Chapter 3: Pranking Gone Wrong

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Last time we got to see how Daichi was adapting to his new home life. Of course Daichi is rather defensive around his adopted parents due to his past experiences. Although Noel and Flare don't plan on giving up on him.

Daichi never thought he'd see the day an adoptive family actually kept him for an entire week, but like most things involving Noel and Flare, normal was certainly not on the table. Daichi still didn't think the Knight and Half-Elf actually wanted him or that there wasn't some kind of ulterior motive. "Let's see how patient they are after I start messing with them!" Daichi thought to himself evilly as he entered the living room. Noel was currently spread out on the couch asleep as she had just got done with a stream. Daichi gently creeped up to the Knight so he wouldn't end up waking her up before he could get her.
                Daichi pulled out a black sharpie marker that he slowly and carefully uncapped. Daichi carefully began scribbling on the Knight's face, stopping whenever she moved or her body would shift slightly. Daichi stepped back as he looked over his work as his evil smirk only grew larger. "Have fun waking up to that." Daichi whispered before he took his leave from the living room as he creeped back to his room. Once Daichi was back in his room he unwrapped a lollipop before popping it in his mouth. Daichi know just had to wait until Noel woke up, and then she would be yelling for him to get downstairs.
            Flare entered the house as she just got back from the store, her and Noel would have to go grocery shopping soon, but she decided to pick things up for dinner. "Noel, I'm home!" Flare called out to her wife as she set the shopping bags down on the island. Flare heard footsteps as she turned to see Noel tiredly shuffling towards her. Flare covered her mouth and bit back a snort at the sight of Noel's face, she had sharpie marker all over it. "Welcome home Flare! How was the store?" Noel asked as she smiled at her wife. "I-It was good." Flare stuttered as she did her best not to start laughing.
Noel gave her a confused and concerned look at her strange behavior. "Flare, are you okay?" Noel asked as she tilted her head to the side in confusion. "Y-You....have something on your face!" Flare said before she finally burst out into a fit of laughter as Noel was taken aback by her reaction. Noel made her way to the downstairs bathroom in the hall as she looked at her reflection. Noel saw what made Flare laugh, the tip of her nose was colored in to look like a cat nose. Then there was three whiskers on both sides of her nose to complete the look.

           Noel let a small snort before she started chuckling at the sight of her own reflection as well. Noel exited the bathroom before rejoining Flare. "Daichi must've done this when I was napping after my stream!" Noel said as she still found herself chuckling a bit about the whole thing. "Well now you know not to nap around him, so what are you going to do about his little prank?" Flare asked as she gave her wife a curious look. "I'll go talk to him, might have to get my revenge." Noel said as she let a good natured smile before heading up the stairs towards Daichi's room.

In Daichi's Room
Daichi had heard Flare get back home around five minutes and knew that he was about be hearing some screaming. Daichi then heard footsteps climbing the stairs as a smile spread across his face. "Looks like it's the beginning of the end, now let's see how you really feel about me!" Daichi thought to himself before the door to his bedroom opened up. There was Noel standing in the doorway with the cat nose and whiskers still on her face. "Something wrong?" Daichi asked as he gave the Knight a smug smile. Noel sat down next to Daichi on his bed before smiling at him.
           Noel gently pinched Daichi's cheek as she gave him a warm smile. "No, nothing is wrong." Noel said simply as she let go of Daichi's cheek. Daichi was caught off guard by this, but decided to press a bit as he has had adopters that didn't immediately blowup on him. "Really? Looks like you got something on your face?" Daichi said as his evil smirk returned to his face. Noel giggled before petting him on top of the head. "You mean the cat whiskers? Do you think it's cute?" Noel said as she tilted her head to the side slightly as her smile never left her face.
              Daichi was both taken aback and slightly annoyed that Noel didn't even seem the slightest bit angry. "Aren't you upset? I drew on your face while you were asleep!" Daichi said as he was genuinely confused at the reaction he was receiving from the Knight. "No of course not! After all I think it looks cute." Noel said before she gently planted a kiss on Daichi's forehead before exiting his bedroom. Daichi was both stunned and annoyed by Noel's attitude towards him and his antics. "What was that?! She should be furious with me! Maybe drawing on her face wasn't enough?" Daichi thought to himself as he began planning his next move.

The Next Day
Daichi was ready to try his luck with Flare this time around. She was currently out on a walk, Noel had to go into some company building. "I got lucky! Noel had to go that Hololive place, now no one can catch me setting this all up!" Daichi thought to himself as he had a bucket of water on the ground next to him as he looked at the front door. "Now just to get this up into the doorway!" Daichi said as he opened the door slightly so the bucket could easily rest there. Daichi then raised his hands out in front of him as his pupils started to glow blue as a blue energy outlined his hands.
A blue outline surrounded the bucket as it floated into the air before it was gently set down on the doorway and top of the opened door. Daichi's pupils as he let out a sigh as everything was in place. "Now I just have to wait until Flare gets home!" Daichi said as he let his evil smirk spread across his face. Daichi turned to hide when he noticed that Flare's fairy-like panda friend Kintsuba was floating there and had seen everything he had just done.

"Shoot! I better catch him before he tries to escape and warn Flare!" Daichi thought to himself as he noticed that Kintsuba tried to fly away. Daichi raised his hand as his pupils glowed blue again as a blue outline appeared on Kintsuba.
Daichi pulled Kintsuba towards him as the panda couldn't break free of his power. "Oh no you don't! Last thing I need is you ruining this for me! So sit tight little guy." Daichi said as he opened a nearby drawer before trapping the little panda in it. Daichi heard footsteps approaching the front door as he quickly hid himself out of sight from the front door. "Here it comes, time for you to show your true colors!" Daichi thought to himself as his smile creeped across his face once again. The door opened and a splash is heard as Daichi rounds the corner to see the results.

Outside the House
Flare was returning from her walk as she thought about Daichi's behavior. "Well he pranked Noel, maybe that means he's finally starting to warmup to us? It's the most he's done since we took him in." Flare thought to herself as she continued on her way back home. "There's still the strange feeling I got when we first met him, maybe it was the anger he has bottled up?" Flare mumbled to herself as she noticed her house come into view. Flare made her way up the walkway towards the front door where she noticed that the front door was slightly ajar.
Flare felt her heart stop at the sight of the front door being slightly open. "Noel left half an hour after I started my walk, did she forget to close the door?" Flare thought to herself as she started to go through all the possible scenarios in her head. That was a very important thought crossed her mind which caused her heart to jump into her throat. "Daichi!" Flare said as she quickly rushed into the house worried over the young boy's safety. Flare felt herself get drenched as a bucket fell on top of her head, obscuring her vision so she couldn't see anything.
           Flare then heard Daichi's laugh as she lifted the bucket off from over her head and saw him standing there. "Was it hot out there? Your completely drenched!" Daichi said with another laugh as he looked at the drenched Half-Elf with amusement in his eyes. Flare remained silent as she just stared at the seven year old. Flare silently started walking towards Daichi as the boy stopped laughing, but still had that large smile spread across his face. Flare only had one goal in her mind, getting to Daichi as soon as she possibly can as he just stood there in silence.
               Daichi was a little nervous as Flare wordlessly approached him, but he was also excited. "That's it, get angry! Yell at me, send me to my room, smack me around! Prove that you are no different then the rest of them!" Daichi thought to himself as Flare had almost reached him as she seemed ready to strike. Daichi readied himself, but was surprised when the drenched Half-Elf dropped down onto her knees before pulling him into a tight, and wet hug. "Thank goodness! I thought someone broke in and hurt you!" Flare said in a trembling voice as she only seemed to tighten her hold on him.
            Daichi couldn't believe this, she was worried about him? "You can't be serious! You should be screaming your head off right now! Why would you be worried about me?!" Daichi demanded as he started to lose his cool similar to what happened with Noel yesterday. Flare meanwhile gave Daichi confused look of her own. "Daichi, when I saw the door open, I thought someone was in here and might have gotten their hands on you! A stupid prank is meaningless compared to your safety." Flare said before she gave Daichi a quick kiss on the cheek before she continued to hug him. Daichi remained silent, but inside he was currently fuming over another failure.

Half a Week Later
It has now been a full week and a half since he was taken in by the Shiranui-Shirogane couple adopted him and since he pulled his first two pranks. Daichi would've have tried the day after his prank against Flare, but since the Knight and Half-Elf would be expecting him to pull another prank on them. Now after biding his time, he would do something that was sure to get under the couple's skin. Daichi was in the kitchen while Noel and Flare were busy doing a collab stream. Daichi had taken all of the silverware out of the drawers and set them on the island.
               "Let's see if you can still talk all the kind words you want, this will get you angry!" Daichi said to himself as his pupils turned blue as all of the silverware floated into the air before the silverware began to twist and bend from Daichi's power. "This should do it, just gotta twist all this stuff enough that it's unusable!" Daichi said with a dark chuckle as he thought he finally won. Little sis he know that Kintsuba was spying on him before flying off towards the room where Noel and Flare were currently located at. Daichi just continued to carry out his plan.
              Flare and Noel had just finished up their stream as they exited Flare's office. "That was fun! We should grab Daichi and figure out lunch." Noel said as she stretched her body after sitting down for so long. "Maybe we could go out to lunch? After all Daichi hasn't been out of the house since we adopted him." Flare suggested as they continued on their way to find the boy. Kintsuba flew right up to Flare as he started twirling around in a panic over something. "Kintsuba? What's wrong?" Flare asked the little panda, who simply flew away towards the kitchen as both Noel and Flare was confused by the action.
"Maybe he wants us to follow him?" Noel suggested before they followed after the little panda. Noel and Flare made their way into the kitchen only to be shocked at the sight in front of them. In the middle of the kitchen was Daichi, his pupils a blue color as all the silverware was floating in the air while bending and contorting. "Daichi.....what are you doing?" Noel asked nervously at the sight she was witnessing. Daichi finally noticed them as he seemed to lock up at being caught using his power. Suddenly all of the silverware bended and flew wildly around the boy.

             Daichi couldn't believe that he was caught using his power, not once in the three years of being an orphan has he ever been caught using them by his adopters. Daichi started to hyperventilate as he didn't know how to deal with this as the silverware started to fly and bend more violently around him. "Noel, he's panicking, we need to calm him down." Flare said as she could tell things would only get worse if the boy becomes more distressed. Noel nodded before she started slowly walking towards the scared Daichi in hopes of not worsening his case.
"Daichi, it's okay. Flare and I aren't mad." Noel said in a soothing tone as she continued making her way to Daichi. "Stay away!" Daichi shouted in fear as the ruined silverware flew towards Bowl before hitting her in from all directions. The silverware barely fazed Noel as she got closer and closer to Daichi. "S-S-Stay a-away!" Daichi said as his voice grew more panicked as the silverware started to slam into Noel with more force. Noel let out a small hiss of pain, but still didn't stop making her way towards the distressed seven year old.
Noel finally reached Daichi before she crouched down and pulled him into a gentle hug. "It's okay Daichi, your okay. Can you please put the silverware down?" Noel asked in a soothing voice as Daichi's pupils returned to normal as all the silverware clattered to the ground. Daichi did something he hadn't done in a long time, he started crying as Noel continued to hug him as she gently shooshed him. After about ten minutes of crying, Daichi calmed down and passed out from a combination of his emotional outburst and the intense use of his powers.
Noel holds the unconscious boy as she looks over at Flare in worry. "I thought something was off about Daichi, but I never thought he would have powers like this." Flare mumbled to herself as she tried to process all of this new information. "What do we do Flare?" Noel asked as fear was evident in her voice. Flare thought for a moment before an idea came to her. "First we let Daichi rest and make sure he's okay. Then we'll take him to Hololive and have A-Chan and Sora take a look at him to figure out what exactly he's capable of." Flare explained as Noel nodded her head in understanding.
"T-Then what?" Noel asked as Flare noticed that her wife still seemed concerned about something. "Then we do everything to help our son, Daichi has been sent back to the orphanage to many times, we're not giving him up for anything." Flare said as she gave Noel a reassuring smile that the Knight returned. Noel and Flare carried Daichi up to his bedroom before tucking him into bed. Flare then planted a kiss on his forehead before they both exited his bedroom. "I hope A-Chan and Sora know what Daichi's power is, it will be hard to figure out how to help him if they can't." Noel said as Flare nodded in agreement before they both went about the rest of their day, their son's strange ability still fresh in their minds.

So Daichi attempted to prank both Noel and Flare, only for it to fail both times. Daichi also revealed that his has some kind of power he's able to use. This is a side story in lightningstormtc KFPVERSE that you should all go check out! The story this takes place alongside is Takamori Adopts a Child. As always please leave your thought and opinions in the comments! What exactly are Daichi's power? What will A-Chan and Sora be able to figure out? Find out in the next chapter of NoeFlare Adventures in Parenting!

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