bags under my eyes from the nights I laid awake feeling guilty.

"You know..." he sighed
"When you marry someone... you're supposed to stick around" he said
"At least till the end of the fucking wedding" he said.
"Till death do us part... remember?" He asked, taking my hand in his free one, and placing my palm against his cheek.

"Vincent, I was goi-"
"Don't you dare tell me you were going to come back, or you wouldn't have left in the first place" he said annoyed
"I didn't want to hurt you" I said, grasping his cheeks in my palms.

"Don't lie to me" he said, pulling away
"I'm not, I didn't want to hurt you, I still don't, but I was just... overwhelmed. Everyone was talking about houses and babies and I'm just not ready for it all" I said stressed
"That's what I was for" he shouted, taking my face in his own hands.

"To help you, to take care of you!" He shouted

I looked up at him
"Just admit it... you ran" he breathed out
"I... I'm sorry, I ran away, I was scared and stressed out and I- I just wanted some time to think.
Ever since we got here I've been bombarded with this fucking wedding. With this marriage I never asked for. Never knew anything about" I explained.

"I... I care about you Vincent, I really do, but even you have to know this was... this was madness, rushing into a wedding" I said
"I wasn't rushing! I've waited for this moment for years!" He shouted
"Well I haven't. You never told me you liked me, you never told me you loved me, you never even asked to marry me!" I shouted back.

"Because your brother ruined it" he said
"He was the only one that was actually honest with me!" I shouted.
He blew out a breath, running his hand through his already messy hair
"Look I don't want to argue Baby, I just- just come home, and we can forget this ever happened" he said.

"What? Vincent you can't be serious" I said
"What?" He snapped
"What do you want me to do huh?" He went on, grabbing onto me frantically
"What do I have to do to make you fucking love me?!" He asked desperately.

"I..." I took his face in my palms, caressing his cheeks with my thumbs
"Just stop pretending, stop acting like everything's fine, stop pretending you're not mad I left, we can't just go back and act as if this never happened" I said gently.

"I might love you one day Vincent, but we can't just get married and expect it to be happy families... we need time to actually connect" I explained.

"Then come back" he said, but it sounded more like an order, his body caging me against the wall
He was really never going to let me go was he?

"I can try Vincent, but I can't make myself fall for you, and you can't force me to love you either" I said, he nodded slowly
"I know" he said
"Okay... so if we try, and I don't feel anything, you'd really let me go?" I asked, because at this point I felt like he wouldn't.

He thought for a moment, before looking back up at me
"Yes" he said through gritted teeth
"Please don't lie" I asked, he sighed
"I've spent my entire life... in love with you, so it wouldn't be easy... but I wouldn't want to trap you either" he said.

"I get that... I just- I just think we should talk, spend time together and actually get to know each other" I suggested
"I know everything" he said
"You think you know everything... but my favourite colour and favourite food isn't what makes love" I said
"I know-"
"I want to love you, not anything else" I stressed.

He nodded immediately
"But we can't pretend the bad stuff hasn't happened, you all kept this from me for so long, and it'll take me time to forgive you for that. The same way you need time to forgive me for running away" I said.

"But you'll come back. Now" he said, walking down the hallway into my bedroom.

I let my head fall back against the wall tiredly
"Yes, I'll come back but do you understand me? I left, I hurt you, you can't just brush over it because you love me" I called after him, following him into the bedroom.

He had the suitcase out from under the bed, he was packing all my clothes that Knox had brought me
"As long as you come home, I don't care about anything else, I don't want to be mad at you" he  said.

"But that's the point Vincent, you need to be mad at me, you need to wake up and see that you don't love me. Not the way you think you do-" I said
"I do. I love you Baby, every single fucking thing about you" he stressed.

I sighed, sitting on the bed, why won't he just admit it?
That there was thousands of things we didn't know about each other
That he may love me but he wasn't in love with me.

Love was that heart warming tingly feeling. The feeling that you can never quite explain, or the undeniable fact that you would lay down your life for this person
Follow them into any stupid decision and back them up no matter what.

Could Vincent honestly say he felt that for me?


We were on our way back to the house, sat in the back of the car together as she had slowly fell asleep, her head now resting on my shoulder
I couldn't help but hold her to me, stroke her hair as she slept, she looked like she hadn't slept in days.

Like she was... stressed.
I know how she felt. The days I went without her were torturous, I just wanted her by my side
She was my wife now. Mine.

And I can't wait for us to move into our own house, for me to finally show her that I could be what she wanted me to be
That I loved her more than anyone ever would.
I just needed her to love me back.
And as hard as it may be, I wasn't going to give up.

Truthfully I don't think I could let her go if she asked
Even if she'll never love me, I'm hers.

"You're back then" Rocco commented, strolling into my room
I nodded, looking down at Baby sleeping.
I know I should've put her in her own bed, but I couldn't resist
I wanted her close.

Maybe my paranoid was convincing me she'd leave again.
I just... I needed her near
"Yeah" I breathed out
He stood over her, looking at her with a solemn expression.

"She looks... broken" he muttered
His words made my heart sink. I didn't want to be the reason she was unhappy.
I wanted to make everyday of her life perfect
Because she was perfect.

I didn't respond, I didn't know how to.

"And why is she in her-"
"Did you want something?" I snapped, he rolled his eyes, dismissing my tone
"Letter came for you" he said simply, handing it over, I nodded, opening it.

"Anything else?" I asked, wondering why he was still lingering
"Have you told her?" He asked, I shook my head.
She couldn't know. Not yet. She only just got back.

And it was clear Knox had been the one helping her hide. So if he hadn't told her, then I was going to take this one night of peace before the heart ache tomorrow.

He gave Baby one last look, before leaving
I opened the letter, reading over it as my free hand continued to stroke her hair.

I'm coming for you. And that little bitch of a wife too

What the fuck? Who was dumb enough to send that?
I abandoned it on the bedside table, getting in beside Baby and pulling her into my arms, it felt so nice.

Actually feeling her next to me. Having my wife with me.
It felt like she was really mine now.

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