9| Dance

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"But friends don't look at each other the way we do"


It's been hours of this continuous bullshit... talking to crowds of people I've either never met or wouldn't care to meet again.

As soon as that annoying fuck Bocelli asked to talk about ports I had lost Baby, I saw her at the bar one minute and then by the fire the next, I just wanted to be with her
She was supposed to be my date after all.

But no, I was stuck here, trying to be polite as I listened to Mrs Farrow talk shit about her son and his ever growing career on Wall Street.

"That sounds lovey Mrs Farrow but if you will excuse me I have to speak with someone" I tried to politely excuse myself
She waved me off with her white gloved hand, the other wound tightly around her husbands arm as he spoke with some other man.

"I've told you dear... call me Marie, and that's fine, I should really mingle more with some other people anyway" she laughed
I offered her a small smile and headed towards the fireplace where I saw everyone sitting earlier.

When I got closer I saw everyone sitting around, but no Baby, my face scrunched up in confusion
"Where's Baby?" I asked
Brooke nodded towards the stage, I turned round to see ma dragging her up the steps
Oh shit

"Hello everyone, I hope you're all having a good time" ma said, gaining the crowds attention.
"I just wanted to steal your focus for a moment as I have a very special person here who agreed to perform for us tonight"

Fuck sake, she couldn't just leave Baby be
"Now she's been gone for a few years but she's back now... and she's singing for us tonight... please give a warm welcome to my lovely god daughter Baby Garcia" she introduced Baby, who nervously made her way to the microphone.

The band started to softly play and the whole crowd quietened down, all eyes on my baby as she began to sing.

"Say you love me to my face
I need it more than your embrace
Just say you want me, that's all it takes
Heart's getting torn from your mistakes"
Her voice was soft like silk, I felt it enveloping me as I stood watching her.

"'Cause I don't wanna fall in love
If you don't wanna try
But all that I've been thinking of
Is maybe that you might
And babe, it looks as though we're running out of words to say
And love's floating away"

She was slowly looking around the crowd and I was hoping her eyes would land on me, for her to just look at me once.

She finished the song and everyone started clapping, I found myself frozen on the spot, I could barely move after hearing her voice
But then I felt a swift nudge to my side and looked to see Arlo clapping and giving me a look telling me to clap too
I was snapped back into reality and started clapping for her.

She sauntered off the stage and quickly made her way through the crowd back to the group gathered around the fire.

"That was amazing" Grace said as she jumped up and hugged Baby
"Thank you" she giggled at Grace, smiling round at everyone and then turning to me

"You're back... well I mean, you were-" she stuttered over her words
"I know" I laughed awkwardly, wanting her to be closer to me

"Do you uh-" I cleared my throat
"Do you want to dance?" I asked nervously, trying to ignore the few giggles and snickers I could hear behind us from the guys
"Sure" she nodded, her small dainty hand slipping into mine

I smiled, a big genuine smile and began to lead her away, but I didn't even get a step before Knox came out of no where in front of us.
"Could I steal baby for a moment?" He smiled at us, I gritted my teeth trying to stop myself from saying something to him.

"What for?" She asked, her grip slowly slipping from my hand, causing me to grip her tighter
"I want you to meet some people" he smiled at her, grinning smugly at me

"Okay" she nodded
She turned round to me and smiled
"Save me a dance?" She suggested, I could only nod and smile at her, my jaw clenched and my hand reluctant to let her go
Her smile brightened and she let go, letting Knox lead her away.

I dropped my arm to my side, watching her disappear into the crowd of people.
"And.... rejected again" Brooke laughed, causing the rest of them to laugh along with her at my expense.

I turned to them and told them to shut up, moving to sit in one of the arm chairs, taking Arlo's drink from him and nursing it.
"Hey" Arlo shouted, I waved him off and stared into the fire, this was not what I wanted out of tonight.

Arlo stood up, extending a hand out to Grace and asking her to dance, she giddily took it and they swanned off to the dance floor, followed shortly after by Brooke and Jasper.

It had been an hour and a half since Baby had wandered off with Knox, he was no doubt trying to keep her away from me, I was still sat in the same chair by the fireplace
It was slowly dying out and a lot of people had begun to leave.

I sighed and finished the rest of drink number god knows what.
Most of the guys had left, Brooke and Jasper wanted a head start on their kid free weekend... fucking animals
Mum and dad had gone, along with Mr and Mrs Garcia, probably for a night cap.

It was another hour until the place was empty, the bartenders had left, the band was packing away, and everyone was gone
The hall was a vacant shell, streamers and balloons dotted around everywhere, empty glasses on every service, the fire was dead and the only person left in the room was me.

Well that's what I thought, until I got up to close the balcony doors, there were three, stretched out along the wall, each had their gold silk curtains blowing into the room from the night breeze.

When I got to the second door I noticed someone out on the balcony, with further inspection I found it to be my Baby
Stood near the stone railing, hair out of its updo and no shoes on her feet, she looked peaceful, like she belonged in that scene, the moonlight, the roses around her...

"Hey" I said softly, trying not to startle her, I wasn't sure what she was still doing here when everyone else had left
She looked a bit stunned at my intrusion but calmed down once she saw it was me
"Hey" she smiled lazily, turning her attention back to the night.

"What are you still doing here?" I asked, shrugging my waist coat off and hanging it over the railing... my suit jacket long forgotten by my seat at the fire.
"I wanted to wait for you... we haven't really seen each other much tonight" she commented, her snake tattoo only just visible through her dark strands of hair.

I was surprised at her answer, she didn't need to wait for me... I'm glad she did but she didn't need to.
"Oh... well, seeing as we're both still here, how about that dance?" I asked
She chuckled at me
"Now?" She asked, I nodded, taking her hand in mine and pulling her back into the ballroom

"But what about the music?" She asked,  looking over to where the band previously was as I kicked my shoes off
"Hang on" I said, jogging to the bar and looking for the record player stashed behind it
I pulled it out and set it up, listening as it started to play a soft melody

She smiled as she met me halfway, winding her hands around my neck and pulling me slightly closer.
I clasped my hands around her waist, we started to sway from side to side, not putting much effort into the dance as it was pretty late now and she looked quite tired.

We swayed for a while and then laid her head on my chest, she was so warm and her body fit perfectly against mine.

"Vincent?" Her voice was so quiet and tired I was afraid I was hearing things, I hummed in response, revelling in the feeling of having her close to me.
"Do you like me?" She asked, my body tensed at her words
Please don't tell me this is about what Gianna has told her.

"What do you mean?" I asked calmly
"Do you like me?..." she asked again, I cleared my throat, looking for the right words
"Of course" I answered shortly, she didn't move at all, just rested against me and let me slowly sway us
"No... I mean like... 'like' like me" she clarified

I took a deep breath and tried to think... should I tell her?
I mean... she's gonna find out about the wedding tomorrow anyway so maybe it might soften the blow if she knows how I feel about her.

"Yes... I do..." I took another breath, trying to find the words to comprehend how I feel about her
"I think you're perfect, everything about you is perfect, your hair, your eyes, your lips, your body... you- you're like the only thing that keeps me grounded, the only thing I've ever truly needed in life, you're like my other half, without you... I feel empty... incomplete... I- I love you" I said, feeling like an entire weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

But she didn't say anything, I waited... and waited, and she didn't say anything... oh god she doesn't like me, she doesn't fuckin like me
"Baby?" I asked... nothing
"Baby?" I asked again, looking down to the top of her head
She groaned in response, I pulled her away from me slightly, only to see that she was asleep.

Asleep... fuck how much of that did she actually hear?
She snuggled back into my chest after I had pulled her away, clearly not liking the uncomfortableness.
It felt nice... even thought she didn't hear me... it was nice to have her close to me, leaning on me, relying on me.

I sighed, I'd stay like this forever if I could, but she needed to go to bed, so I scooped her up in my arms and made my way out of the ballroom
Leaving the hall in disarray and half our clothing behind.

I carried her through the gardens, the air quite cold, so I tried to walk as quick as I could, wanting her to stay warm.
When we got into the house I carried her upstairs, finding her room.

I laid her down on the bed, leaving her in her dress but covering her with her blanket.
I unclasped her necklace and her earrings, putting them on her bedside table next to her.

I stood there for a moment, just looking at her, she was so beautiful, eyes closed and lips slightly parted.

I left her room, quietly shutting the door behind me, missing her already as I made my way to my room, loosening my tie even more and sighing as I sat down on my bed.

How much had she heard of my... declaration of sorts?

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