8| Party

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"A mask tells us more than a face"
                                               -Oscar Wilde


After I had taken a bath we'd all filtered into Gianna's room
Brooke had finally joined us after disappearing, I'm assuming to talk with Vincent.

Adrianna had a very specific request that the theme was a sparkly one, hence why everyone's dresses had been blinding me as they were hung up around the room.

Baby's outfit

I placed my mask over my face as I looked in the mirror
Grace had tied my hair up for me, decorating it with golden leaves and I had on my new shoes.

After waiting for Grace and Gia for what felt like years, we finally made our way downstairs.

The men all stood around chatting and putting their coats on
Waiting for us rather impatiently

As we made our way down I noticed my mother and Adrianna coming out of the living room, dressed up, bags in hand and covered with fur coats.

Women's outfits

Brooke met Jasper at the bottom of the stairs and he immediately shrugged his jacket off and demanded she put it on
"Why?" She whined
"Because I'm not having all these bastards looking at what's mine" he said to her, guiding her arms into the coat
She rolled her eyes at him
"Such a brute" she teased him.

As I got to the bottom of the stairs I looked around for my 'date', just to see that he was already staring at me, god those eyes could melt me
"Ready?" I asked him
He still didn't speak, just stared at me, I screwed my eyebrows together in confusion

Was there something on my face?
"Right... let's go shall we?" Giovanni suggested, linking arms with Adrianna.

The party was still on the Romano's land, but it was a fair walk from the house, they had another building on the other side of the gardens, with three ballrooms, two warehouses, three offices and an entire upstairs of bedrooms that were rarely slept in.
It was on the other side of their estate but it was the side closer to the city, it had its own driveway and set of security.

Everyone began making there way to the back door, Adrianna and Giovanni leading as they knew the way.
Adrianna could map out the entire gardens with her eyes closed.

Vincent cleared his throat, bringing my attention back to him, he offered a small smile and held his arm out
I smiled back and linked my arm with his, my fingers curling around his bicep
He started guiding us towards the door and I couldn't help but take a moment to admire him.

His suit fit him perfectly, you could still see the way his muscles moved as he walked
His cologne was invading every part of my senses, making me feel slightly dizzy
His tattoos crawled out his suit onto his neck and hands, a variety of rings on his fingers.
The man was absolutely intoxicating

"You... you look very beautiful" he complimented as we stepped outside, I smiled to myself
All he did was call me beautiful and I felt like a teenage girl crushing hard.

"Thank you, you look very handsome" I replied
He didn't reply but I could see a faint smile on his face in the dim light
The sun was just going down and we walked in silence, taking in the amazing view of the gardens as the sunlight faded.

We reached the building and made our way inside, the ballroom looked unreal, Adrianna had really outdone herself this time.


The entire place was a golden explosion of class and wealth
There were two bars at opposite ends of the hall, tables and chairs set up everywhere and a space for dancing
A band was set up in the corner of the dancehall, playing a soft tune as many people had already arrived.

As we descended the stairs, all eyes were on us, and I don't mean the huge group of us, I mean me and Vincent
Some were smiling, some were scowling and some were even raising their glasses in our direction, did they think we were a couple or something?
I felt Vincent pull me closer into his side, a smile on his face

Both our parents immediately sauntered off to speak to people, ever the social butterflies our mothers were, dragging our father's along with them.
"Well... drinks" Rocco said as he clapped his hands together and trotted over to the bar.

Brooke and Jasper immediately parted off and began to dance to the music
Jasper's face one of a scolded child as Brooke had thrown his jacket off the second we entered the building.

Arlo, Knox, Andre and a man I had been introduced to on the way in, now learning his name was Hudson began to mingle in the throngs of people, Grace's face slightly falling at having been left behind by Arlo.

Lia and Gia ran off to god knows where as soon as they came in and were no doubt causing trouble, that left me, Vincent and Grace
"Well.... vodka?" Grace asked, I chuckled and nodded at her, as we began to make our way to the bar we were intercepted by an older gentleman

"Ah Vincent my good lad, happy birthday" he cheered as he outstretched his arms, slightly spilling his champagne
"Thank you David, not actually my birthday till next week though" Vincent replied, a straight face present
"Ah well..." he waved it off with his hand

By this point Grace had fucked off to the bar and left us in it
"I was just wondering if I could have a word with you about the south ports" he explained, gulping down his champagne and placing it on a waitresses platter, taking another one from her.

"Uh actually we were just going to get a drink" Vincent politely declined, looking towards me
"And who's this beautiful desert rose?" The man questioned, kissing the back of my hand
I felt Vincent tighten his hold on me
"My date" he said matter of factly

"Well if he bores you too much you know where I am" David winked at me, making me feel quite queasy
I tried my best to muster a smile
"Thank you but... Vincent's perfect company for me" I replied sweetly, leaning up to kiss Vincent on the cheek
I didn't want Vincent to think I was coming on to him or anything but I also didn't want all these men making comments at me.

He forced a smile back at me
"Of course dear"
"Well... if you'll excuse us..." Vincent began, only to be cut off again
"Oh come on son... won't take a minute... wouldn't want to keep you away from your lovely date here would we?" He smiled

Vincent's jaw slightly clenched, I could tell he didn't want to speak to this guy but he didn't seem like the type to let up.

"You two talk, I'll get us drinks" I smiled at Vincent, gently squeezing his arm before I let go
"Wonderful" the man jeered, I just smiled politely and made my way to the bar

Grace was on her second drink by now and Rocco's attention seemed solely on the bartender
He gestured me to come to him, so I told Grace to give me a minute and I walked to the end of the bar
"This is Baby" Rocco introduced me, clearly quite friendly with whoever this man was
I shook his hand and he grinned at me
"Baby... this is Luke" Rocco told me.

My eyes widened as I realised this was Rocco's boyfriend, and let me tell you... he really was tall, dark and handsome

"Lovely to meet you" I offered
"Likewise... all I ever here about is the infamous Baby Garcia" he chuckled, causing me to grin and look at Rocco
"Ah you talk about me?" I asked as I pinched his cheek.

"Get off me woman" he huffed, making me and Luke laugh at him, it was nice to see Rocco happy
Even if they couldn't be together publicly yet.

I noticed Grace was downing her fourth drink and realised I was supposed to be getting some for me and Vincent
The only drink being offered around the room was champagne and most of us drank whiskey
I made my way to Grace and took the 'about to be' fifth drink out of her hand

"Eh" she whined at me, I rolled my eyes at her
"Why are you drinking so much?" I asked, ordering two whiskeys from the other bartender stationed with Luke
"Well there's nothing else to do" she shrugged.

I sighed and looked around the room, she kind of had a point, all you could really do is talk, drink or dance
My drinks were placed in front of me and I thanked him kindly, turning around to find Vincent

He wasn't where I left him, I frowned, trying to scan the crowd for him
I spotted him talking to some elderly couple, many other men and women crowded around him.

I sighed, I know it's his party and he's probably needed but I wanted to talk to him
Get to know him a bit more and find out what Gianna was talking about earlier today

I could still go over to him, but that would mean making pleasantries with a bunch of strangers and I wasn't in the mood, I turned around and gave Vincent's drink to Grace, pulling her up with me
"Where we going?"
"Fireplace" I answered, near the tables and chairs a fire was roaring with armchairs scattered around, if I was going to get drunk I was going to be warm.

We were sat around for an hour or so, joined shortly after by Arlo, Knox, Gia, Brooke and Jasper
Lia was currently dancing with Hudson, who seemed to have taken a shine to her
Andre and Vincent were still talking to people and Rocco was glued to the bar.

We were talking about politics when Adrianna came strutting over, glass in hand and staring straight at me
"Baby darling you're on in 5 minutes" she gushed
My eyes widened "what?"
"To sing!... you're on in 5"
"I- No I never said I..."
"Oh nonsense darling you'll be amazing, come on" she ushered me towards the stage
"N-no Adrianna what am I supposed to sing?" I asked
"Anything dear anything... it'll sound amazing" she gushed, leaving me to get up on stage

She tapped the microphone lightly and gathered everyone's attention
Oh fuck...
"Hello everyone, I hope you're all having a good time" she said, earning a few cheers from the crowd and raising of glasses at her
"I just wanted to steal your focus for a moment as I have a very special person here who agreed to perform for us tonight"

There were so many fucking people
The hall was packed with faces, silk and sparkles, all blending into one
"Now she's been gone for a few years but she's back now... and she's singing for us tonight... please give a warm welcome to my lovely god daughter Baby Garcia" she introduced me, such a show person, I chuckled

I nervously made my way up onto the stage and told the band what song I wanted, they all gave me small nods so I made my way to the microphone Adrianna had just vacated
I swallowed nervously and waited for the music to play, closing my eyes and trying to compose myself

"Say you love me to my face
I need it more than your embrace
Just say you want me, that's all it takes
Heart's getting torn from your mistakes"
I began to sing, feeling slightly uneasy as all eyes were on me

"'Cause I don't wanna fall in love
If you don't wanna try
But all that I've been thinking of
Is maybe that you might
And babe, it looks as though we're running out of words to say
And love's floating away"

I felt a bit more comfortable as I eased into the song, trying to find familiar faces in the crowd so I didn't have to look at strangers
I kept the song going, noticing how Adrianna was stood with an admiring look on her face

The song slowly went on, as people listened intently
As I slowly died inside wanting to get off this stage.
And love's floating away
Won't you stay
Won't you stay"

I finished the song to be met with a round of applause from everyone, I smiled and quickly made my way off stage... well that was fucking dreadful.

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I know the song is a modern one but I liked it so I used it... also the song is called Say you love me by Jessie Ware.

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