29| Flames

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"I've spent much too long in the space between staying and letting go"


I piled my last suitcase into the car, before pulling my coat tighter around me
I was going back to Italy today, a bittersweet departure
I was leaving the Romano's, leaving Rocco and Vincent and my... new home.

But I was going home. I was going to my family.
I'd get to sit in the gardens, be in my own room... my own space
I'd get to see mama and Lia and... dad.

I was excited to go home but I knew it could be the last time I saw my father before he...

"I'm going to miss you sis" Rocco said, leaning against the car as I shut the trunk of the car
"I'll miss you too" I smiled

"Call me when you land" he said
I nodded
"Of course" I said, before being pulled into a hug by Adrianna
"You sure you have every thing?" She asked
"Yes, yes I have everything, I'm all set" I said, pulling back.

"Can I have a moment?" Vincent spoke up
"Oh give us a minute, you're going out there next week, we won't see her for a while now" Rocco complained
"Rocco" Vincent said simply
He sighed, pulling me in for one last hug before walking back up the steps of the house to stand with Adrianna and Giovanni.

"I'll miss you" he said simply, standing before me
"I'll... see you at the end of the week" I said, looking up at him
"Yeah, I'll sort the rest of the business and I'll be with you as soon as I can" he said.

I nodded
"Okay" it felt... weird between us. Weird since I had gotten back from seeing Knox the other day
I think Vincent had felt... abandoned slightly from my absence.

But I explained what happened. What was said between me and Knox and our partial... truce.
And he seemed to be happy for me.
He just stood there, with his hands in his pockets, suit jacket missing as his sleeves were rolled up.

I didn't blame him though, the sun was burning bright today.
I don't know how he'll cope in Italy however.
He was used to colder conditions.

And Italy. Italy was hot. And beautiful. And... home.
"Well, I best be off then" I said, opening the car door
I didn't know what to do. Hug him? Kiss him? It was only the family here.

And they were under no pretence of what me and Vincent were.
But I also know how he felt for me
And I knew we wouldn't be seeing each other for a week now
So I placed my bag down on my seat, and reached up to hug him.

His arms wrapped around my waist before mine even clasped around his neck
It was a short hug. But I wanted to extend some form of peace.
And I knew it would mean a lot to him.

"Bye" I said quietly as we embraced
"Goodbye Baby" he said, kissing my forehead as we pulled away from each other.

I hopped in the car, and watched them out of the window as the car slowly drove out of the long driveway.
Rocco was waving like a mad man.
Adrianna and Giovanni had began to walk inside the house.

And Vincent... Vincent hadn't moved from the place I left him, hands back in his pockets and a blank look on his face as he watched the car.

I was shown onto the plane and seated in our secluded area. Dad owning his own plane had some perks I guess
As I sat there, book in hand ready to read for the flight, I thought about my current situation.

I was finally heading home.

I arrived nervous to see the family we hadn't visited in years.
And now here I am. Leaving married and ready to buy a house with my husband.
A new family. A new life.

And going home was now a visit. Not a normality.

"I said take my bags, not knock them against every surface you could find for fuck sake" I heard Knox complain. And then there he was.
Standing in the doorway, as a flight attendant staggered up behind him with a bunch of bags in her hands.

"Knox... I- I thought you weren't coming unti-"
"Yeah well, I wrapped everything up quicker than I thought, so we might as well go together" he said, sitting down opposite me
I smiled at him.

"Don't look at me like that. I'm not here for you" He said, pulling his sunglasses down into his face
"Sure" I smiled, looking out the window

"Dio mio, i miei bambini" mother gasped, running towards us
Oh my god, my babies

"Alright mama, Christ" Knox groaned, pulling away from her
"I didn't think you were coming till next week" She went on at him, whereas I had already started walking into the house
"Dad?" I called out
"V!" I heard Lia shout happily, running inside from the back yard.

"Hey sis" I chuckled, hugging her
"Where's dad?" I asked
"Out by the pool" she said, I nodded, heading outside, before stopping myself when I remembered
"Oh, Hudson gave me this to give you" I said.

Handing her the black box he had given me
I think it had a necklace or something for her, which she giddily took, a little blush dusting her cheeks
I went out to the back gardens
And down below the balcony... was dad.

Sitting at the garden table with a bunch of papers
What else should I expect?
"Dad" I smiled, heading down towards him
"Ah principessa, you're back" he smiled, looking up at me.

"Yeah, Knox is here too" I said
"Great, we can get a start on the planning" he said
I know what he was referring to
His will... Knox would be taking over when dad...

"I'll also need a moment of your time sweetheart, you know, for some of the businesses and such" he said
"Businesses?" I asked
"Yes, come on dear, Knox can't run everything, and I need you and Lia to be secure for the future" He said.

"I know, I just-"
"Let's forget it for now. You've both been on a plane for ages, let's have some lunch and catch up" he said, getting up slowly
I offered him my arm, helping him back into the house
"I want to hear all about your time with the Romanos"

Oh... great

You can go back to the land of the Garcias
But you're still a Romano


"Do you think she'll be okay?" I asked, jittering my leg
"Why wouldn't she be? She's with her family, she's home" Rocco chuckled, passing me another drink
"Exactly... 'home', I just started making progress with her, what if she spends the week there and goes back to thinking that she hates it here?" I rambled out.

She was talking to me now. Spending time with me, coming to meetings with me... I didn't want to go to Italy in a week and be greeted by her wanting nothing to do with me again
"Ah true, plus Knox has gone back" He said
I know. That made my brain go into a bigger over drive.

He hated me. All she'd hear from him all week is how shit I am and that she shouldn't be with me.

And Lorenzo. I was worried for him
It was better for him now he's back in the sun but... he didn't have long left... certainly not years. And his passing would be hard on everyone
He's a good man.

"Look just try not to sweat it eh? You got dad's charity event tonight, just try and enjoy it, I'm sure Baby will ring us later" he said
I nodded
Yeah. Yeah she'd ring... wouldn't she?

We never even spoke about it
What if she wasn't planning on contacting me at all? Why would she? I've forced her into being with me.
Fuck I hate this
I hate myself
I hate being away from her.

"I'm going to get dressed" I said simply, downing my drink and leaving my glass on the table, leaving the study

"Well this is fun" Rocco said, a bored expression on his face as we looked over the party
"Yeah" I agreed
The party below us was made up of boring business men with more money than sense.

Hence why we were hiding up here on the balcony, clearing out the bar and avoiding dad.
"Well well, last time I saw you, you were telling me you were engaged" I heard a voice behind me, chuckling.

But I knew that voice
And I also knew that I didn't have the tolerance to have this conversation.

"And this time. I'm telling you to leave me be" I said, keeping my gaze on the people below
"Don't you get tired of pestering him?" Rocco chimed in
"Don't you get tired of being his guard dog?" She threw back.

I watched Rocco roll his eyes at her
Her... being Daria Francesco. The daughter of a highly dangerous acquaintance of our father and an annoying spoilt brat of a girl.
One who bugged me at every function we both attended.

"Daria. I'd appreciate it if you left" I said simply
"Why? Engagement go ahead?" She asked
"Yes" I said
"Then where is she? Your wife? I've never met her" she said.

"And you won't anytime soon" Rocco said
"She doesn't socialise with people below her" I said
"Well then, if she's not in attendance, how about a dance? For old times sake?" She suggested.

I finally turned to look at her. Her blonde hair just as prissy as before, and her makeup just as messy. Many men wanted her
But personally, I thought she was a mess.
A mess with daddy's money to fall on

"No, just because my wife isn't here doesn't mean I want to be anywhere near you, not now, not ever, so do me and my dear brother a favour and fuck off back to daddy before I have to start a war with him over his irritating childish... dead daughter" I said.

Her lips thinned, eyes hard, before she huffed and stormed off
I sighed, leaning back on the railing with my drink
Baby why can't you be here with me?
I miss you...


"Isn't it nice to have dinner all together again?" Mama said happily, sitting beside my father
"Yeah, although we're missing someone" Knox said
Who? We only got here a few hours ago
I wonder who he invited.

It didn't bother me either way though, we were finally back on good terms.

And then we heard a knock at the door
"Ah, finally" he said, standing up
"Who have you invited dear?" Mama asked
"Just a friend, he was in town so..." he called back, before he reappeared
"Hope you don't mind" He said, heading back to his seat.

Before his... 'friend' appeared in the room
"Baby" he nodded in acknowledgment
"River" I mumbled surprised, turning my gaze to a smug looking Knox.

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