Chapter 4: Hololive the Idol Agency?

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Last time Daichi attempted to pull pranks on Noel and Flare, only for his pranks were met with the opposite response he wanted. Daichi was eventually pushed to the edge as he was caught using a mysterious power of his.

Things had been interesting since the discovery of Daichi's powers by Noel and Flare earlier in the week. Daichi's standoffish attitude was replaced with a more reserved and nervous attitude. This made Noel and Flare concerned as instead of the usual spunky attitude they were used to, they were met with a timid and nervous attitude. Luckily the couple was planning on taking their son to Hololive HQ to see if A-Chan and Sora can figure out what exactly is Daichi's powers. The couple were in fact currently climbing the staircase towards the boy's bedroom.
              Noel and Flare both stood outside of Daichi's bed room as they both stared at the door in silence. "Should you go in? Or should I go in?" Noel asked nervously as she looked over at Flare with a curious and nervous look in his eyes. "I'll go in, I know that your nervous about all this." Flare said as she gave Noel a quick peck on the cheek before gently opening the door to their son's bedroom. Flare entered as she saw that Daichi was sitting on his bed while hugging his knees to his chest. "Daichi, are you ready to head out?" Flare asked as she sat down next to the boy before gently placing a hand on his shoulder.
Daichi looked up into Flare's eyes as he remained silent for a moment. "Yeah, I'm ready." Daichi said as he got up from his bed and was about to leave, but was stopped by Flare gently grabbing his arm. Daichi looked at the Half-Elf over his shoulder with silent fear in his eyes. Flare gently crouched down in Daichi as she placed her hands on both sides of his face. "Daichi, are you really okay? You were pretty upset when Noel and I caught you using your powers." Flare asked gently as she gave Daichi a reassuring smile. Daichi once again remained silent as he seemed to be thinking over his response.
"A-Am I a freak Flare?" Daichi asked as he had started addressing them with their names after they discovered his powers. Flare felt her heart sink at her son's words as her expression turned rather stern, which scared Daichi. "Daichi Shiranui-Shirogane, you are to never call yourself a freak again. Do I make myself clear young man?" Flare asked in a stern, but gentle tone as she waited for him to respond. "Y-Yes Ma'am." Daichi said nervously before Flare smiled at him before giving him a kiss on the forehead. "Now let's go meet some friends of mine and Noel's, they might be able to help figure out what your powers are." Glare said as she took Daichi's hand before walking out of the room together.

In the Car
Daichi looked at Flare and Noel from the back seat as he let his mind wonder to the recent events in his life. "Why? Why are they trying so hard to help me? Even after seeing my weird floaty trick, they still want me around, why?" Daichi thought to himself as he still couldn't figure out why Noel and Flare still wanted him. The truth was that for the longest time, Daichi felt like a broken toy, unwanted by all those who picked him up. They would play with him for awhile, but then he would break, back to the garbage can he would go, that's how it always turned out.
             Funnily enough the first time he returned to the orphanage after being returned by his first adoptive family was when he first discovered his little trick. He had been so upset that he ended up levitating his bed, and nearly flung it into the wall if he didn't pass out from the strain the first time use of his powers caused. "They know my floaty trick is dangerous, I hurt Noel with it, why aren't they taking me back to the orphanage?" Daichi thought to himself as this was the most confused he had been since his parents died and he was thrown into an orphanage.
"Daichi, are you okay?" Daichi was pulled from his thoughts as he looked up to see Noel looking at him with worry present in her eyes. Daichi was slightly taken aback by the question as no one who ever adopted him asked if he was okay, they just assumed he was okay since he was taken out of the orphanage. "Not really, I don't know what my floaty trick is." Daichi said honestly as he was always slightly concerned about what his floaty trick exactly was. "Don't worry Daichi, our friends will be able to figure it out. Then Flare and I will be able to help you with it." Noel said in a comforting voice as Daichi simply gave her a nod of his head.

At Hololive HQ
The family pulled up to an office building that has "Hololive" written on in in big blue letters, with a blue play button next to it. Noel and Flare exited the car before getting Daichi from the back of the car. "Noel?" Daichi said as he held the Knight's hand. "Yes Daichi?" Noel asked as she turned her attention towards the boy. "Your friends.....are they like you and Flare?" Daichi asked as he waited for the Knight to answer. "You mean are they supernatural? Yes, most of our friends are. Don't worry all of them are friendly, well for some of them it depends on their moods." Noel said as she thought about some of her friends/coworkers tend to act.
Daichi wondered what Noel meant by "depending on their moods" meant, but decided against asking any further questions for the moment. The family entered the building as they quickly got on the elevator to reach one of the upper floors. When the door opened, they were greeted by a woman with short blue hair. She had on a pair of glasses and was wearing an office worker attire.

"Noel, Flare it's good to see both of you." The woman said as she shook each of their hands. "Thank you for taking time out of your schedule to help us." Flare said as she gave the talent director an appreciative smile. "It's no problem, things have actually been a little slow around here lately." A-Chan said honestly before she finally turning her attention towards Daichi, who was silent.
           A-Chan crouched down before patting Daichi on top of the head. "It's nice to finally meet you Daichi. Seems like adoption has become a bit popular among our members. Hopefully it doesn't get to out of hand." A-Chan said before standing up and turning back to look at Noel and Flare. "Is it okay if I take Daichi back so Sora and I can figure out what exactly his abilities are? I'm worried if there are to many people it will overwhelm him." A-Chan reasoned as she hoped the couple would understand her viewpoint on the matter. Noel looked like she wanted to argue, but was stopped by Flare placing a gentle hand on her shoulder.
"That's fine, Daichi, Noel and I will be waiting right out here for you okay?" Flare said as she crouched down so she could look him in the eyes. "Okay Flare, your promise?" Daichi asked as he was understandably nervous. "I promise Daichi." Flare said as she gave the boy a quick kiss on the forehead before letting A-Chan take her son into another room. "Do you really think Daichi will be okay? His powers seem to go wild when he's upset." Noel asked as she was worried that Daichi would panic again. "It's fine Noel, A-Chan can handle it." Flare said in a reassuring tone as she took Noel's hand in hers.

In the Other Room
A-Chan sat Daichi down at a table as A-Chan sat across from him. A-Chan set out a bunch of marbles, small objects, and one of those puzzle cubes with all the colors. "Alright now just take your time, I'm simply here to observe your abilities." A-Chan said calmly as she waited for Daichi to do something with the objects. Daichi rubbed his arm as he looked around nervously as he wasn't used to using his powers in front of people. "I-I-I don't know if I can, I still don't fully know what my floaty trick is." Daichi said as he really didn't want to go through with using his powers.
A-Chan let out a sigh knowing that something like this might happen. "I figured you'd be nervous, luckily I was prepared for this. Sora could you please come in and help me?" A-Chan said as a girl with long brown hair approached the table before sitting down next to Daichi.

Daichi looked at the girl in both confusion and slight fear as the girl gave him a warm smile. "Hello Daichi, I'm Tokino Sora, Hololive's first Idol. It's nice to meet you." Sora said as she gave Daichi a pat on the head. "Idol? What's an idol?" Daichi said as he was confused by the mentioned job. "Idols are a type of entertainer, that's what Hololive is an entertainment company. Although it's more of a home for misfits at this point." A-Chan said in an unamused tone.
Daichi looked at the objects on the table in front of him and still wondered if he really should use his powers. "It's okay Daichi, no one will judge you here because of your abilities." Sora said in a reassuring tone as she gave him another gentle pat on the head. Daichi looked at Sora, then A-Chan before letting out a defeated sigh. Daichi looked at the objects on the table as his pupils turned blue. All the objects on the table floated into the air, the puzzle cube began spinning as it started to solve itself.

A-Chan and Sora both watched the objects floating and Daichi's glowing pupils. Daichi floats the objects for another two minutes before they all clattered back into the table as Daichi let out a tired sigh.
               "So A-Chan is there anything you were able to figure out?" Sora asked as she rested a comforting hand on Daichi's back as she looked at the talent director. A-Chan appeared to have a conflicted look on her face, but let out a sigh. "Let's get Noel and Flare in here, Daichi thank you for being a good sport about this." A-Chan said as she gave the boy an appreciative smile. Sora exited the room before coming back in with Noel and Flare. "Daichi, are you okay?" Noel asked as she quickly approached Daichi before quickly hugging him.
To Noel's surprise he returns the hug she was giving him. "I'm fine Noel." Daichi said before he broke the hug. "Daichi you can wait outside if you want, there's a couch if you want to take a nap." A-Chan said as the boy nodded before leaving the adults alone to talk. Once the door closed Noel and Flare turned to look at A-Chan. "So what exactly were you able to figure out?" Flare asked as she gave the talent director a curious look. "The levitating appears to have no magic relation. That being said it appears when he was levitating the objects on the table, all the mana in his body rushed to his head in a protective manner." A-Chan explained as it sparked a conversation about what this exactly means.

Outside the Room
Daichi was resting on the couch as he wondered what exactly they were talking about. "A-Chan? Where are you?" A female voice said as Daichi turned to see a girl with short brown hair with glasses in a pink hoodie. The most notable detail being her mechanical legs.

"A-Chan is talking with Noel and Flare." Daichi called out to the girl, who turned to look at him. "Oh! You must be Noel and Flare's son, Daichi, I'm Roboco, it's nice to meet you." Roboco said as she sat down next to the seven year old. "I'm here to figure out what my floaty trick is." Daichi said as Roboco gave him a confused look.
            Daichi's pupils turn blue as he made a nearby rolling chair float a few inches off the ground before his eyes went back to normal as the chair clattered to the ground. "That's my floaty trick." Daichi said as he looked back over at Roboco, who's eyes seemed to be analyzing him. "Is something wrong?" Daichi asked in slight fear at the intense stare Roboco was currently giving him. Roboco snapped out of her stupor before refocusing. "Sorry, I was just checking something." Roboco said as she returned to normal. The door opened as Noel and Flare walked up to Daichi.
             "Are you ready to head home Daichi?" Noel asked as Daichi gave her a tired nod, which caused the Knight to scoop him up into her arms. Roboco stopped Flare by grabbing her arm. "What is it Roboco?" Flare asked as she gives the robot a curious look. "Daichi showed me his trick, my scanners picked up an extremely heightened amount of brain activity. There might be more to his abilities then we thought." Roboco said as Flare gave her a nod of understanding. "Make sure to take care of him, I'll bring this up with YAGOO." Roboco said before she let the family walk off before turning to head to another part of the building.

YAGOO's Office
A man was sitting behind a desk as he was doing paperwork until it was interrupted by Roboco entering his office. "Roboco, what can I do for you?" The man asked as he gave the robot girl a curious look. "Mr. YAGOO, I witnessed Daichi's abilities for myself." Roboco started as YAGOO was half listening as he was still doing his paperwork. "Really? I'm assuming it was just standard magic like I assumed when A-Chan mentioned the call Flare gave her the other day." YAGOO said as he expected it to be nothing out of the origination for them.
              "Actually sir, when activating his powers there was an extreme spike of heightened brain activity." Roboco said as YAGOO dropped his pen before looking up at Roboco. "To think I would finally found him." YAGOO said as Roboco just gave him a confused look. "Roboco, alert all Hololive members to be prepared for a Code Silver." YAGOO said as Roboco's look only became more confused. "Why sir?" Roboco asked as she titled her head to the side in confusion. "Because when they kidnap Daichi, the city could become a war zone." YAGOO said as Roboco nodded in understanding before going off to update everyone.

So Daichi went to Hololive HQ and had his powers examined by A-Chan. Although it appeared not much was made of it. Once again this is a side story to lightningstormtc Takamori Adopts a Child, please go check it out as their both apart of the KFPverse! As always leave your thoughts and opinions in the comments. What exactly are Daichi's powers? Who exactly is "They" and what would they want with Daichi? Find out in the next chapter of NoeFlare Adventures in Parenting!

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