28| Patch up

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Patch up

"Don't let people know too much about you"


"You're awake" I said, stopping in my tracks in the doorway
Baby was sat up in bed, her hair a mess and her beautiful face lit up in a warm blush
"What is that?" She asked, looking at the glass in my hand.

"Oh uh... cranberry juice" I said simply, remembering Knox's words and holding it out for her
She'd still want it when she was hungover. Right?
"Oh. Thank you" she said, taking the glass from me.

I sat on the edge of the bed next to her
"How are you feeling?" I asked
"Uh... awful" she offered simply, having downed the juice and placing it on the side
"Right" I mumbled, I wasn't sure what to say
What did she need when she was hungover? Was she okay? Was she mad at me?

"Vincent" she mumbled
"Yeah?" I asked, looking up at her
"Thanks, for looking after me" she said, staring down at her lap, fiddling with the blanket.
"It's okay" I said simply, analysing every gorgeous feature of her face.

"What happened when we got home?" She asked
"Oh, you... well you passed out before we even got back, I carried you up here and put you to bed" I explained.

She nodded, looking round, before looking to the space beside her, the pillow untouched and the blanket unmoved
"You... you didn't sleep in here?" She asked
I shook my head
"You needed to sleep, so I slept in a spare room" I said.

"Vincent... you could have put me in my own room, I shouldn't be sleeping in your bed if you aren't even going to be in here" she said
"I don't mind, I'd give up anything for you" I said honestly, she looked down again, unsure of what to say.

I felt like an idiot, I was coming on too strong.
I needed to be... spacious
That's the word ma used. I can't make her love me
I needed to earn her love. To show her how much I cared without scaring her off
That's all I kept telling myself nowadays
Easier said then done really.

"I... have a meeting today" I explained, she nodded
"I'd like you to come with me, if you're up for it" I said, I had to meet a business partner, and I wanted her with me
She was my wife now, we needed to show a united front.

Plus I wanted to see her in action. See first hand the way she deals with people.
She thought for a moment
"Why?" She asked
"Because now... my business is your business, and vice versa. You're not alone anymore Baby" I said, standing up.

Her eyes followed me, before I looked back and her gaze flickered away, too nervous or too preoccupied to retain my own.
"So, will you accompany me?" I asked, she hesitated a moment, before nodding her head
"Okay. Good" I said, albeit awkwardly but I didn't know how to act around her.

I was always used to just watching. Remaining silent and dreaming about our future one day
But that day is now. Now I have to be an adult, I have to earn her affection and look after her.
She was mine. And I was hers, wholeheartedly.

I'm not that nervous boy anymore, leaving her flowers and helping ma make brownies just so she was happy because Rocco had ate all the other ones
I wasn't immature anymore. Pining after a girl that barely knew I existed.

I'd take a bullet for her. A blade. fucking torture if I had to. She was everything to me.
I had to prove that to her now
Show her that no body will ever be able to love her the way I do
"I'll let you get ready" I said simply, heading for the door
"Vincent?" She called out
"Yes?" I asked, facing her.

"If I come. I shall speak my mind, I shall not be an obedient silent wife standing there for the pleasure of the eye" she said, her voice unwavering and dripping with stubbornness
"I wouldn't expect anything else" I said, before strolling out, closing the door behind me.

I didn't want her to be quiet. I wanted her to be who she was. The smart mouthed, dangerous, intellectual assassin that made men quake in their fucking shoes.
I wanted who she's always been. A fucking hurricane.


After our rather... awkward encounter, I was worried about the meeting
I didn't want to disrupt Vincent's business, or ruin dealings for him
But like I told him, I wasn't going to remain silent.

Baby's Outfit •

The car ride was... quiet
The waiting was even longer
I felt so embarrassed after last night I had no idea what to say to the man.

He'd practically carried me home in the state I had gotten myself in
And arguing with Knox in front of everyone.
Slating our family name like that.

What must people think of us now? That we're soft, that we're weak and have issues to exploit?
Dad always said, don't let anyone know what's going on inside your head.

The moment they know your motive. You're fucked.
"They're here" Vincent whispered, leaning into me, I nodded, preparing myself for this
I took a deep breathe, took Vincent's hand in mine. And waited.

I felt it. I always felt it when I was the one to initiate contact
He froze. He went rigid next to me before slowly encasing his fingers with mine, his thumb softly rubbing against my skin in comfort.

"Vincent Romano" a woman chimed, strolling through the doors with a dozen men and women behind her
Florence Gracie
"Florence" he greeted, she smiled, blonde curls bouncing around her face in a neat little Bob as her gaze flickered to me.

"Ah, Baby Garcia" she smiled. I'd only ever interacted with her twice. But dad was always handling her
Which was fine with me. But she was nearing her 30s and liked to make it apparent that she had more experience in this game.

She'd make 'baby' so apparent. Like I was a child that needed teaching the ways of the world
"Florence" I greeted
"Actually. It's Romano now" Vincent corrected her, and I felt a slight twinge in my chest at the... possessiveness.

"Yes, that's right, I heard from my uncle" she said, the pink coated smile never leaving her face as she delivered such a bittersweet tone
"You would have been invited-" Vincent began, but she cut him off with a wave of her hand
"Oh nonsense. Nonsense. We're here for business not a catch-up darling. Now... where's my guns?" She asked excitedly, clapping her hands together as she looked around.

"This'll be fun" Vincent whispered in a bored tone in my ear as he walked past me, guiding me back to the crates

"We'll have them loaded up and you can pay my father tomorrow" Vincent explained
"Perfect" she commented, watching as the crates began being unloaded and reloaded onto a boat at the edge of the warehouse.

"So... how are you finding life as a Romano?" Florence asked, I tried to contain the sigh threatening to escape
"Seems everyone is looking for that answer, maybe I should write an article for the paper" I joked back.

"You can't blame the people for wanting to know Baby. Any... affiliation is gossip round the mill" she said, crossing her arms and smirking
"So? Romano, how is he?" She asked, glancing at him amused.

"Um... he's... he's perfect" I said, putting on a wide smile
"Perfect" she scoffed
"No Romano is perfect. They're cut throat. Violent. Scarily rational to the point you feel on edge" she said.

"Yeah well... Vincent treats me just fine" I dismissed, side eyeing her, she just smiled
"So I've heard. Buying you a big house, big wedding, that boys had a claim on you since day one" she said, nodding to Vincent. Who seemed too wrapped up in overseeing moving boxes.

"One thing needs to become very clear in this 'gossip mill'... no one has a claim over me" I said simply, she didn't say anything
So I turned around and walked out
I wasn't his lackey. And I certainly wasn't a trophy wife.

I'm not standing around to look pretty whilst everyone does business around me.

The dark wood staring at back at me only irritated my day further as I knocked for the fourth time.
Until it finally swung open. And a bed head Knox stood before me. With nothing but shorts on and a towel round his neck.

"Finally" I commented, shoving my way past him
His downtown apartment was classy to say the least. He always liked the finer things in life.
And... the blonde woman sat at his counter
"Do you mind? I'm busy" Knox grumbled.

"Really? I couldn't tell" I said, looking the woman up and down
"Who the fuck is this Knox? You argued with her last night didn't you?" She spoke up
"The last time someone said 'who the fuck are you'... she lost her tongue" I spoke up, leaning across the counter to her.

I grabbed her face, her mouth smushing together as she stared at me confused
"And by the look of you. I'm guessing your tongue is probably one of your only good attributes eh?" I asked, her look turned into a glare.

Before she pulled herself backwards
"Knox!" She shrieked
He winced
"You better go Belle" he said, talking to her but staring at me, like I had just ruined his day
"Me?" She asked annoyed.

"Yes. You, if you hurry you might make the lunchtime rush down at the brothel" I said, shrugging my coat off and sitting on the sofa
She huffed and stomped off to the bedroom, Knox's shirt flailing around her slim figure, revealing the skimpy undergarments she had on.

Before the door slammed.

"She seems peachy" I smiled, he ignored me, pouring a cup of coffee for himself before turning back to me and sitting opposite
"Why are you here Valentina?" He asked
"Valentina? Good to know the level of anger you're at" I said calmly.

"What do you want? Another fight? Want to throw any more insults at me and tell me how shit of a brother I am?" He asked
"What? I'm the dick for not supporting your forced marriage?" He asked.

"No. You're not" I sighed
"But your constant tantrums don't help me. You're the only one that saw this the way I did. How fucked up it was. But this is my decision Knox. It's my mistake. My consequence. My life. I just... I need you to support me. Or at least just... be there for me" I explained.

"It's hard to be there for you when you're married to a needy possessive demon child" he said off handedly, sipping his drink
I closed my eyes for a moment, taking a breath
"Alright, I don't know why I even bothered" I said, standing up
"Yeah. I don't know why you did, what do you aim to gain from this?" He asked bored.

"I don't know" I shouted, immediately regretting my outburst
"Maybe... maybe I just fucking miss you. Maybe I want you to speak to me. Not at me" I said exhausted, I'm done listening to him tell me what I need. Tell me what to do.

"Eh, hang on" Knox called out as I walked towards the door
"What?" I asked impatiently, but I barely got the opportunity to turn around before I was pulled into a hug
I tensed up. But so did he
Hugs and affection was... scarce in our world.

"I uh... I... you know" he said
"Jesus" I said, pulling away
"You can't even say you love me?" I asked, he chuckled
"You know I do" he said
"Then say it" I challenged.

He narrowed his eyes
"You say it" he smirked
"Touché" I rolled my eyes, heading for the door again
"Where is lover boy then? Surprised you've made it anywhere alone" he asked.

"He's... taking care of some business. Business I should probably get back to" I said, opening the door
"Yeah. Sure" he said, sounding a little disheartened.

"You... you are coming back home aren't you?" I asked
"Yes. At the end of the next week" he said
I nodded
"Okay, I'll see you soon then?" I asked
"Yeah. Just... keep commitment issues away from me" he said.

"Wouldn't want blood spilled now would we?" He asked.

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